SonicRemix — His World - Record of a God

Published: 2007-09-15 23:28:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 780; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 7
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Oceana City is an ideal place for the heart of the New Rebellion to grow in. As a matter of fact, many Rebel Historians work to recover the past which was lost because of the Acorn dynasty. Oceana City is one of the few places in the world to keep hidden the true history of the past, including gods long forbidden to believe in by the Acorn family. One such artifact recovered and displayed in Oceana City was this painting, dated around the age of when the last Hedgehog was on the throne. It is believed that the figure in the paining is none other than the God Hope, the main patron in which the Hedgehog Family worshipped. Here shows Hope appearing, represented by the elements of water and light. It could be possible that the enviroment in which Hope was painted was that of Oceana Bay.

Lore Entry by Siren, artifact discovered by Shadow the Hedgehog
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Comments: 1

Paganfox [2007-09-17 02:43:07 +0000 UTC]

Wow, it's awe inspiring.

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