Comments: 47
tokyo [2002-08-19 05:38:20 +0000 UTC]
This is a great looking skin. Reminds me of the old "air combat games" cockpit window. The playlist looks really LCD to me. I find it hard to criticize this. Those colours are not easy to play with. Good job.
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darktrend [2001-07-13 09:34:02 +0000 UTC]
nice dude kick ass
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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mastergoon [2001-06-09 01:18:44 +0000 UTC]
This is my new favorite skin, nice job!
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klostrophobic [2001-05-27 02:55:58 +0000 UTC]
Sweet skin. Mine only gripe is that the text on the trigger buttons near the bottom are not in all CAPS like everything else.
Come my minions. Hail your almighty God Klostrophobic.
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ultim8tor [2001-05-26 22:24:38 +0000 UTC]
Looks good to me, i've only recently got started using WinAmp and i've not downloaded any skinz for it. This will be my first one, and judging by the comments should remain a favourite for a while to come!
Good work on DS!!
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darkism [2001-05-26 21:03:55 +0000 UTC]
FORD! That's quite nice, well-coloured. It reminds me of the skin that I used to use before I switched to deviantamp entitled "forced to be."
Well done!
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neondesigns [2001-05-26 19:04:07 +0000 UTC]
Really nice work here. I like all parts of it. Nice colors etc. GIVE US MORE!
Where the cows goes m00!
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cype [2001-05-26 18:23:02 +0000 UTC]
now this is a great skin i love everything about it, this will be running on my winamp for a long time!
Nicolas (Cype)
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firelight [2001-05-26 14:24:02 +0000 UTC]
After this, I will no longer skin WinAmp.
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nailz [2001-05-26 08:03:01 +0000 UTC]
wow thats an amazing skin man, nice detail, cool colors, great work man
congrats on DS
Dont be anyones slogan, you are your own poetry
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imtoomuch [2001-05-26 07:23:48 +0000 UTC]
This skin is GREAT!
Rule #1: I am number one!
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-onesixtytwo- [2001-05-26 01:29:16 +0000 UTC]
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xaphan [2001-05-25 22:37:40 +0000 UTC]
the skin owns me, my mommy, my dadda, my doggy...
the texture is awesome and i know that im staying with this skin for a while... hadn't seen something as good as this since Bronze's Syndycate
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tigert [2001-05-25 20:21:43 +0000 UTC]
This is pretty sweet. Good work.
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yathosho [2001-05-25 20:21:08 +0000 UTC]
"...dark WinAMP skin that comes in a color that is not often used..."
/me coughs
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trodden [2001-05-25 17:43:33 +0000 UTC]
OMG this rocks! i love it!the main window is _a_w_e_s_o_m_e_ ... great skin! very, very deserving of the daily skin..glad you got it!
[ trodden ]
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guesshimself [2001-05-25 17:35:30 +0000 UTC]
great skin smar. the only thing i could ask for is for the buttons to be animated more...sink in more i guess. great colors tho. looks great on my dtop.
my most frequently asked question: who let you in here?
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sabotage [2001-05-25 14:00:42 +0000 UTC]
i like the shadowing in the buttons and the texture where the volume stands and everythign.... this is just dope man.. ill put it as my skin now..
Head of OPTICO
From The Eye To The Brain
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switched [2001-05-25 11:44:48 +0000 UTC]
very very cool.
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idlejam [2001-05-25 11:32:31 +0000 UTC]
leet.. i like tha 3d bars and the texturing is fine too... dope!!!!
[ idlejam ] - [ iji ]
i changed my mind i take it back
erase and rewind
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tha-danja [2001-05-25 09:40:22 +0000 UTC]
very nice.
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eks [2001-05-25 09:33:30 +0000 UTC]
I like it.. goes with tech 13's art work.
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doobybrain [2001-05-25 02:37:11 +0000 UTC]
very nice. love the non-bright colors which go together so well. very easy to use.
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flesh [2001-05-25 01:16:29 +0000 UTC]
daily skin! daily skin! remember i shouted that!
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dj-designs [2001-05-25 00:44:19 +0000 UTC]
Very nice, I expecially like the main window, the display is very well done and I like the titlebars.
.: :. .: :.
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scarebear [2001-05-24 23:39:34 +0000 UTC]
I agree with spacejazz as far as the bevel/cutaway bit goes. And again, that's personal preference. The rest of the skin is simply great work.
Because skinning should be fun!
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spacejazz [2001-05-24 22:36:02 +0000 UTC]
This is a really well crafted skin, smar. The choice of colours is nice and a good varient from darker skins. The use of shadowing is first class as is the subtle but not to subtle texturing.
Gripes: Not to sure about the pseudo bevel/cutaway in the title bars for each window though that's just me.
I think it'd look a little better if you used all upper case in the playlist buttons (the trigger buttons) as you have done on the rest of them.
Great job. First rate.
:: the future has already begun ::
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barta [2001-05-24 19:33:52 +0000 UTC]
I'm happy SMAR is back....
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