SapphireofNight — Goliath

Published: 2024-02-12 22:00:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 177; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Name: Goliath

Status: status

Rank: ranger

Group: Shadow Forest

Gender: male (tom)

Average Kitten Size: large (if applicable)

Season of Birth: summer

Size: large

Pelt type: fluffy

Pelt: brown and silver tabby with white markings

Eyes: amber

Nose/pads: black

Parents: Clare (mother), Slade (father)

Siblings: Shard (sister, littermate), Stone (brother), Hazel (sister), Hawk (brother), future siblings unknown

Mother to kits: (depends on if Slade breaks him down in the narrative)

Kits: (???)

Fun Facts: he's gay, he probs can get away with fighting against his father's wishes for the most part since he's bigger and his father wasn't fully around/focused on Stone while he was growing up, protective of Shard, has amnesia to an event  

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