The Caedadids are a highly invasive insectoid species, evolved to adapt to any even remotely habitable planet.
General Caedadid physiology is grossly robust. Though they appear tall and lean, physically they are monstrous. Highly dense muscle fibers that snap like whips make their movements lightning fast and appear almost spasmodic. Their teeth and claws are harder than most any known metals and with their unnatural brute force they can shred through armor and bone alike.
They rely on their acute sense of hearing and smell, which they perceive through the hairlike sensory tendrils. Sight is a tertiary sense to them and they actually have quite bad vision.
Intellectually they lack the attention span to work on long term projects, and are mostly incapable of high level calculations. However they make up for this with a scary level of intuitive pattern recognition. When combined with their hyperacute sense this can make it seem like they almost tell the immediate future.
Their most impressive intellectual capability is their ability to decipher languages, cultures, and social customs. A newborn Caedadid can pick up languages to an understandable level in weeks of just watching others use it.
Emotionally, Caedadids are generally optimistic, and rarely show actual rage or hatred, even in combat. Despite their monstrous capability, Caedadids prefer social interactions with other intellectual species and only turn to violence when threatened. They are easy to please, willing to comply, and have an irresponsibly gullible amount of trust.
However this is not to be confused with compassion. They lack a certain degree of sympathy for those not of their species, and can switch from polite conversation to violent action in the moment they sense a threat. On the converse it is almost unheard of for a Caedadid to turn violent with one another.
A Caedadid’s primary weakness is their ravenous hunger. Their metabolism burns through calories at an unsustainable rate in order to fuel their peak physical performance and as such Caedadids have to feed almost constantly. This is such a tightly balanced element of their physiology that old Caedadids usually die of starvation as their aging digestive system becomes just a bit too inefficient to keep up with their body’s needs.
On that note Caedadids usually has a lifespan of about 30 to 40 years. Their eggs incubate for 2 to 3 weeks, they go through a larval stage for a few days, and then reach maturity after 3 years.
I haven't done one of these in awhile, but their always a bit fun to draw. I'll do more again if there is interest.
Found the Caedadids interesting? Want to learn more
Here is a link to the general information for the Caedadid species.
Check Caedadid Xenology for more content on the Caedadids.
You can check out their general reference sheet here
You can find more of their physiology here
You can learn about their invasion cycles here
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