shortybat ā€” Wispy

Published: 2010-02-11 23:08:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 2094; Favourites: 107; Downloads: 54
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Description And my ShinXchange is finished! 8D

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I am actually very happy with how this turned out. D8 I really thought Iā€™d half-ass the background, but I think it turned out alright. I think these are my favorite fast backgrounds to do! X3

I hope ya like~

Wispy Ā© WispyWhiteDreamer
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Comments: 14

Vempyremon [2010-03-13 21:16:27 +0000 UTC]

Ahh... >>; How late I am to comment on this. I havent even heard from the ShinXchange lately. T^T Nor did I ever get Kain.
This turned out very amazingly. D: Wispy looks really cutely amazing in your style. ESPECIALLY that face.
I knew you'd be able to draw her wings...like...awesomely. Because you're the master of wings.
Very interesting how you handled that background. D8 It's so effective for Wispy.
I'm really glad she liked it!

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shortybat In reply to Vempyremon [2010-03-14 15:50:11 +0000 UTC]

fff ya commented with the rest of my pictures, so all is good. XD

Bird wings are still hard... and annoying for me to do. x'D They are the main things I need to work with on wings. x_x SO MUCH DETAIL AND FEATHERS. AUGH.

Thank you! X3 I'm glad she liked it too~

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Miss-Reign [2010-02-16 19:41:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh jeez, I KNOW this was loved xD

And I freakin' LOVE those wings! @__@ They seem very differently shaped then how most people on here draw bird like wings on characters.

But the way you drew them makes so much sence to me for this OC's body shape. it's more bird to me then those weird cliche angel wing referenced things. >__o I may have to call you teacher now.

Alsssoo, love the calm expression Wispy has and the energy in this. The mountains really add to the flying..like, a feeling of freedome etc. It's really simple, but nice to look at. >w<

I need to get my butt on my exchange art, lol.

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shortybat In reply to Miss-Reign [2010-02-23 19:37:46 +0000 UTC]

thank you! D8'

Many times I don't like how people draw bird wings (and bat/dragon wings), so I kinda either go off on my own, or try to get them exact to some real bird. x'D

thank you again~ X3


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Lucie-P [2010-02-15 17:48:26 +0000 UTC]

OMG this is wonderful !!!!! : D I love Wispy's pose, what a great anatomy, and beautiful colors ! ^^

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dragonmarkaleb [2010-02-12 23:07:24 +0000 UTC]

Nice, it looks gorgeous, I especially like the way you did the wings~ :3

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ZombieL [2010-02-12 00:16:00 +0000 UTC]

You always do such a good job on the wings, I wish I could draw them like you! >u< Really great job on this one, buddy!!!

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shortybat In reply to ZombieL [2010-02-12 19:07:58 +0000 UTC]

>w< thank ya very much, buddy~

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ZombieL In reply to shortybat [2010-02-14 08:59:23 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome, buddy! >u>

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Highlighterjuice [2010-02-11 23:54:35 +0000 UTC]

Wunnerful :3

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Casphire [2010-02-11 23:36:30 +0000 UTC]


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wispywaffle [2010-02-11 23:22:55 +0000 UTC]


MY goodness, I really didn't expect something this fantastic! I absoulutely adore that posture you've done right thar, and some mighty fine anatomy too!
And what really impresses me is the fact that you got the details from the ref down so well! (even I don't do that.. and I made her. XD)The wings, too. All them feathers looks so great, the shading on them, and perspective of the extended-out one. And that lil' face you've drawn is just so cute!
The background is a very effective one, it has a very... can't find a word... um, calm? Well, fitting anyways. c:
All in all, this is amazing. Thank you for this Xchange!

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shortybat In reply to wispywaffle [2010-02-11 23:29:29 +0000 UTC]


You are very welcome~ X3 Wispy was a lot of fun to draw~ 8D

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Denychie [2010-02-11 23:16:44 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful colouring!

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