Comments: 25
NixKat [2014-09-20 18:19:38 +0000 UTC]
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SoleiBee In reply to NixKat [2014-10-11 20:08:52 +0000 UTC]
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WillaWombat In reply to SoleiBee [2013-12-12 01:47:44 +0000 UTC]
Could you maybe tell me who's who? Sorry, I just got a little confused because some of the faces aren't sketched in all the way.
Also, this is kind of my personal idea of Mercy, but she's described as having Angelo features with Native coloring, so I see her with a straighter, more prominent nose. Not that you should adjust how you drew this, it's just a suggestion.
(Also, where are her arm tattoos?)
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SoleiBee In reply to WillaWombat [2013-12-12 13:40:58 +0000 UTC]
She only has those large tattoos on the book covers... So she has the two celtic knots armbands, just in this pic they're covered by the shirt sleeves.
As for her features, I know she's described as looking less Native.. but I just kinda always drew her this way, though I changed the nose a bit in the newer pictures.
Anyways, the rough sketched people are there just so it looks like a crowd, 'cause we don't know most members of the pack except that there are a LOT. The visible ones are from left to right: Darryl, Paul, Aurielle, Ben, Mercy, Mary Jo, Adam, Warren, Honey, Peter. Hope that clears it.
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uzukitty18 [2012-06-14 23:32:08 +0000 UTC]
i think you did a great job on the hands especially the joined ones :3
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SweetDragonSeeker [2011-06-14 22:51:48 +0000 UTC]
I love the way you drew Aurielle. She looks just like I picture her. Nicely done.
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wolfheartsprite [2011-05-25 11:18:01 +0000 UTC]
Even if you're not crazy about it, it's probably the best picture of the pack I've seen anywhere.
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JulissisRaleigh [2011-01-20 18:03:21 +0000 UTC]
Wow... this is really stunning.. I'll go have a look at your gallery. now. : D
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SoleiBee In reply to jerabina [2010-08-10 14:52:11 +0000 UTC]
Díky, zlato! Vážně sem s tím docela spokojená, v každý další knížce Briggsová představuje víc vlků z Adamovi smečky, tak mi nakonec došlo, že je to docela dav. Bum a měla sem záchvat inspirace. Když už, tak sem spíš chtěla nakreslit nějakou scénu, ale nakonec sem si tohle načmárala pro radost...
Sem ráda, že se ti to líbí. Popravdě, se mě osobně líběj všichni mnohem víc než na mercyverse. Mno, ten týpek je Paul, I hate him, ale je to jeden z mála ostatních vlků smečky, kterej je nějak popsanej tak sem ho tam šoupla. Nakonec je tam až moc výraznej, měla sem ho trochu zagumovat. Nu což, to je fuk. Ostatní zatím neznám, ještě sem Silver Borne ani nenačala.
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jerabina In reply to SoleiBee [2010-08-10 15:31:58 +0000 UTC]
Myslím, že tam toho zas o tolik moc není a ten Paul je tam nakonec docela adekvátně výraznej, takže myslim, že obrázek to vystihuje naprosto skvěle až pokud to dneska známe XD Jako jo, máš bejt na co hrdá, je to super, moc se mi to líbí. Nemůžu říct, jeslti víc nebo míň než Mercyverse, obojí je trochu na jinou notu, ale fakt se mi to moc líbí XD
Já sjem právě dočetla Cry Wolf a zase jsem u toho skučela jak postřelený štěně XD To je tak neuvěřitelně cute, celej ten konec, vztahy mezi nima (Anna-Charles, Charles-Bran, Bran-Anna, Bran-Blue Jay Woman/Leah... Asil-Sarai...) No fakt u toho skučim XD Tu ženskou prostě miluju pro všechny tyhle její příběhy XD
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