Comments: 81
RenDragonClaw In reply to ??? [2018-09-22 07:07:56 +0000 UTC]
She's one of the better monsters from the old KAS project. A LOT of detail and time went into her construction.
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StevenSerisawa In reply to RenDragonClaw [2018-09-22 07:13:11 +0000 UTC]
Indeed she is, still not sure how I stumbled upon this by typing in bugers XD, but I am glad I did. And yeah I can see most of that, this profile is LONG, pretty much all the work you did is right there.
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RenDragonClaw In reply to OtachiKaiju68 [2018-02-17 08:36:04 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, in the setting she was for, all the Greek Monsters were kaiju and full characters in their own right. So they are literally a fusion of three separate monsters. Splitting her name into the three syllables came naturally once I started thinking of the Chimaera as a creature that was three people sharing one body.
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lovehurtslol [2017-11-11 16:17:08 +0000 UTC]
Love the lions paws
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Blacknsilver [2011-09-24 08:37:45 +0000 UTC]
thats alot of typing.. o.o Any who. love the drawing. now i shall go rest my eyes from all the reading...
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masonday [2011-08-30 23:59:45 +0000 UTC]
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masonday [2011-07-01 15:21:30 +0000 UTC]
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rakaru [2011-03-19 05:26:52 +0000 UTC]
If Chi is a female lion who come she has a mane?
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RenDragonClaw In reply to rakaru [2011-03-19 07:30:20 +0000 UTC]
Good question. The answer has to do with the way Greek sculptors represented Lions.
The Greeks gave both sexes manes but only allowed the females to show the ears. This was to indicate that the males had larger, thicker manes that engulfed the ears.
Thus, Greek lions of either sex both have manes but the ears are only visible on the females.
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rakaru In reply to RenDragonClaw [2011-03-19 14:11:13 +0000 UTC]
Ah thank you.
Anyway love the kaiju
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qmaster97 [2010-12-25 02:50:00 +0000 UTC]
dude this is awesome, I've never seen a chimera like this but i don't care it rules
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cattoo444 [2010-11-16 17:14:10 +0000 UTC]
really cool drawing
(too long diddnt read) lol
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The-Great-MM [2010-10-24 22:58:27 +0000 UTC]
I know you wanna' punch me for not getting to this sooner, Ren, but better late than nevah.
That's all I got.
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TyrantisTerror [2010-10-17 22:39:26 +0000 UTC]
So yeah... holy shit, Ren. This is just epic on all freaking levels! The first thing I noticed (besides you making the traditional Chimaera look work better than I could have hoped) was the neat color contrast you worked in. Separating the three portions of the creature by not only the primary colors (for their scales/fur) but also the secondary colors (eyes), with each portions two colors being the contrasting ones on the color wheel... that's just damn genius. Do you get this? This is so genius I'm praising the freaking COLORING!
The creation and backstory of Chimaera was excellently done. I felt so much for the characters - not just Chi, Mae, and Ra, but Ethon and the other Atlantean beasts as well. Ethon in particular, actually - you and Kaijucene have really fleshed him out. I loved the battle scenes in particular, as all four of the main characters shined so much. Seeing Ethon avenge his siblings against Bellerophon was great, and both that and the way Bellerophon defeated Chimaera were wonderful nods to the myths that inspired them (or, in KAS, they inspired).
The modern day segment is awesome as well, with the Grim/Shimaku/Ultramaiden Taylor team-up being a surprising and delightful twist. The fight was fantastic, particularly when our heroes made a chimera of their own - just the right kind of campy. Again, you have a real knack for kaiju characterization, and I think you handled all the kaiju very well. I'm going to have to play with the Hydra/Shimaku dynamic myself when I get around to posting my entries for this little story arc.
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RenDragonClaw In reply to TyrantisTerror [2010-10-18 00:10:06 +0000 UTC]
Lol, you're the first person to notice the eyes and color combo here. I did indeed do that on purpose in order to enhance each part. It also somewhat explains the Roman painting phenomenon, perhaps in KAS Chimaera was an artistic inspiration.
Bellerophon is something I should really draw sometime. Time permitting but the holidays are closing in so we'll see. I did the appropiate research and hinted at his personality and exploits before exacting righteous judgement on him. Ethon is probably one of my favorites of the group simply because there is so much you can do with him. So far for the Hero Project we have Argos (the hundred eyed giant that beat Echidna while she slept and was ironically done in by Hermes in the same way), Bellerophon (arrogant and strangely chaste hero that slew Chimaera and rode Pegasus. Struck down by Zeus via gadfly and was blinded and crippled upon falling into a briar patch), and Heracles (who took down or dealt with most of Echidna's children before being finally done in by a tainted tunic curtesy of Hera and self immolation). I've dicussed Argos at length with pokeboo during his Pythos entry.
I've considered it a possibility for Argos to be smuggled into Atlantis during the final days in order to get close enough to subdue Echidna and be consequently dealt with by an Atlantian original settler named Hermes who is cunning enough to discover Argos's weakness and disable him. Heracles I've already hinted at shooting Ethon as an addition to his involvement. Thanks to Pokeboo we now have an answer for 'the gods' who I take to be the original settlers of Atlantis kept alive via sophesticated technology, much like the Gahul of SG1. One of the other developements he created was that when the decision to put down Typhoon is made, the remaining children still active rebel along with Pythos in an attempt to save their father/mate/son. I consider Chimaera, Ethon, Ladon, Nemea and Hydra to be in stasis recovery when this occurs. This would leave the remaining children, Echina, Pythos and the Medusae and other mythic races to contend with. This would be useful in supporting the temperment toward humanity that AK established. Though from pokeboo's description its as if Atlantis had to seal up all of them at once to avoid destruction. What I've noticed though is that regardless of how many kaiju rebelled or not, Atlantis would be without kaiju guardians from that point on. Leaving them vulnerable to whatever calamity was exacted on them.
I hope Scatha keeps in touch about Nemea's backstory or is willing to Collab. I got a pretty graphic yet suitably epic and in myth way for him to survive yet still have Heracles triumph over him and wear his pelt. I'm of the idea that the more advanced the Hero Project got, the more sophisticated the AI became. Bellerophon is a good example of how far it can go. Heracles I imagine to be a combination of Argos's power with Bellerophon's intelligence. Something of a GAR barbarian golem with Arnold like machoism and 'result excuses the method' kind of mindset. His tweleve labors being a code name for a Hyperborean mission statement. Maybe even something of a 'man in the machine' kind of plot device. Instead of trying to turn a machine into a man, they take a man and make him into a machine. Like Heracles was a legendary Hyperborean general that got nearly killed and instead of living like a cripple, ops to become the core of a warmachine and then proceeds to wreck havoc on Atlantis. Maybe even loses his family upon his first uncontrollable entry into the golem and dedicates himself to the task of being its core to atone himself.
Getting kinda crazy up here but I find it easier to write like this since DA's note system is borishly slow and I have to use a notepad to copypasta stuff in. Anyway thanks for the support TT. Looking forward to eventual developements from your end of things.
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TyrantisTerror In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-18 00:28:27 +0000 UTC]
Yes, the plot is developing excellently. Some good food for thought regarding Heracles too - I've got some sketches of his golem form in the works, along with ideas for some of the other Hyperborean heroes (Jason, Odysseus, Theseus, and Bellerophon, I believe). I'll try to spread them around to you and the other collaborators sometime this week - preferably before I get Sphinx's file up.
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RenDragonClaw In reply to TyrantisTerror [2010-10-18 00:31:35 +0000 UTC]
Please do, I mean I got an image of what Bellerophon looks like but its always nice to see what others would come up with.
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RenDragonClaw In reply to AndrewDent [2010-10-07 23:39:01 +0000 UTC]
The Chimera/Chimaera is quite an interesting creature. Translating her into a giant monster form akin to Godzilla was quite fun.
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AndrewDent In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-07 23:51:13 +0000 UTC]
Makes me think of the Chimeras from GoW III. Those where a blast to fight XD
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RenDragonClaw In reply to AndrewDent [2010-10-08 00:08:00 +0000 UTC]
I sort of used one among lots of classic depictions for reference. I read that Hades Children 2 uses Chimeras instead of Ogre Enforcers...supposedly one of the most insane challenges ever devised.
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AndrewDent In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-08 01:08:44 +0000 UTC]
Holy hell, yes it is X_X I beat it, but f**k was it tough...
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JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2010-10-06 05:48:57 +0000 UTC]
Story was pretty epic, and the design is awesome.
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Elitekaiju [2010-10-06 01:01:30 +0000 UTC]
"Lamenting how he was never going to get laid"
Honestly, I couldn't stop laughing for a while. Other than that another awesome entry from the legendary RenDragonClaw.
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Ravensaurs-Rex [2010-10-06 00:17:29 +0000 UTC]
The three, personallity wise, remind me of Chimera from the "Yet Another Fantasy Comic" and are win!
I have to say Ra is my fave of the three, but I like them all. It's interesting to have both a great femme kaiju as well a crazed joker kaiju in the same body. In any case it's good to see another monster from the Ren family tree.
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RenDragonClaw In reply to Ravensaurs-Rex [2010-10-06 00:34:46 +0000 UTC]
Ra is pure lawlz. Adding a bit of a twist to the 'color coded for your convience' type design Chimaera has. There are a lot of themes going on in Chimaera's design and Ra brings a lot of attention to himself regardless of his 'assinine' position.
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Scatha-the-Worm [2010-10-05 22:50:33 +0000 UTC]
First of, this is goddamn amazing, Ren.
The design, which is incredibly beastly and vicious looking, yet intelligent and oddly pretty, is awesome. The three parts all look like they were supposed to be together from the start, and not just slapped together after a horrible battle. Which is an amazing feat, really, since I didn't actually think anyone could do that-I've always thought that the three headed Chimera looked...silly.
This does not in any way look "silly".
I also love the gold scaling that runs through all the heads, really awesome detail that is.
Second, that story is insane. I read every damn bit of it, though, and was extremely satisfied. Bellerephon is a dick supreme, and I'm glad Ethon gave him what for. The powers being both individual and combined is an incredible idea, and one that makes a lot of sense considering her origins. It also gives me a bit of a starting point for Nemeus' personality and story, so thanks for that.
Third, if you think I'm gonna type a story like that, you are crazy. XD
As a curious thought, do the others have any control over Ra's body's movements? And if so, do they ever get really pissed at him and just...shake him wildly until he pukes?
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RenDragonClaw In reply to Scatha-the-Worm [2010-10-05 23:25:47 +0000 UTC]
Just so you know, I imagine Nemea having a personality akin to Leonidas. He just strikes me as a Leonidas type character. In designing the lion part of Chimaera I wanted to make her as different as possible from the iconic male lion that Nemea will probably be. Fun fact, the greeks cave both female and male lions manes but only showed the ears on the females because the mane on a male is bigger. Thus I luckily made her ears visible and designated her appropiately female. I'd make Nemea's mane bigger to hide his ears for this reason. Wiki says he's golden which I can take to mean the usual lion hide or he really was a metallic looking gold/bronze. Being effectively invulnerable to conventional assualt he also strikes me a more defensive character than Chi since he can weather just about any assualt and calmly swipe his enemy's head off with his 'sword slicing claws'. Yeah, Nemea was a badass mofo for sure. I'd keep in touche with TT concerning Heracles's role in choking him out. Like what the colossi looks like and such. I gave general descriptions of Bellerophon and Argos here. Going off the lance riding pegasus and hundred eyes motif respectively.
Chimaera's story is only so long because there was a time before she was merged together and what happens in the future during the actual KAS story line. Thus epic short story. Good eye on that gold scaling. Using it to connect them all together is exactly what I was going for.
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Scatha-the-Worm In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-05 23:48:43 +0000 UTC]
I've actually got him all drawn, and you can see the tips of his ears, but not as much as here. Still, he'll probably come very last, as like you said, TT's input will help a lot and I'm not sure what he has on Heracles, if he has anything yet at all.
A dark, bronze-y gold would probably look really good with a black mane, yes?
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RenDragonClaw In reply to Scatha-the-Worm [2010-10-06 00:01:50 +0000 UTC]
DEFINITELY, I forgot to mention the black mane which would look awesome with a beard lol.
Also to answer your earlier question concerning Ra, I doubt the other two would ever want to do that to him since they share the same stomache. He vomits they all lose their lunch though in his case it would take longer to come out. He has total control of that tail portion since he is the tail but he can surrender some control when they need to balance during a chase or something. If he wanders too far afield and is being a dick Mae is the one that tases him into submission. If he's just being annoying they might collectively sit on him and bat him in the head a few times. An arguement between Chi and Ra has lead to hilarious cases of her trying to chase him and having her effectively trying to catch her own tail. Mae hates this as it makes her dizzy so she shocks both of them. Chi recovering first while Ra gets dragged comically behind them.
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WhiteFireRodan [2010-10-05 22:23:10 +0000 UTC]
If there is any term I could use, it would be "TLDI." But I risked reading it anyway, and it's an awesome read AND an awesome kaiju. The personality stuff was hilarious, and I never knew the kaiju could talk too! I'll bet if they actually HAD voice actors that Chi would be voiced by Angelina Jolie, Mae by Carrie-Anne Moss *coughTrinitycough*, and Ra by Jack Black for comedy.
As for Chimaera herself, that is one awesome kaiju, the best I've seen for All-Stars. For something that looked so transgender and downright bizzare in the original myths, you made her quite badass. The snake belly looks a little off-axis, but that's okay because she's a little mutated herself. The fact that you made her three separate kaiju that fused into one gives you a perfect ten, so to speak, for originality. My guess is that she's True Neutral overall - I was thinking Fire/Poison at first, but now that I've read the bio I suppose Fire/Dragon, or even pure Dragon, would be a better choice.
As for my own KAS, I have one coming right up. You'd be surprised what I have in store for her.
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