“Good God, Doyle, hurry before they get us!” McDonald warned, but again I did not heed him. As I instead headed toward the carnage, toward the poisonous smoke, I heard him call to me for the last time: “Where are you going, you damned fool!” I myself wondered what had possessed me. I admit now that it was desperation and hopelessness. I was sorely tired of running, hiding, and waiting for death, and I damned those vicious creatures to do their worst. I was enlivened by the fight that intrepid phantasm had given them. Whoever it was – for at the time I thought it was a man, some scientific promethean with the ingenuity and boldness to harness electricity into a weapon great enough to put fear into these unstoppable foes – had reminded me that I had a duty to carry out, and carry it out I should, even though it meant my death. I resolved to see to the safety of any survivors, God willing, starting with that valiant Icarus.
You an read the full story here:…
Signalman, the greatest hero of the Martian War, on a Post-It note drawn with ballpoint pen.
Art by yours truly, Shell "Presto" DiBaggio; Cyclone Ranger co-created by Shell "Presto" DiBaggio and Michael A. DiBaggio of