SAKU02 — FT BoD : *SPOILER* The sins of the fathers

Published: 2013-03-24 21:16:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 1106; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 7
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Description I don't know why, but... I really, REALLY want to continue my fanfiction with the comics, not only with texts... because I'm afraid to not be able to express certain emotions well çDç
This will be a little spoiler about my Fairy Tail's fafiction, I advert you XD
This is scene rapresent the first dialogue between Milla and Lucy: Milla go back home after she went to the guild, and after a cold introduction to Lucy the girl is confused because she's sure to met Milla's before... so she follows her to asking why not only why she was so cold, but why the others members of the guild treated her so badly. Milla respond that isn't a problem for her, she's used to... "The sins of the fathers always fall back on theirs sons, it isn't?" (I don't know if it is right, I didn't find any translation in English =.= )
What would it means? Found it by following my fanfiction! èwè/
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Comments: 9

LiLy-GaRdIs [2013-03-25 21:23:39 +0000 UTC]

Sono stupende Mi-chan
Ora voglio sapere di più su questa fanfiction! A quando il prossimo cap.?

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SAKU02 In reply to LiLy-GaRdIs [2013-03-28 13:49:18 +0000 UTC]

Grazi mille Lily! <3
Lo sto scrivendo in questi giorni, ma ci sto mettendo molto di più del prologo perchè in questo capitolo racconto molte più cose, e sono sempre a fare le revisioni grammaticali @_____@

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LiLy-GaRdIs In reply to SAKU02 [2013-04-05 19:30:13 +0000 UTC]

Di niente <3 e lo aspetto con ansia! O w O

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SAKU02 In reply to LiLy-GaRdIs [2013-04-11 19:55:12 +0000 UTC]

Gracias! <3

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LiLy-GaRdIs In reply to SAKU02 [2013-04-15 18:41:57 +0000 UTC]

De nada mi amiga <3

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BleedIntoMe [2013-03-25 15:26:31 +0000 UTC]

So is it going to be a Fanfiction or manga?.....Maybe both? Great art by the way.

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SAKU02 In reply to BleedIntoMe [2013-03-25 20:15:37 +0000 UTC]

For now it's a simple fanfiction, but I wish I could make it into a manga (but unfortunatley I don't have enough time çAç)
BTW thanks so much! ^^

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BleedIntoMe In reply to SAKU02 [2013-03-26 19:54:48 +0000 UTC]

I hope you do! And your soo welcome!

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SAKU02 In reply to BleedIntoMe [2013-03-28 11:32:09 +0000 UTC]

I hope it too TwT

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