The warning signs were there, but this still feels like it came out of nowhere.
So, a little explanation: Just like the sudden resurgence of my addiction to Left 4 Dead, this just kinda... Happened.
Since I hadn't worked on any plush edits for a bit, I wanted to get back into it so that my skills wouldn't become rusty. I wanted to challenge myself with something new- And that's kinda where the idea for this came from.
Originally, I was going to use the Hunter's design from L4D2 (because it's superior), but since I didn't know if this was even going to be possible, I just decided to stick with the more simple and iconic design. Since this is supposed to be a plush, I had to make a few simplifications and 'stylistic' choices in order to make it resemble anything that could be considered as "cute". It's hard making a feral, eyeless, bloodsoaked abomination into an adorable plush toy- But a smile and some stubby limbs sure do wonders.
At least this one doesn't look as derpy as the official Left 4 Dead Hunter plush .
Oh yeah, and by the way: I don't plan on making plush edits for all the other Special Infected. Maybe I will, depending on just how much I want to make myself suffer, or I'll just make the ones that are my favorites. For now, this is just a one-off thing.
Except I'm already making another one.