ShimiMouse — 13 Spindle's Strike

#kingdomhearts #kingdomheartsoc #kingdomheartsweapon #octoberart2023
Published: 2023-11-03 08:10:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 131; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Back in the day I had a Kingdom Heart’s Background OC for Twilight Town/ Hallowed Bastion/ Land of Departure ect who carried a spell staff which was pretty basic.
Decided to do one themed more to the world based on my favorite Princess “Enchanted Dominion”.

The base is the Spindle which causes a Sleep Effect
While the orb at the top cycles between Fira, Blizzara, or Cura.
So all in all decent spells but a bit of a roulette on how effective the weapon actually is.

October Art #13

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