SainnetRiddler — Kuroyami - Kitsune Soul Shepherd (OC)

#female #kitsune #kitsunegirl #sketch #traditionalart #womanfemale
Published: 2023-05-11 14:50:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 213; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description For a long time. For a long time I wanted to draw my kitsune OS. Yes, it's for kids. Yes, it's just as bad. But myself. Maybe it will pass everyone by, but I'm pleased.

Lore Character

Cunning but kind, true to the word of kitsune, once being alive, now she herself accompanies souls, helping others to rest and reach the next world. Well, either put the undead to rest or protect from other demons.
She herself remembers the joy of life, so sometimes she interferes in the affairs of the living to help them. Even though it might end badly for her. Nevertheless, the concept of "life" and the struggle for it, is very sacred. However, she respects the rights of those who just want to retire. She vividly remembers the joys of being "alive" trying to taste it in its current state, but alas, it has long ceased to belong to the "alive" and even more so people.

Kuroyami is true to her word. She smiles more often than with another expression of an eternally young face. Nevertheless, she can easily succumb to despondency and grief when she sees the death of one of their people who mourn the deceased ... And himself, for whom the path to the other world is already prepared .
She appreciates the freedom of the living and even more so the desire and struggle for life, helping those or giving the dead a triple chance.
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