"A sinister magic is in the air tonight. Will you fear it, or join it?"
Happy Grimm day everyone! Guess who didn't finish the drawing last minute for once! Keeping the tradition going for now, though this time I don't have any lore to add to it really. The goal this time was mostly just to make it look pretty, and honestly I am really happy with it. In fact I might even like it more than last year's which is kinda a pity given the massive amount of work last year's drawing was. But still, at least I managed another year and the result is something I can be proud of. Also let's be real, there's never enough Goth Dad art.
Also yes I know that technically the stars shouldn't be visible through the moon, but trust me aesthetically it just looked better so I am keeping it as such. So don't @me I know it's inaccurate lmao.
I hope everyone's having a nice and spooky Samhain, and may the torch be carried on for another year.
Grimm (c) Team Cherry