Always so hazy,
vague and without substance,
lost in a sea
so often calm,
that left my boat at anchor.
Now your journey has arrived,
free to take flight,
towards the blue sky that bathes your silhouette
framed by light.
Your journey is difficult
but full of hope.
Don't falter, don't let your guard down!
The steady gaze,
beyond the mountain.
Ready to accept
the blood that demands,
and that sometimes
you'll have to fight with misfortune.
Lull yourself with my voice and hold my soul
when you feel empty;
the darkness calls you,
but do not fear.
Give only the veil of a glance
and leave it behind,
like a terrible nightmare
Stalking at your back.
For now my dreams
are not foggy
nor vague and without substance.
Now the light shelters me
in drops of certainty,
shimmering with hope
when I hold your hand.
Now my dreams are not misty
nor vague and without substance
for now I know
that they have always been yours
and together...
We will make them come true.