Sir-Bombers — ClipsNOT4sale: Violetta Stuck in the Stocks...

Published: 2014-05-13 23:54:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 26901; Favourites: 340; Downloads: 215
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Description Hey everyone!

Check out what the awesome FirefoxSF made! He posted this on Tickle Theater... If you got an account...go there and check out his stuff! He's got tons ofgoodies over there!

Here is is description as said on Tickle Theater.

Unless I miss my guess, I don't think I've ever seen it where one of our artists has taken an original character from within the community and subjected them to the iconic and recognizable trademarks of our distinguished video producers.

So that being said, our resident Italian flower, Violetta, is subjected to the infamous techniques of Knismoguy's legendary toe-snaring stocks!

Guest tickler Teeva indulges in a feet treat as she slides perfectly itchy feathers along the beautifully-shaped and well-traveled feet of her captive. Miles of nomadic trek have done absolutely nothing to numb the excitable giddy nerves of these ticklish gypsy toes.

Know that this is but one of three pieces following a similar theme, and that swift vengeance and opportunity will come upon both of these lovelies in due time before the series is finished.

Yes he made a wonderful trilogy of tickle art characters in real life tickling production companies! This is just the first one out of the three.

Princess Teeva is (C) to me... Sir Bombers
Violettais (C) to the amazing LaVioletta  

Setting based on tickling video productions by dknismo  

All artwork and coloring is (C) to FirefoxSF
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Comments: 30

ticklemewithoutmercy [2016-07-11 00:18:12 +0000 UTC]

I would love my feet to be tickled like this!!

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tiicklishfeet [2015-08-13 18:52:11 +0000 UTC]

Love this

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zeke2426 [2015-01-25 03:40:49 +0000 UTC]

Love it ^^

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Dalekfire [2014-07-12 10:18:07 +0000 UTC]

*shudders*  Teeva looks utterly devastating with those feathers...!  Thank goodness it's a stocks for one!  FireFox certainly did one hell of a job here.  Thanks for sharing here as well! ^^

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Sir-Bombers In reply to Dalekfire [2014-07-15 22:11:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes... one of Teeva's favorite tools for ticklish destruction...

Yeah FirefoxSF never fails to impress. I look forward to see what ever he does next.

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dknismo [2014-05-23 03:21:38 +0000 UTC]

I'm honored.

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Sir-Bombers In reply to dknismo [2014-05-23 04:16:29 +0000 UTC]

Yeah dude! Me and FirefoxSF love your stuff...

It only seemed right to make some fan art and I'm glad FirefoxSF did it.

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countfire [2014-05-19 22:21:37 +0000 UTC]

Damn! This is such a great idea for a series I don't even know if I can describe with words how great it is!

Having some of the tickling art community's leading ladies in tickling video roles of the famous fetish producers! Brilliant!

Hehe I know FireFoxSF and Vi were always close, so it makes sense for him to have her in a situation such as this.

I'm a fan of Knismoguy's videos, though I have to admit I haven't seen THAT many of them. Still, that doesn't change the fact that his common way of restraining ladies (stretched out with arms behind head and feet in stocks with toes tied and spread) is (as you know from the 300000 pageview pic) one of my favorite positions. And even though he doesn't tickle the upper bodies, the way he slides those feathers along the soles and between the toes is just wonderful!

Knowing of Teeva's skills as a tickler I can just imagine her doing the same while Vi's feet are shaking in the stocks while she's laughing as hard as she can.

Great job to FireFoxSF and thanks for uploading, my little green friend. XD

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Sir-Bombers In reply to countfire [2014-05-20 06:10:01 +0000 UTC]

LOL.. Well you're totally doing a good job so far...

It is quite creative. A blending of fantasy and real life! XD

They definitely had some delightful banter together, especially in the days when he was more active here on DA.

I can totally see how this fits your fancy...  If Vi's eyes were full of tears then this would be perfect for you... Knismo is indeed a true craftsman when it comes to restraints, anything with toe bondage is a win in my book.

Teeva lives for the laugh! What better job to have if it makes others happy...

Heh heh... Little green friend, eh? You must be a tall Ticklepire or something....

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countfire In reply to Sir-Bombers [2014-05-21 17:55:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank ya.

Well, tears are definitely a welcome addition, but they are not absolutely necessary. I enjoy this scene very much even without them.


To be honest, that was a reference to the "little green man" nickname given to aliens/martians so I figured I'd modify it a bit. XD
As for my height, I (and my Ticklepire OC) are roughly 186-187 cm tall, which is just over 6'1''.

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Sir-Bombers In reply to countfire [2014-05-22 05:45:37 +0000 UTC]

Come well!

But don't you like unnecessary but still very welcome stuff?! XD

Oh I see... but even still you're quite tall! I'm only 5'10, Teeva is only 5'0".

...what's your shoe size? :3

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Deemonef [2014-05-19 08:44:16 +0000 UTC]

Damn. Violetta looks so damn wonderful, like that outfit, and this kind of stocks are my favroite. I love it, when the toes are tied, too
Again I so wish to switch places with her

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Brigadier-Zod [2014-05-14 21:18:26 +0000 UTC]

That is a great scene,

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Sir-Bombers In reply to Brigadier-Zod [2014-05-16 01:10:53 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a bunch!

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Sonicmario [2014-05-14 18:25:02 +0000 UTC]

FireFox certainly knows how to surprise us! I mean honestly, the old browser settings were fine.

Just kidding. Love the work!

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Sir-Bombers In reply to Sonicmario [2014-05-14 19:21:15 +0000 UTC]

Ha ha... very funny, you!

You're as goofy as your avatar...

Thanks dude!

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rabastanlestrange [2014-05-14 11:20:59 +0000 UTC]

Heh heh heh... It had been too long since the last time I saw dear Violetta entering kinky territory. She's also perfectly recognisable even in this very different artstyle. All in all, an excellent job!  

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Sir-Bombers In reply to rabastanlestrange [2014-05-16 01:10:39 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, she needs to get out into the situations more!

...and FirefoxSF did a totally excellent job on this like always. Can't get enough of that guy's work. XD

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FREETZO [2014-05-14 10:40:53 +0000 UTC]

Was Firefox on DA at one point?

Damn this is gorgeous!

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Sir-Bombers In reply to FREETZO [2014-05-14 10:57:38 +0000 UTC]

He sure was. He was very active too. 

Now he reserves most of his awesome posts on Tickle Theater. He likes to be elusive like that.

Yeah it's really good stuff! 

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FREETZO In reply to Sir-Bombers [2014-05-14 11:09:26 +0000 UTC]

That's a shame...To bad I wasn't around....Hell, how long ago was that?

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Sir-Bombers In reply to FREETZO [2014-05-14 11:21:39 +0000 UTC]

It was probably about 3 or 4 years ago when he was last here.

 He's still active... just not here. ^___^

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FREETZO In reply to Sir-Bombers [2014-05-14 11:40:46 +0000 UTC]

Is he only on TT?

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Sir-Bombers In reply to FREETZO [2014-05-14 11:50:26 +0000 UTC]

For the time being, yes. Only on TT.

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FREETZO In reply to Sir-Bombers [2014-05-14 15:31:33 +0000 UTC]

Someone....well...you,lol, should try to get him on FA, TT doesn't work to well for me unfortunately...lol...

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DivJustice [2014-05-14 09:00:41 +0000 UTC]

Wow, it's been a while since I last hear from Firefoxsf!

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killalot2k [2014-05-14 07:32:43 +0000 UTC]

Love it.

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osco89 [2014-05-14 04:22:08 +0000 UTC]

Love the that crazy and intense look in her eyes

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Nomadl3 [2014-05-14 00:08:55 +0000 UTC]

Yes! Tickle her until you are satisfied Teeva no matter how long it takes!

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P-a-pi [2014-05-14 00:06:46 +0000 UTC]

Gotta love LV getting it, and the idea is very creative and unique.  Can't wait for the rest. 

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