RenDragonClaw — KAS Chimaera

Published: 2010-10-05 06:24:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 30003; Favourites: 290; Downloads: 0
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Description 'I must warn you, this is a little over 12 pages lol so bear with me. If you have any questions READ IT YAH PANSIES'

Name: Chimaera (lion: Chi, goat: Mae, snake: Ra)
Alias’s: The Rampager, Living Chaos
Factions: Echidna's Brood
Alignment: Chi: Chaotic Good, Mae: Chaotic Neutral, Ra: (affably) Chaotic Evil, in general: Chaotic Neutral (and every so once in awhile Chaotic Stupid)
Kaiju Rank: 4
Height: 50 meters at the shoulder
Length: 60 meters long, 240 including ‘tail’
Weight: 600,000 tons (it’s all muscle)


Tri-chambered mind- Chimaera has three separate brains sharing the same body and they are all connected. This is quite a boon when facing something capable of probing minds or affecting a kaiju’s mental state. If one of them is attacked, the other two will mentally jump in and together cause such a brain shattering overload of information (twisting in three directions no less) that it can knock a psychic kaiju unconscious. It would take three such kaiju to deal with Chimaera, one for each head and even then it is an uphill battle as they will juggle between their opponents often. This also allows Chimaera to strategize quite effectively and multitask with precision as long as all the heads agree on what they are doing.

Elemental Catastrophe Cannon- The ECC is Chimaera’s greatest weapon and has different effects when fired from each head. Chi breathes a beam of explosive energy, Mae generates a shockwave, and Ra sprays a boiling, electric, hazardous, chemical cocktail. It works via the three choosing a head and channeling the other two‘s elemental power to it. This allows Chimaera to use its power in a number of ways to handle a variety of opponents. The beam is strong enough to heavily injure a rank 5, the shockwave can stun other rank 4’s and knock down any lower ranked kaiju in the area, the chemical spray can dissolve the hardest armors and hides and is extremely debilitating when exposed to organs and soft flesh. This power exhausts Chimaera however and can only be used once every hour and no more than 4 times a day.

Unflankable- Chimaera has three sets of eyes, stereoscopic, panoramic, and heat sensitive respectively. This gives her a massive field of vision that easily covers 360 degrees. It is nearly impossible for Chimaera to not see an enemy coming from any direction. Her other senses are just as keen and she’s just as good at tracking down quarry as she is at spotting enemies and other hidden things. Needless to say, Chimaera can fight in just about any direction, at anytime, against multiple opponents.


Volcanic Breath- (Chi), This powerful attack is delivered by the lion head Chi. It is a powerful gout of sulfurous fire and brimstone that not only burns as hot as lava but if breathed in can have some nasty side effects. It will literally clog the lungs and create intense internal burning that can cause even other fire breathers to gag and clutch their chests in pain; quite useful on anything remotely combustible.

Maul of the Pride- (Chi), The lion forequarters are immensely muscled and armed with mighty claws that can shred substances as hard as bedrock. A single blow from one of these paws can outright cripple any kaiju two ranks below her and greatly lacerate anything around her rank. The claws can also super heat to white hot temperatures to increase its lethality. Her jaws are no joke either, delivering several thousand pounds of pressure to anything unfortunate enough to be caught.

Thunder Horn- (Mae) The central goat head is located dead center on a massive network of nerves. Like most kaiju likewise equipped, Mae can utilize this ambient bio-electricity to shock anything that touches her. Combined with a skull shattering headbutt this can be deadly. She can easily puncture moderately armored kaiju with a deft side lash or two and zap their insides. Getting gored by Mae is insanely painful.

Growing the Neck Beard- (Mae) One would think her position on Chimaera would make Mae’s combat options limited and awkward. Not true. Mae is able to stretch her neck to three times its normal length to easily strike targets in front, or to the side. The only place she really can’t reach is behind her. Her neck is thick with elastic muscle which provides all the power she needs for those massive headbutts.

Acid Snipe- (Ra), The sole male presence on Chimaera and taking up the rear, Ra uses his bone ridge jaws to cleave anything he can reach (which is almost anything). His saliva is a powerful acid that just it makes it easier for him to rip out chunks of flesh and slurp them down. His strikes are lightning fast and the directions of his attacks are insanely unpredictable. He also has the farthest range of the three heads, capable of spitting a ‘bullet’ of acid like a professional sniper that can easily penetrate the defenses of any lower ranked kaiju or a higher ranked kaiju’s vital points. His actual sight is limited though, being a snake and all, thus he relies on Mae or Chi to spot for him with latitude and longitude points.

Lash and Coil- (Ra), Ra doesn’t choose one method of serpent combat over another, he indulges in both and switches between the two on the fly. He can go from crushing a kaiju’s windpipe one second to biting them in the ass the next. Being held off the ground by Mae’s posterior, Ra has a strong fulcrum to strike from and his back spines make effective weapons in doing so. Out of the three he is also the only one that can breathe water through a series of three glands on either side of him. This allows him to search for prey in the water or things lurking in it.


Always Arguing, All the Time- Chi, Mae and Ra could not be more different if they tried. Their clashing personalities can lead to an opponent taking advantage of their indecision in any number of ways. If pressed though, the three are quick to come to snap decisions together to quell a threat. They’ve been through too much together to just give up and abandon ship but even so, they will ‘debate’ something for hours if left to their own devices.

Elemental Suffrage- Each component of Chimaera has its own share of elemental weaknesses. Chi is vulnerable to caustic liquids, Mae can’t cope with fire, and Ra is easily paralyzed by electricity. Ironically, the greatest threat to Chimaera might just be itself…which would probably be the case if the three were actually capable of reaching each other in any threatening way; however none of them appreciate ice and loath any creature that dares to bring it against them.

Off With Their Heads- In the event that any of the heads of Chimaera are removed, their entire nervous system goes into shock and it takes them quite a bit to readjust. If all three are removed and stay removed for an hour than it will die, however the core of Chimaera is not the individual brains and thus it can eventually reattach them to itself if given the chance. The body will move on its own to accomplish this with unbelievable tenacity. Removing the heads is something of a double edged sword as the remaining heads, once readjusted, have more control over the body. This had lead to hilarious comeback victories such as when Ra was the sole head on the body and tore the arms off the enemy just so he could pin the creature down backwards and smother it to death with Mae’s giant, hairy rear. To this day he can’t tell you whether it died of blood loss or suffocation. The other two will claim it was humiliation that did the creature in.

Straight Through the Heart- Chimaera has only one true vital point, its heart. Chi’s massive chest protects this powerful, multichambered organ and it’s the reason she’s so well armed to defend it. It generates an intense amount of heat, enough to melt an entire city block. It is covered in nerves and powers the other two nerve clusters that connect to the other two heads. Should something…like a giant lead spear, pierce this organ, it can have lethal effects; though a truly mortal blow would have to be delivered point blank and dead center. The last time Chimaera was so injured she was lucky to be ‘grazed’ by the initial blow and molten lead that leaked into the wound gummed up the works and disabled a majority of her motor functions. Today she is EXTREMELY protective of it now and anything resembling a spear will promptly face annihilation.

Danger Above, Fear Below- Chimaera is truly Unflankable…except from two directions: directly above and directly below. Her field of vision does not carry that far up all the time and she’ll never know what’s underneath her if Ra hasn’t put his head down to check for vibrations. It was an aerial attacker that nearly killed her last time as her generally most powerful weapons can’t reach that high and the ones that can are dodgeable.

Chimaera is three kaiju in one, brought together by fate and a chance at survival. Each one has a rather specific personality and while a kaiju might find common ground with one or even two of them, it’s likely the last one will hate your guts for whatever reason. Chi is a rebellious but honest and honorable creature that values what it seeks to protect but doesn’t much care for the collateral damage she causes. She’s more than willing to level an entire city just to bring down one despicable enemy. She is brutally tenacious and proud, relishing combat like the blood knight she is. To her, falling in battle against a worthy opponent would be the greatest fate she could hope for. She’s a passionate fighter of tyranny and cruelty, willing to go the extra mile to turn every inch of those who carry such values to ash. She sees it as her obligation to protect the other two though finds Ra’s selfishness to be tiresome and at times abhorrent. She’s very self reliant and dislikes creatures that cling to others for help. Mae is the stoic, apathetic and bored but carrying a world of knowledge up in that head. She feels many things are ‘boring as Hades’ and just not worth the effort. She’s extremely eccentric and will cycle through various ticks on a weekly basis. Mae generally doesn’t mean ill to anyone so long as they don’t bother her but she’ll occasionally rouse interest if they come across something new. In which case she becomes quite stubborn on investigating it; she prefers to speak to creatures on a similar intellectual level and finds Chi’s passionate idealism to be wasteful. She doesn’t much like Ra’s penchant for deriving entertainment at everyone else’s expense either. She does however concede that Chi is a good leader and the stronger fighter while Ra can actually keep up in terms of wit. Ra…is to put it bluntly affably insane. He views everything with manic amusement, not caring for the consequences as long as it keeps him happy and not bored. If Chimaera is responsible for any cruel and frequently unusual attack its likely Ra’s doing. He’ll almost always greet something with an insult wrapped in good cheer which always leaves people wondering if he actually means anything he says. A real world analogy would be that Ra is the kaiju incarnation of ‘Happy Snake’ and lives to pursue his own happiness regardless of the consequences. He loves teasing and provoking Chi to no end and only really minds himself around Mae who inevitably shuts him up with a humbling line of logic and curt electric shock should he wander too far in front to indulge himself. Ra LOVES humans who he sees as food, entertainment, and an exploitable resource all in one, if they show resistance all the better! On the rare occasion the three aren’t fighting an enemy, destroying something or arguing, they will find a nice grassy field by a river and lay down for a lazy evening of doing absolutely nothing. Mae will chew on the grass, and any trees nearby while Ra busies himself either by checking for vibrations, fishing in the river, or toying with any herds (or people) of whatever that wander by. Chi prefers to nap or sharpen her claws on something. They don’t take well to be being disturbed during these quiet moments and all three will generally want to maul the offender to an inch of their lives for doing so. Chi wanting to assert her dominance, Mae wanting the nuisance gone as soon as possible and Ra wanting to gleefully torture the poor soul in the most amusing way possible.

The mighty Chimaera, an old Greek icon of chaos and the fury of nature. A terrible monster that terrorized the country side of Lycia and was thankfully slain by the hero Bellerophon…or was it? In the event it was not truly slain then how did it survive and in what manner did it truly live? As with many things in the age of the ancient empire war, the truth was truly stranger than fiction. Chimaera had perhaps the most ‘lively’ of fates of all the sired children of Echidna and would be instrumental in the rise and fall of both mighty civilizations in whose war she participated.

Chimaera was once three separate kaiju, born at the same time. Atlantis was pressured from the war to create more monsters quickly and sought to induce a set of triplets from Echidna. The results were extremely varied and one would never know they were related to each other at first glance. Chi was a powerful crimson lion of fire, a friendly but more aggressive rival to her elder brother Nemea and a formidable fighter. Mae was a massive goat of lightning, horns curled into spears and fur like a thunder cloud weaved into hair. She was lethargic and uninspired with the mundane, having intelligence that defied human convention. Last was Ra, a sun colored serpent over three lengths as long as the other two and with a bubbly wit as baleful as the acid that dripped from his jaws. The three were extremely different from each other and honestly preferred to go about their own business. Mae was a detached source of information, Chi an eager warrior for the homeland and Ra…was content to whimsically stain the image of serpent kind into eternity with his cruel and unusual sense of humor. Despite their great differences, the three would inevitably be drawn back together, using whatever excuse was convenient for either. It was like they were meant to be one yet were separate…

The war against Hyperborea was at an all time high and their defenses kept Atlantis from gaining ground. Hyperborea intended to outlast and eventually squeeze Atlantis entirely off the mainland through whatever means necessary. While many of the kaiju were powerful guardians that could drive out enemy forces, not many had the aptitude to drive a burning rift into Hyperborea itself. Atlantis decided to experiment…and force the three siblings to work together as a group on the battlefield. At first it went about as the critics expected it would: Chi jumped headlong into the fray and was eventually forced back once exhausted, Mae refused to join in and just shocked or headbutted anything that got near her, and Ra spent his time heckling the enemy general and seeing how many golems he could deck in the face…with Atlantian citizens. Their elder siblings found them embarrassing and Ethon was outright furious at all three of them for not doing as they were told. Chi argued, Mae ignored, and Ra politely asked him to fetch some spices so he’d have something to make his avian brother taste better. This would be the beginning of many such exchanges between the Herald and the Rampager for years to come. Eventually, the three began to slowly start helping each other as none of them found losing to be all that fun. They realized that they covered their respective weaknesses and they were much more effective together than they ever were apart. So it was that Hyperborean’s southern push was halted and ‘the three demons’ began taking things back bit by bit. The Hyperborean capital was in an outrage as the three defied convention and all possible logic with their seemingly random assaults that nonetheless had catastrophic impact on their war effort. It all came to a head when, defying orders (again), the three decided to sneak into the Hyperborean capital and raise hell. Chi wanted to prove herself to her family by doing something incredibly heroic, Mae wanted to analyze the capital and its technology and Ra just wanted to ‘play’ with the citizenry. With a clever plan from Mae, and a distraction from Ra, Chi was able to leap her way into the heart of Hyperborea. She was the first Atlantian kaiju to actually breach its walls and her roar invoked primal terror into the sheltered Hyperboreans as they fled…right into Ra’s acidic breath. It was complete chaos and the three made a mockery of the interior defenses. Hyperborea was unprepared for such an event; they put so much effort into their exterior fortifications and only expected one Atlantian kaiju at a time. They had never been attacked by three kaiju working in unison before!

Little did the three know what was lurking within the confines of Hyperborea’s mighty armory. The massive gates groaned and the three stopped to look what was headed their way. It was a golem but it was so much more sophisticated, being human shaped and massive. This titanic construct was called ‘Argos’ and it was the first in a line mighty war colossi known as the Hero Project. Unlike Tamotahn who was off site guarding a rural city state as part of his monthly guard cycle, Argos was a destroyer. It was made for the intent of ENDING a kaiju, its size alone indicated that it could fight evenly with the likes of Typhon. It wasn’t ‘quite’ finished, only 60 of its 100 optic ports were functional but it was operational and it would strike back at the creatures that had dared to venture into the sacred bosom of its home land. The three did not heed the wavering feeling of impending dread, high on the fires of war as they were. They assaulted the ancient mecha and for a moment it paused and did nothing. Its 60 eyes lit up a brilliant white and all hell broke loose….
The three scrambled out of the capital as best they could, limping and screaming in terror as the goliath automation droned out its declaration of murderous intent. Despite its insane physical strength and indomitable defense…Argos was quite slow and was slowly losing its quarry. Not wanting to fail in its objective, Argos tore a massive chunk out of the landscape and channeled immense kinetic energy into it. Mae could barely bleet out a warning before the island sized chunk of earth was hurled at them like the fist of an angry god. They had just hobbled over into the river when it struck them. The massive, energized boulder exploded into dozens of fragments as three dark shapes were swept away…Argos however could go no further. It had exhausted its primitive and inefficient power supply and had to use what was left to stride back into the capital. It had decided that its mission was a success and did not waste a second thought on its three defeated opponents as it stepped back into the armory.

Barely alive and crippled beyond belief, the three washed up several miles downstream. Chi was missing her entire lower torso, Mae was missing her whole chest and front legs, she was barely conscious. Ra was, for once in his existence, extremely bitter that he had lost what had amounted to his lower portion. Lamenting how he was never going to get laid. This managed to get a chuckle and a wheeze from his compatriots who had finally found one of his jokes funny. As it turned out, three of their brothers were out looking for them. Nemea, Orthrus, and strangely Ethon were all out looking for the wayward trio and intent on bringing them home. Instead of finding the three bored or harassing the populace, they found them on death’s door and acting quite out of character. Ethon was forced to curb the epic lecture he had brewing as he saw what a horrible state they were in. Easily remembering protocol, Ethon ordered them to seize the one they could best carry, him taking Ra since he was the least injured and could handle flight despite how much the snake protested. Nemea took Chi and Orthrus took Mae as they ran back to Atlantis as fast as they could. Ethon made it there first to prepare for the other two. Echidna and Typhon were sorrowful and beside themselves at the state of their youngest children at that time. The Atlantian council where grilling Ethon for details to which the eagle could only present what little he knew. Upon bothering to ask Ra, the serpent merely stated “It was incredible until IT showed up.” When pressed further the snake refused to speak, hanging his head listlessly. Once all gathered together, Chi meowed sorrowfully to her parents, lamenting that it was all her fault and she only wanted to make them proud. The mighty kaiju showed a gentle side that few outside Atlantis had witnessed, expressing concern for their safety more than something as immaterial as status. Ethon was reminded how much his relationship with his parents differed from that of his siblings and feeling uncomfortable, flew back to his roost near the capital. Typhon watched him go with an expression one could have sworn was regret mixed with understanding before focusing back on his mortally wounded children. The two asked to be alone with the three for a moment and all human presence vacated the chambers. For three days the chambers pulsed with eldritch energy, raw enigma and primordial resonance that the other children of Echidna could feel. Three days later, a creature of phantasmagoric might emerged from the chambers.

The Atlantian council could hardly believe it, the three had been merged together and slightly mutated as one creature. More than likely what the two elder kaiju had wanted to make before the council tried pestering them. The three were now one yet retained their own individuality. It was a tad irritating that they no longer had any personal space but they were alive and they had only one thing on their mind: burning Hyperborea to the ground. It took some time to adjust to their new state of being. They each controlled the same body and had total control over their specific part of it. If Mae didn’t want to go anywhere they would drag their rear, if Chi didn’t want to go somewhere they couldn’t take a single step forward. Ra meanwhile continued to make himself as self indulgingly annoying as possible, making a joke out of the whole thing until the other two made up their minds. Once they began to piece together how to work together again, they were nearly unstoppable. Upon returning to the front lines, The Hyperboreans were aghast to find the three kaiju they presumed dead had returned as something much more horror inducing. Introducing themselves as ‘Chimaera’, the three proceeded to decimate and incinerate just about everything that had the gall to attack them. They stayed away from the capital though, knowing full well that Argos was defending it and even combined as they were it was unlikely that they’d win a fight with it. As the madness took hold of the ancient world, Chimaera actually reveled in the chance to stir things up again but became very angry upon Atlantis and Hyperborea actually working together to turn their father into doomsday prevention device. Chimaera became quite cynical of whether they were even doing the right thing anymore since Atlantis couldn’t even decide that for themselves. They staked out Lycia as their home away from home. A mountain which would later be named after her became her permanent residence and wouldn’t allow any kind of human presence on the mountain or around its base. Occasionally she was convinced to partake in a raid on Hyperborea which she would accept more than not, the lust for revenge still burning. It was when Hyperborea’s Hero Project kicked into overdrive and created their first areal construct that things took a sour turn for the reborn kaiju.

It was a day much like any other, tensions between the two empires had seemed to simmer down quite a bit, like the calm before an incredibly nasty storm. Chi could feel the tension in the air and Mae started rambling off probabilities of the cause. Ra however remained strangely silent until something shiny and fast caught the motion catching sensor of his eye. All these years after realizing Chimaera was alive and well, Hyperborea had not forgotten them. They could never counter them on land, their enhanced abilities and sheer tenacity for living kept even their most stalwart constructs from making any lasting impressions on the kaiju. Not this time though, this time they had finally created something that could counter her. Bellerophon was the first and most powerful of its kind, an advanced areal prototype that seemed to combine the features of statuesque man and winged horse together into a colossus of formidable strength and speed. Its agility and range of movement where truly a masterpiece of art. It gleamed in the sun as it broke through the ash and soot of the volcanic mountain and Chimaera glared at this bizarre being with curiosity and loathing. It carried with it a strange spear that radiated a frosty breeze around its dark crystalline tip and it broadcast a message of hatred spewing and self endorsing propaganda down to Chimaera as it hovered loftily on its metallic wings. Chimaera returned the message with an equally insulting and arrogant message of her own before belching forth copious amount of hellfire directly in the winged apparition’s face. Quickly flapping backward, Bellerophon returned hostilities. The two waged their personal war all over the mountain with Bellerophon getting nicked here and there from every pass and Chimaera countering his attacks regardless of where he came down from. The two just couldn’t reach each other. Growing tired of this stalemate, Chimaera privately came up with a plan amongst themselves before seemingly taking off and retreating. Bellerophon spat more condescending dogma before giving chase. As the winged, knight like construct descended on Chimaera from behind, Ra sudden coiled around Bellerophon’s humanoid waist and yanked him to the ground. Chi was on him in seconds, pouncing on the construct and chewing through the lance that was set to bar her from purchase on the golem’s core. The lance tore through but the construct tried to keep her at bay by clutching her throat. Chi instinctively began to churn her Volcanic Breath and Bellerophon took advantage of it by taking the end of the spear and stabbing her down the throat. She bit down on the offending piece of metal, jolting it off course and missing her heart…but the end of the spear was not just cyronic energy. The core of the spear head was a metal that kept the weapon stable: lead. The lead melted and flooded Chimaera’s chest cavity, jamming the nerve clusters surrounding the heart in molten metal. It paralyzed the mighty kaiju and she fell limp. Despite being rendered weaponless, Bellerophon proclaimed its victory and carried off the hybrid daughter of Echidna. The citizens of Atlantis were horrified to find Chimaera suddenly dropped from the skies into the city streets, the air was no longer owned by the Atlantians as Bellerophon grandstanded above them and piled insults unto his fallen foe. Bellerophon would continue to harass the enraged Atlantians and their kaiju several more times, gloating down from a great height. When Ethon returned from the eastern disputes with Mu, in which he was called away temporarily from guarding Tartarus to aid in dealing with, he found Chimaera once again defeated. Barely alive but nearly as damaged as before. It was difficult to clean the solidified lead from Chimaera’s massive and infernal heart and she was to stay in stasis for quite some time in order to recover. Upon getting the full story of who and what had done this to his sibling and his country, the eagle was overcome with immense rage and this one time and one time only did he put his family before his duty. Tearing out Prometheus’s liver a bit earlier that day, Ethon flew like a hurricane to Mount Chimaera where Bellerophon had made something of a monument to his conquests against Atlantis. At first Bellerophon snubbed the ‘disgraced flying dog of Atlantis’ but was forced to fight for his very existence as the colossal bird of prey tore him from the peak and threw him to the foot of the mountain in a heap, shattering the trophies and scattering fetishes everywhere. Bellerophon rose back up to fight him in earnest and found that he could not keep up with the eagle kaiju in the air. The irony of the situation dawned on the construct too late and it’s priceless optics, forged with 100% diamond lenses which allowed for its incredible precision, were pierced with Ethon’s diamond sharp talons and it’s chiseled face gouged beyond comprehension as they spun in the air. Ethon eventually let go and allowed Bellerophon to fall to earth far below. The areal automation splintered and shattered against the cliff face before falling into a massive briar thicket on the Plain of Aleion. Ethon shrieked his victory for as far as it would carry and he carved the emblem of Atlantis into the broken but still aware construct’s exposed back before taking off and heading back to Tartarus. The repercussions for this battle would play out much later but Chimaera never awoke before Atlantis fell and Bellerophon was a broken testimony to the fury of that age even as it came to a close…

present day

In the far future, a new age of kaiju had begun and taken the world by storm. Creatures ancient and new were coming out of the hills and oceans as man tried to come to terms with his sudden dethronement. A kaiju known as Hydra, one of the ancients preserved in stasis and awoken in the modern world, was on the hunt for more of her siblings. So far she had encountered Orthrus, had a conflicted reunion with Scylla and the surviving gorgons, had a bittersweet argument with Ethon and reconnected with Ladon. So far only Ladon had really shown signs that he was interested in helping Hydra find more of her kin and of course the other members of the Tyrant Squad along for the ride. Azurex had mentioned feeling a presence near Lycia before returning to some personal matters he had to take care of. Going by that lead Hydra and the Tyrant Squad went to investigate. They weren’t the only ones kaiju hunting that day however, Ultra Maiden Taylor had finally had time to listen to some extremely bitter Japanese who outright pleaded with the school teacher turned super hero to put an end to the ‘Death Coil’ and the foul buzzard that had taken to watching over her. Taylor was conflicted on the whole matter, still feeling that there was something more to this than the Japanese were willing to divulge but a kaiju that has no control over its abilities when said abilities kill people just being around it was a major cause for concern. Even China’s Sheymir had interacted with and ultimately did not do away with the serpent despite carrying a great advantage in combat with the less experienced kaiju. Ultimately, fighting a ‘grim reaper chick snake’ got the best of Taylor. From conversations Taylor had had with Dr. Lerna, the creature was very different from most kaiju, utilizing what seemed to be a polar opposite energy source and making more it by converting enigma that was a part of dying or dead kaiju. There had been more than one occasion where the separate and her feathered guardian had swooped in on a freshly killed mutation she had been called in to deal with and left her nothing but bones when she got there. The ‘kill stealing’ was beginning to irk her just a bit. So it was that Taylor eventually was convinced to go after the ‘Dead Duo’ as the media had dubbed them and made a beeline to intercept the creatures…in Lycia.

Attracted to a large amount of minor goat mutations that had gathered around the mountain, Shimaku and Grimm were enjoying a day that didn’t include running for their lives from mecha, or creepy alien stalkers, or green eyed giant monster girls….until said green eyed monster girl appeared on the onset of dusk. Grimm stared apathetically at the humanoid while Shimaku was apprehensive, the last time something humanoid stumbled upon her it hunted her down and used her like a jump rope from several meters away. Taylor greeted the two with her usual sardonic grin, explaining that they had been quite naughty and the snake owed her a fight for all the times they had stolen her lunch. Shimaku cocked her head quizzically at the mutant while Grimm began running scenarios in his head…all of them pointed to Ultra Maiden Taylor fighting them. A conflict was unavoidable. The buzzard nodded once to the death coil and took flight, Shimaku reared back and spread her hood, baring her fangs at the aggressive humanoid. Taylor didn’t need an invitation as she barreled into the snake, the two of them tangling together in a fit of coils and limbs as they wrestled with each other. Taylor managed to get the serpent in a choke hold and punch her repeatedly in face. The difference between kaiju ranks was fairly obvious as Taylor was the more experienced fighter and had planned ahead to disable the creature’s most dangerous weapon from the get go. Taylor’s vision swam a bit as her limbs started to get a bit chilly, the creature was draining her life force even as it squirmed. Shimaku then strangely stopped struggling and suddenly Taylor saw her left leg flying out in front of her…unattached to her knee. Wobbling, Taylor fell over as Shimaku dashed out of reach, the indentations of where Taylor’s arm had been popping back out. Taylor hopped over and retrieved her foot, putting it back in place and allowing the regeneration to seal it back on. She got a frown on her face and realized she had put it on backwards and so she bent down and twisted it back and allowed it to reseal itself back up. Taylor snarked about how the creature was a lot smarter than it looked before adopting a sentai like fighting stance. Shimaku held her scythe rattle aloft, the edge tinged in green blood waiting Taylor’s next move. Taylor suddenly felt the mother of all depressions hit her psyche like a freight train. Suddenly tearing up for seemingly no reason, Taylor looked up to see Grimm’s eyes glowing from across the makeshift arena. His neck cracked once and Taylor was suddenly laughing like a silly little girl, curling up and holding her gut as she laughed herself off her feet. Grimm cawed and suddenly Taylor was livid with rage, she charged at the bird before he, as if expecting it, side stepped out of the way and she went flying over the cliff side behind him. Grimm flew over to Shimaku and mentally conveyed that the humanoid was too much effort and they should find easier prey. Grimm had to quickly duck as he fore saw a big rock hurtling past where his head just was a second ago. The Dead Duo looked back over the cliff side and saw Taylor clawing her way back up, a slightly psychotic look on her face which was all the more enhanced by the green eyes and enormous set of jaws. Taylor popped her neck before stating that messing with a woman’s feelings was NOT NICE and that she was going to love practicing some taxidermy on the big buzzard later. Grimm checked his scenarios again…realized that there STILL was no way out of this and audibly gulped. The fight soon escalated into a three way brawl as Taylor started shooting Pyro Beams which Shimaku returned and Grimm frequently had to dodge. He attempted to force overwhelming apathy on Taylor and it worked for about five seconds…then she got hungry. Unable to manipulate a basic instinct, Grimm squawked in protest as Taylor bit a chunk out of his rear as he attempted to fly away. Declaring it tasted like ‘old men and leather shoes’, Taylor returned her attentions to Shimaku who was starting to learn the in’s and out’s of facing a humanoid opponent. Taylor managed to pin her down by stepping on her tail, immobilizing the limb slicing rattle. Shimaku in turn suddenly took the chance to sink her fangs into Taylor’s arm. There was an audible ‘oh shit’ from Taylor as she tried to pry the serpent’s jaws off her arm. She screamed as she felt the Negative Enigma course into her veins and start rotting her from the inside out. Taylor’s blood however was spilling over Shimaku’s lower jaw and in desperation Taylor ignited the whole thing. A bluish white explosion sent both of them reeling and Shimaku was missing her lower jaw and half her face while Taylor was now missing almost her entire right arm. Both of them groggily got back up and assessed each other. Shimaku’s head was slowly starting to piece itself back together while Taylor’s arm stump sealed itself off. Taylor chuckled, telling the snake that for something a rank lower than her she was pretty impressive and that she really should have fought her sooner. Grimm suddenly returned to vomit a literal geyser of corrosive stomach acid all over Taylor’s back. Shimaku wagged her scythe blade at Grimm, indicating that she was just starting to get somewhere on her own. Grimm slurped some of his left over bile back down and commented that this particular kaiju was notorious for making her enemies explode and that this wasn’t the time for ‘friendly sparring’. Taylor meanwhile screamed in agony from the ground and ranted that she was going to make buzzard burgers out of him as soon as she regenerated.

Unfortunately for either combatant, the fight was interrupted when the mountain they were fighting on, the same mountain that Chimaera had been moved to for safe keeping began to erupt. The battle had stirred the ancient creature from its stasis and fully healed. It broke out of its stasis tube in a long repressed fury that blew the mountain side around it to molten slag. Taylor and the Dead Duo could only watch in awe as The Rampager emerged from her millennia old slumber. Assessing the three in front of her Chi hacked up a left over chunk of lead and demanded (in incomprehensible Atlantian) who’s allegiance they held. Grimm was momentarily confused before figuring it out and translating it for them. Shimaku indicated no one, Grimm mentally stated ‘fate’, and Taylor merely gave a thumbs up with her remaining hand and declared that ‘I’m from America, Fuck Yeah!’. Ra immediately began shaking the rust from his iconic wit by asking ‘where is ‘Fuck yeah!’ of America?’ Mae quickly whispered something to Chi who soon sported a feral grin and declared that none of them were Atlantians so no one would mind them being used for a bit of ‘sport’. Grimm saw what was about to transpire and hastily tried to induce an apathy so great that it could leave a kaiju comatose. At first it seemed to be working on the lion part of the creature, only for Grimm to suddenly spasm uncontrollably and fall unconscious instead. The other two began to snark at the vulture’s attempt at more than mind control and Chi furiously roared before lunging at the armless Taylor. She was forced to side step off course as the Shimaku’s scythe rattle grazed her sides, Mae seeing the attack coming and alerting Chi. Taylor was at first shocked to see the death coil taking her side but she soon grinned and they both took a stance in front of the Atlantian hybrid. The battle was utterly brutal and the two other kaiju were hard pressed against Chimaera’s viscous assault. Taylor had to risk a bite into Chimaera’s left shoulder and was headbutted by Mae as she was sent flying with a mouthful. It wasn’t much but she was able to get her arm back. Shimaku was slower to reconstitute her face but once firmly in place she was using both ends of herself to strike against the formidable creature. Chimaera countered Shimaku with Ra who was much more experienced in serpentine combat than she was and also much more unpredictable and creative about it. Taylor meanwhile was fighting fire with fire against Chi who was relishing the challenge Taylor was giving her. Mae meanwhile intercepted any attacks against the body and was able to keep an eye on both of their opponents at the same time. It didn’t seem to matter what direction either of them attacked from, Chimaera saw it coming and intercepted it, with painful results. Taylor had several lacerations and Shimaku had several chunks missing out of her hide as they looked uneasily at the brutally powerful creature in front of them. Taylor suddenly got an idea and turned to Shimaku while pointing at the ground, Shimaku got the message and dove into the earth while Taylor made wings erupt from her damaged back and take flight. Chimaera laughed at their antics, asking what they were hoping to do from there. As Taylor peppered the area with Pyro Beams, Ra snarked about the joys of plucking fairy wings while firing bullets of acid at her, Mae telling him what direction to fire. Chi looked apprehensively around her, trying to feel with her paws where the little snake had gotten off to. With all of them distracted and Ra away from the ground, Shimaku poked her tail blade between Chimaera’s legs, causing her to jump back and while looking up toward Taylor who was still firing her Pyro Beams to keep the other heads busy. Shimaku then lunged head first out of the ground in front of Chi and struck the lioness right in the throat. The flesh rotting venom did its work as Shimaku tore the entire head loose. The beast was stunned long enough for Taylor to come down and deliver a devastating round house kick that took Mae’s head clean off. Ra was overwhelmed with the stimulation that he didn’t see Shimaku’s tail scythe slicing his head off as well. The two kaiju crumbled in a heap from exhaustion, happy to have survived the encounter. They were surprised to see the body suddenly get up and move. They could only stare dumbfounded as the body nonchalantly collected all the severed heads and stuck them back on. The heads sealed back up and suddenly came back to life, swearing up a storm and collectively glowering at the two of them. ‘This is going to suck’ Taylor muttered as Chimaera roared loud enough to warp the air and lunged at them again. All the heads focused on the two of them as one and the two allied partners were overwhelmed and tossed around like ragdolls. Chimaera was about to unleash her dreaded ECC on her prone victims before a shot of vomit to her back leg caused her to falter and disengage the attack. Grimm landed nonchalantly next to the two as Taylor asked in an exasperated tone if he was done napping. Grimm mentally projected that her three minds are too much for his single mind to effect and it took him awhile to recover, then mentioned the only hope was to fight Chimaera three on one much as she was doing to them. Shimaku then offered Taylor her neck, wagging her scythe tail around for emphasis, Taylor grinned and picked up the serpent by the neck as Grimm flapped up and perched on her shoulders. Ra began to snicker while Chi snarled at the seeming mockery the three of them were making out of her. ‘Alright princess, you ready for that spanking I owe you?’ Taylor taunted as tentacles suddenly formed out of her skin to secure the two to her body. Chimaera collectively roared and the round three began. The fight was much more even now, Grimm foreseeing attacks much as Mae was doing physically, Shimaku using her lethal tail blade to parry Ra’s acidic fangs and equally long range, and finally Taylor taking the fight directly to Chi’s face who was more than happy to oblige. Their battle shook the earth and the mountain cracked and blew apart as the Chimaera faced down the Dead Duo and the world’s number one unpredictable monster wrangler. The fight seemed it would go on forever until Grimm finally saw a victory scenario and told Taylor to perform a ‘flip kick’. Taylor quipped out a ‘Guile impression here I come!’ before running up and whipping her foot up and under Chi’s open jaws, causing to them to shut comically with her eyes screwed upward as Chimaera was flipped vertical. Shimaku then lashed out with her scythe blade, cleaving into Chimaera’s wide open chest and finally sending the hybrid kaiju hurtling to the floor in a bleeding defeated heap.

Taylor let the two morbid but surprisingly helpful kaiju off of her as she sauntered over to the bleeding monstrosity. Taylor quipped that if she wasn’t so quick to pick a fight then she wouldn’t have had to beat the crap out of what amounts to a Lycian national treasure. Chi simply snarled and asked for more. Taylor was willing to oblige until a massive collection of hissing suddenly filled her ears and she was face to face with Hydra who had finally arrived to investigate Azurex’s lead. Backing off from the surprisingly pissed off serpent, Taylor observed the two creatures start to speak in that same Atlantian kaiju dialect she had heard Chimaera use an hour ago. Chi seemed agitated at first but grew more relaxed if still serious as Hydra explained what had been happening so far. The mention of Ethon drew a snort from all three of her heads as they continued to listen. Eventually the two decided that it might be best if Chimaera staked out this mountain as her home until Hydra could figure out what they wanted to do. With both Atlantis and Hyperborea gone, it was a whole new world out there and there was no telling when they might need each other again. Chimaera was satisfied with the idea, expressing that she’d like Hydra to take the three behind her off the mountain with her. Hydra expressed contentment on knowing that Chimaera had successfully healed from her ordeal with Bellerophon. The name alone made Chimaera’s hackles rise as she in turn asked what had happened to that thing. Hydra wasn’t too sure herself but there were rumors that Ethon had left Tartarus only once in order to deal with the construct as it was not long after it had subjugated the Amazon tribe that it was found by Hyperborea mangled and barely functional with Atlantis’s symbol carved into its back. Aside from that Hydra had had her own trials to deal with…Chimaera chuckled in a mix of purrs, bleets and hissing before walking off to the summit to build herself a new den. Hydra took interest in Shimaku who was oddly enchanted with the fellow serpent kaiju and the two struck up a conversation as they slithered down the mountain. Taylor looked up at Grimm peering over a cliff face down at her and sighed, saying that she wasn’t likely to get paid for this and Japan was probably going to make any travel there harder than usual. Grimm ruffled his feathers nonchalantly and mentally projected that what he was preparing Shimaku for was more important than anything the small islanders had to complain about. As dawn began to creep over the horizon, Taylor questioned the big buzzard about his ability. Upon answering her, she sarcastically asked how she was going to die. Grimm peered into her future for quite a bit and after a great deal of thought, couldn’t come up with anything truly dreadful so he settled for ‘your last opponent will look worse than you…and that’s not saying much.’ before taking flight and slowly following Shimaku once more. Taylor sighed and grinned as she shrunk back down to normal size and took the long walk back to her pick up point. The two were quite a pair and Chimaera had been one hell of an opponent. She may not get paid for this job but all things considered, the experience was worth more than that.

Imporant Dates:

- 40,000 BC: Humans colonize Hyperborea, Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis. The civilization that colonizes these lands becomes far more advanced technologically than its contemporaries, and eventually severs contact with all outsiders. Soon this civilization becomes little more than the stuff of legends. Kaiju attacks rise at this time as well, and are likewise recorded in various myths by contemporary humans.

- 10,000 BC: A huge seismic disaster occurs, destroying the continents of Mu and Lemuria in the Pacific, the great island Atlantis in the Atlantic, and Hyperborea in the Arctic. The incredibly advanced civilizations that had colonized these four lost landmasses disappear with them beneath the waves.
Some relics of this ancient civilization survive, however, with many of them eventually winding up in ancient Egypt.

- April 25 - ???, 20X1: The Tyrant Squad accompanies Hydra in her search for her family amongst various Atlantean ruins, culminating in a fight against the newly released super-kaiju Typhoon.


I had several different color scheme ideas for her, natural colors, volcanic colors and this. I chose this due to the new found discovery of greek culture actually having using very guady and saturated colors in their sculpture. The white marble look was what was really underneath all the paint. I applied the primary colors to Chimaera to only establish the effect of her name today (fantastically impossible) but also to show that the chimera was not just the sum of its parts. That all of the parts had a unique trait and function. This is why KAS Chimaera as a character is effectively three kaiju as one. For some reason three headed or three personalitied characters intrigue me so I couldn't help but use this opportunity to create one. The conversations this creature would have with itself are beyond hilarious.


EDIT: I did some grammar checking so hopefully it reads a bit smoother now. I also forgot to mention that this little number is what I imagine her theme song to be:

Silversun Pickups, The Royal We
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Comments: 81

RenDragonClaw In reply to ??? [2018-09-22 07:07:56 +0000 UTC]

She's one of the better monsters from the old KAS project. A LOT of detail and time went into her construction.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StevenSerisawa In reply to RenDragonClaw [2018-09-22 07:13:11 +0000 UTC]

Indeed she is, still not sure how I stumbled upon this by typing in bugers XD, but I am glad I did. And yeah I can see most of that, this profile is LONG, pretty much all the work you did is right there. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

chotabear [2018-03-10 21:09:21 +0000 UTC]

This is the most beautiful chimera I've ever seen !!!       

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RenDragonClaw In reply to chotabear [2018-03-11 10:07:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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OtachiKaiju68 [2018-02-16 19:55:55 +0000 UTC]

nice looking Kaiju based on the Greek Mythical Beast! altho it's interesting how you split the 3 Heads into Chi-Mae-Ra heh

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RenDragonClaw In reply to OtachiKaiju68 [2018-02-17 08:36:04 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, in the setting she was for, all the Greek Monsters were kaiju and full characters in their own right. So they are literally a fusion of three separate monsters. Splitting her name into the three syllables came naturally once I started thinking of the Chimaera as a creature that was three people sharing one body. 

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OtachiKaiju68 In reply to RenDragonClaw [2018-02-19 17:27:02 +0000 UTC]

Yea, it's really interesting

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lovehurtslol [2017-11-11 16:17:08 +0000 UTC]

Love the lions paws

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Blacknsilver [2011-09-24 08:37:45 +0000 UTC]

thats alot of typing.. o.o Any who. love the drawing. now i shall go rest my eyes from all the reading...

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masonday [2011-08-30 23:59:45 +0000 UTC]


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masonday [2011-07-01 15:21:30 +0000 UTC]


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rakaru [2011-03-19 05:26:52 +0000 UTC]

If Chi is a female lion who come she has a mane?

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RenDragonClaw In reply to rakaru [2011-03-19 07:30:20 +0000 UTC]

Good question. The answer has to do with the way Greek sculptors represented Lions.


The Greeks gave both sexes manes but only allowed the females to show the ears. This was to indicate that the males had larger, thicker manes that engulfed the ears.

Thus, Greek lions of either sex both have manes but the ears are only visible on the females.

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rakaru In reply to RenDragonClaw [2011-03-19 14:11:13 +0000 UTC]

Ah thank you.

Anyway love the kaiju

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qmaster97 [2010-12-25 02:50:00 +0000 UTC]

dude this is awesome, I've never seen a chimera like this but i don't care it rules

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RenDragonClaw In reply to qmaster97 [2010-12-25 03:42:38 +0000 UTC]

lol thanks.

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cattoo444 [2010-11-16 17:14:10 +0000 UTC]

really cool drawing
(too long diddnt read) lol

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The-Great-MM [2010-10-24 22:58:27 +0000 UTC]

I know you wanna' punch me for not getting to this sooner, Ren, but better late than nevah.


That's all I got.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RenDragonClaw In reply to The-Great-MM [2010-10-24 23:30:39 +0000 UTC]

Better late than never . She was fun to work on and hopefully the others will come out over the holidays.

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TyrantisTerror [2010-10-17 22:39:26 +0000 UTC]

So yeah... holy shit, Ren. This is just epic on all freaking levels! The first thing I noticed (besides you making the traditional Chimaera look work better than I could have hoped) was the neat color contrast you worked in. Separating the three portions of the creature by not only the primary colors (for their scales/fur) but also the secondary colors (eyes), with each portions two colors being the contrasting ones on the color wheel... that's just damn genius. Do you get this? This is so genius I'm praising the freaking COLORING!

The creation and backstory of Chimaera was excellently done. I felt so much for the characters - not just Chi, Mae, and Ra, but Ethon and the other Atlantean beasts as well. Ethon in particular, actually - you and Kaijucene have really fleshed him out. I loved the battle scenes in particular, as all four of the main characters shined so much. Seeing Ethon avenge his siblings against Bellerophon was great, and both that and the way Bellerophon defeated Chimaera were wonderful nods to the myths that inspired them (or, in KAS, they inspired).

The modern day segment is awesome as well, with the Grim/Shimaku/Ultramaiden Taylor team-up being a surprising and delightful twist. The fight was fantastic, particularly when our heroes made a chimera of their own - just the right kind of campy. Again, you have a real knack for kaiju characterization, and I think you handled all the kaiju very well. I'm going to have to play with the Hydra/Shimaku dynamic myself when I get around to posting my entries for this little story arc.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

RenDragonClaw In reply to TyrantisTerror [2010-10-18 00:10:06 +0000 UTC]

Lol, you're the first person to notice the eyes and color combo here. I did indeed do that on purpose in order to enhance each part. It also somewhat explains the Roman painting phenomenon, perhaps in KAS Chimaera was an artistic inspiration.

Bellerophon is something I should really draw sometime. Time permitting but the holidays are closing in so we'll see. I did the appropiate research and hinted at his personality and exploits before exacting righteous judgement on him. Ethon is probably one of my favorites of the group simply because there is so much you can do with him. So far for the Hero Project we have Argos (the hundred eyed giant that beat Echidna while she slept and was ironically done in by Hermes in the same way), Bellerophon (arrogant and strangely chaste hero that slew Chimaera and rode Pegasus. Struck down by Zeus via gadfly and was blinded and crippled upon falling into a briar patch), and Heracles (who took down or dealt with most of Echidna's children before being finally done in by a tainted tunic curtesy of Hera and self immolation). I've dicussed Argos at length with pokeboo during his Pythos entry.

I've considered it a possibility for Argos to be smuggled into Atlantis during the final days in order to get close enough to subdue Echidna and be consequently dealt with by an Atlantian original settler named Hermes who is cunning enough to discover Argos's weakness and disable him. Heracles I've already hinted at shooting Ethon as an addition to his involvement. Thanks to Pokeboo we now have an answer for 'the gods' who I take to be the original settlers of Atlantis kept alive via sophesticated technology, much like the Gahul of SG1. One of the other developements he created was that when the decision to put down Typhoon is made, the remaining children still active rebel along with Pythos in an attempt to save their father/mate/son. I consider Chimaera, Ethon, Ladon, Nemea and Hydra to be in stasis recovery when this occurs. This would leave the remaining children, Echina, Pythos and the Medusae and other mythic races to contend with. This would be useful in supporting the temperment toward humanity that AK established. Though from pokeboo's description its as if Atlantis had to seal up all of them at once to avoid destruction. What I've noticed though is that regardless of how many kaiju rebelled or not, Atlantis would be without kaiju guardians from that point on. Leaving them vulnerable to whatever calamity was exacted on them.

I hope Scatha keeps in touch about Nemea's backstory or is willing to Collab. I got a pretty graphic yet suitably epic and in myth way for him to survive yet still have Heracles triumph over him and wear his pelt. I'm of the idea that the more advanced the Hero Project got, the more sophisticated the AI became. Bellerophon is a good example of how far it can go. Heracles I imagine to be a combination of Argos's power with Bellerophon's intelligence. Something of a GAR barbarian golem with Arnold like machoism and 'result excuses the method' kind of mindset. His tweleve labors being a code name for a Hyperborean mission statement. Maybe even something of a 'man in the machine' kind of plot device. Instead of trying to turn a machine into a man, they take a man and make him into a machine. Like Heracles was a legendary Hyperborean general that got nearly killed and instead of living like a cripple, ops to become the core of a warmachine and then proceeds to wreck havoc on Atlantis. Maybe even loses his family upon his first uncontrollable entry into the golem and dedicates himself to the task of being its core to atone himself.

Getting kinda crazy up here but I find it easier to write like this since DA's note system is borishly slow and I have to use a notepad to copypasta stuff in. Anyway thanks for the support TT. Looking forward to eventual developements from your end of things.

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TyrantisTerror In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-18 00:28:27 +0000 UTC]

Yes, the plot is developing excellently. Some good food for thought regarding Heracles too - I've got some sketches of his golem form in the works, along with ideas for some of the other Hyperborean heroes (Jason, Odysseus, Theseus, and Bellerophon, I believe). I'll try to spread them around to you and the other collaborators sometime this week - preferably before I get Sphinx's file up.

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RenDragonClaw In reply to TyrantisTerror [2010-10-18 00:31:35 +0000 UTC]

Please do, I mean I got an image of what Bellerophon looks like but its always nice to see what others would come up with.

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MindManipulator [2010-10-14 22:40:22 +0000 UTC]


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RenDragonClaw In reply to MindManipulator [2010-10-14 22:58:17 +0000 UTC]

Thanks .

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OperaGhost21 [2010-10-09 11:35:21 +0000 UTC]

awesome design Ren, and a great story too...the 3 on 3 battle at the end was epic

and lol...until I read "Introducing themselves as ‘Chimaera'", I had no idea where their individual names came from... *smacks forehead*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RenDragonClaw In reply to OperaGhost21 [2010-10-10 03:28:18 +0000 UTC]

Just as planned then.

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AndrewDent [2010-10-07 23:24:37 +0000 UTC]

Woah! That's badass

In real myth, I always found the Chimera to be an awesome creature. And now you just took it to the next level

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RenDragonClaw In reply to AndrewDent [2010-10-07 23:39:01 +0000 UTC]

The Chimera/Chimaera is quite an interesting creature. Translating her into a giant monster form akin to Godzilla was quite fun.

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AndrewDent In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-07 23:51:13 +0000 UTC]

Makes me think of the Chimeras from GoW III. Those where a blast to fight XD

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RenDragonClaw In reply to AndrewDent [2010-10-08 00:08:00 +0000 UTC]

I sort of used one among lots of classic depictions for reference. I read that Hades Children 2 uses Chimeras instead of Ogre Enforcers...supposedly one of the most insane challenges ever devised.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AndrewDent In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-08 01:08:44 +0000 UTC]

Holy hell, yes it is X_X I beat it, but f**k was it tough...

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OutcastClankzilla [2010-10-06 21:34:25 +0000 UTC]

Another one of the more amazing kaiju in this universe...wicked job, Ren!

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RenDragonClaw In reply to OutcastClankzilla [2010-10-06 21:42:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks .

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

OutcastClankzilla In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-07 21:39:17 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2010-10-06 05:48:57 +0000 UTC]

Story was pretty epic, and the design is awesome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RenDragonClaw In reply to JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2010-10-06 06:32:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks .

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JacobSpencerKaiju79 In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-06 22:43:56 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Elitekaiju [2010-10-06 01:01:30 +0000 UTC]

"Lamenting how he was never going to get laid"

Honestly, I couldn't stop laughing for a while. Other than that another awesome entry from the legendary RenDragonClaw.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RenDragonClaw In reply to Elitekaiju [2010-10-06 01:56:49 +0000 UTC]

Thanks lol. Ra is quite the comic.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ravensaurs-Rex [2010-10-06 00:17:29 +0000 UTC]

The three, personallity wise, remind me of Chimera from the "Yet Another Fantasy Comic" and are win!

I have to say Ra is my fave of the three, but I like them all. It's interesting to have both a great femme kaiju as well a crazed joker kaiju in the same body. In any case it's good to see another monster from the Ren family tree.

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RenDragonClaw In reply to Ravensaurs-Rex [2010-10-06 00:34:46 +0000 UTC]

Ra is pure lawlz. Adding a bit of a twist to the 'color coded for your convience' type design Chimaera has. There are a lot of themes going on in Chimaera's design and Ra brings a lot of attention to himself regardless of his 'assinine' position.

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Scatha-the-Worm [2010-10-05 22:50:33 +0000 UTC]

First of, this is goddamn amazing, Ren.

The design, which is incredibly beastly and vicious looking, yet intelligent and oddly pretty, is awesome. The three parts all look like they were supposed to be together from the start, and not just slapped together after a horrible battle. Which is an amazing feat, really, since I didn't actually think anyone could do that-I've always thought that the three headed Chimera looked...silly.

This does not in any way look "silly".

I also love the gold scaling that runs through all the heads, really awesome detail that is.

Second, that story is insane. I read every damn bit of it, though, and was extremely satisfied. Bellerephon is a dick supreme, and I'm glad Ethon gave him what for. The powers being both individual and combined is an incredible idea, and one that makes a lot of sense considering her origins. It also gives me a bit of a starting point for Nemeus' personality and story, so thanks for that.

Third, if you think I'm gonna type a story like that, you are crazy. XD

As a curious thought, do the others have any control over Ra's body's movements? And if so, do they ever get really pissed at him and just...shake him wildly until he pukes?

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

RenDragonClaw In reply to Scatha-the-Worm [2010-10-05 23:25:47 +0000 UTC]

Just so you know, I imagine Nemea having a personality akin to Leonidas. He just strikes me as a Leonidas type character. In designing the lion part of Chimaera I wanted to make her as different as possible from the iconic male lion that Nemea will probably be. Fun fact, the greeks cave both female and male lions manes but only showed the ears on the females because the mane on a male is bigger. Thus I luckily made her ears visible and designated her appropiately female. I'd make Nemea's mane bigger to hide his ears for this reason. Wiki says he's golden which I can take to mean the usual lion hide or he really was a metallic looking gold/bronze. Being effectively invulnerable to conventional assualt he also strikes me a more defensive character than Chi since he can weather just about any assualt and calmly swipe his enemy's head off with his 'sword slicing claws'. Yeah, Nemea was a badass mofo for sure. I'd keep in touche with TT concerning Heracles's role in choking him out. Like what the colossi looks like and such. I gave general descriptions of Bellerophon and Argos here. Going off the lance riding pegasus and hundred eyes motif respectively.

Chimaera's story is only so long because there was a time before she was merged together and what happens in the future during the actual KAS story line. Thus epic short story. Good eye on that gold scaling. Using it to connect them all together is exactly what I was going for.

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Scatha-the-Worm In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-05 23:48:43 +0000 UTC]

I've actually got him all drawn, and you can see the tips of his ears, but not as much as here. Still, he'll probably come very last, as like you said, TT's input will help a lot and I'm not sure what he has on Heracles, if he has anything yet at all.

A dark, bronze-y gold would probably look really good with a black mane, yes?

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RenDragonClaw In reply to Scatha-the-Worm [2010-10-06 00:01:50 +0000 UTC]

DEFINITELY, I forgot to mention the black mane which would look awesome with a beard lol.

Also to answer your earlier question concerning Ra, I doubt the other two would ever want to do that to him since they share the same stomache. He vomits they all lose their lunch though in his case it would take longer to come out. He has total control of that tail portion since he is the tail but he can surrender some control when they need to balance during a chase or something. If he wanders too far afield and is being a dick Mae is the one that tases him into submission. If he's just being annoying they might collectively sit on him and bat him in the head a few times. An arguement between Chi and Ra has lead to hilarious cases of her trying to chase him and having her effectively trying to catch her own tail. Mae hates this as it makes her dizzy so she shocks both of them. Chi recovering first while Ra gets dragged comically behind them.

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Scatha-the-Worm In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-10-06 00:07:01 +0000 UTC]

Haha, that's even better then!

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ToshirotheKnightWolf [2010-10-05 22:44:27 +0000 UTC]

wow, just wow.

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WhiteFireRodan [2010-10-05 22:23:10 +0000 UTC]

If there is any term I could use, it would be "TLDI." But I risked reading it anyway, and it's an awesome read AND an awesome kaiju. The personality stuff was hilarious, and I never knew the kaiju could talk too! I'll bet if they actually HAD voice actors that Chi would be voiced by Angelina Jolie, Mae by Carrie-Anne Moss *coughTrinitycough*, and Ra by Jack Black for comedy.
As for Chimaera herself, that is one awesome kaiju, the best I've seen for All-Stars. For something that looked so transgender and downright bizzare in the original myths, you made her quite badass. The snake belly looks a little off-axis, but that's okay because she's a little mutated herself. The fact that you made her three separate kaiju that fused into one gives you a perfect ten, so to speak, for originality. My guess is that she's True Neutral overall - I was thinking Fire/Poison at first, but now that I've read the bio I suppose Fire/Dragon, or even pure Dragon, would be a better choice.
As for my own KAS, I have one coming right up. You'd be surprised what I have in store for her.


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RenDragonClaw In reply to WhiteFireRodan [2010-10-05 23:09:05 +0000 UTC]

Strangely enough I agree with those voice acting choices . Fire/Dragon sounds acceptable. She would be True Neutral if all three heads didn't have chaotic and eccentric bent. Free spirits the lot of them.

The Snake belly looks off axis but how I see it is that the belly line tapers all the way up to the tail bone and the golden border line there. Which is like you thought, an effect of the mutative fusion they did.

Turns out TLDI meant Too.Long.Didn't.Ignore in this case lol.

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