— Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) Unmasked
2021-12-03 03:49:54 +0000 UTC
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Mar-Vell is from the Kree Empire and was made Captain with his partner, Commander Yon-Rogg. Mar-vell was beloved and did his job very well as leader of the Starforce. He was told by Yon-Rogg that he is going to be sent to Earth for scouting since he is very good at his job and to be prepared for Skrull scouts to take down and let the Kree Empire win. He gladly was honoured and went down their to find the Skull scouts.
However, it was revealed to be a trick from Yon-Rogg, who made him go AWOL and is now being hunted down by the Kree Empire for Treason. He decided to he needed to clear his name until he saw some skrulls and found out they went into hiding as well. He learned that they no longered wanted to be part of the fight and wanted peace. Mar-Vell decided to make a sanctuary for the Skrulls who wanted to be free and Kree who wanted the same thing. He decided to become a leader to protection them.
In the late 80's, He learned of the cube was in a place called Project Pegasus, where he was using it power up a ship to help bring items to the hideout and needed a pilot for it and was given Carol Danvers. He was kind to her and told her that the ship is being used to bring items for those in need. But then, Yon-Rogg finally showed up and blew up the ship. It blew up in Carols face, after it was shot by Yon-Rogg. But, Mar-Vell faked his death, so Yon-Rogg wouldn't know about it and he was more interested in Mar-Vell being dead. But Carol was taken instead, to which Mar-Vell used to his advantage and kept the Cube in the hideout with the Kree and Skrulls refugees, and its Skrull leader, Talos.
In 1995, he saw Carol once again and apologized for not telling her everything, but he did help her out in the fight, but sadly, after killing Yon-Rogg, he was dying and gave Carol, his blessing as the protector of the Hideout with Talos and make sure to help those indeed. Carol named herself, Captain Marvel in his honour and he is remembered as the Marvelous Captain of the Refugees.
He is modelled after his original comic design and Captain Qwark from Ratchet and Clank (PS4/Movie Version) because, he would be funny as a serialized space hero who fights for justice and heroics. Mar-Vell also has a big appetite, so he is a food eating vortex. He is the reason Starforce doesn't exist after Yon-Rogg's Death and Carol's new position. This is what he looks like without his helmet.
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