Salemburn — Wending and Winding

Published: 2008-05-21 16:14:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 195; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 6
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Description Wherever the road may take me, through all it's twists and turns, I know the journey is as important as the destination, and I aim to enjoy it to the fullest...
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Comments: 6

mygreymatter [2008-05-22 23:04:24 +0000 UTC]

Is this out at Seminole Valley?

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HardcoreVibes [2008-05-22 04:40:15 +0000 UTC]

I think this would benefit more in b&w

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Salemburn In reply to HardcoreVibes [2008-05-22 17:48:52 +0000 UTC]

You know, I tried it in B&W and it seemed to blend too much no matter how I played with the tone, contrast, etc... The foreground tree blended with the background ones that in turn blended with the sky, losing the whole perspective... If I could somehow keep that, I'd definately agree...

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HardcoreVibes In reply to Salemburn [2008-05-24 07:28:51 +0000 UTC]

well, there's a color balance issue with the photograph (technically speaking). It's too magenta. But, there's an interesting loss of depth to the photograph, making the clouds appear MUCH closer than they really are. It's really unique, which is probably why I like it. Although, I have to say, there is no solution to your b&w conversion, because as you noticed the foreground, middle ground, and background will blend together in tonal range, which is all a result of flat (mid-day) light. Sorry, I got technical on you, but.. hey it's true. lol Some of the best light to search for is early morning to mid-afternoon. Most professional photographers will tell you that mid-morning/mid-day light is the worst light for an interesting value range. It flattens space and creates a graphic/2D form whether you want/see it or not. Just handing off some tips from one photographer to another

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heyfunny [2008-05-21 17:26:44 +0000 UTC]

where was that taken? It was so nice that day. ^_^

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Blueskye27 [2008-05-21 16:19:01 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful, and your comments make it even better.

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