At Ulackila Castle, an NbAs._55hk7_01 (Francheca Unit 1) intercepts a surprise Kelucian special forces unit. Below, armored and cavalry units are visible.
The NbAs._55hk7, disliked by Farchon troops (*) due to its limited applications, had been excluded from frontline deployment. The deployment of a Farchon to the remote Ulackila Castle, which was supposed to be lightly defended, turned out to be a significant miscalculation for Ulackila.
This unexpected turn became one of the NbAs._55hk7's very few achievements.
* Farchon...Combat weapon equipped with two arms and two legs
ウラキラ城にて、ケルシアの奇襲部隊を迎え撃つNbAs._55hk7_01(フランチェカ 1番機)。足下には装甲車隊、騎馬隊も見える。
※ 二手二足を備えた戦闘用兵器