I have made a playlist for the 3 videos of Saiyuki anime adaptation of Journey To The West, in picture is Son Gokuu the Monkey King Sun Wukong…
Raid: Shadow Legends / Saiyuki Reload Blast season 4/5 : Son Gokuu The Monkey King from Journey To The West story from Ming Dynasty will be making his way to Raid: Shadow Legends as a free legendary.
The picture is from anime Saiyuki which is a looes adaptation of The Journey To The West the main difference being that the characters are set in our timeline although they wear their traditional costumes.
In picture is Son Goku / Sun Wukong The Monkey King who is not the anime's main protagonist as the spotlight is shared between the character but due to ferocius fighting style despite his small stature his raw strenght and combat potential is only countered by Priest Sanzo who can bind evil with his Makai Tenjo skill but it is unclear to me at this point in the anime if the move actually works on Gokuu.
Sanzo has deep, close relationship with Gokuu so i think that aspect will matter more than his ultimate move.