Comments: 47
DollyPrincess [2009-04-05 03:54:59 +0000 UTC]
Oh Die<3 How I love thee!
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Mikeira [2006-07-19 04:00:52 +0000 UTC]
^o^ Die-sama~
Oh the older pictures of them.. <3 Total love.
Dir en grey is my favourite band! I could reconize any of them anywhere.
I must say, you captured him quite well.
VERY nice. <333
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eee-koziko-yamaku [2006-03-28 15:26:04 +0000 UTC]
Die is hot? Yeah I guess that'll work for now, until I come up with something better. xD
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warumono-chan [2006-03-07 00:15:31 +0000 UTC]
It's wonderful! I think Die is very much under-appreciated x.x;; And you've done a wonderful job capturing his Die..ness lol. Really great work <3
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SandyChan [2006-03-06 19:02:35 +0000 UTC]
Yush..yush he ish *_*
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noxfoxArts [2006-03-06 18:23:40 +0000 UTC]
wah! you did a good job cause I recognize him as soon as I saw him in your gallery though I've never look so much at old DeG photos... (I saw Die! I saw him! less than 3m behind me! X3)
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spiderlady In reply to noxfoxArts [2006-03-10 05:07:00 +0000 UTC]
Vraiment?? Ou ?? Je suis jaloux ^^ J'ai l'aime pour quatre ans, je mourrais si je le veux...
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noxfoxArts In reply to spiderlady [2006-03-10 06:36:30 +0000 UTC]
hum, c'était à Paris, à l'Olympia, le 24 juillet 2005 si je ne me trompe... un truc de dingue^^ on leur a fait un peu peur tellement on était déchaînés mais ça s'est super bien passé! (heureusement qu'on nous balançait de la flotte dans la gueule et qu'on nous faisais passer des bouteilles parce qu'on se déshydratait à une vitesse hallucinante !). Moi j'étais vraiment presque juste devant Die, c'était une super vue...^^ (bon, j'ai un truc avec les rouquins alors...).
En rentrant chez moi (à Lille, deux semaines plus tard) dans le train j'avais un T-shirt DeG, et je me suis fait arrêté par une fille qui... était allée au concert^^° On a parlé pendant tout le voyage, c'était délire, et j'ai appris qu'une de ses copines avait récupéré le médiator de Kaoru et une autre celui de Toshiya... Vu comme les filles se sont jetées dessus, limites battues, moi j'aurais soit abdiqué soit foutu le truc dans ma bouche et fait comme si de rien n'était comme ça pas de risque de le perdre^^°
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noxfoxArts In reply to spiderlady [2006-03-15 09:39:38 +0000 UTC]
"ce mois-ci"^^
c'est vraiment pas de chance....^^ tu te débrouilles pas mal en français *congratulations!*
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spiderlady In reply to noxfoxArts [2006-03-17 05:34:12 +0000 UTC]
Heehee, merci. Je suit le class du français en lycée, mais maintenant je apprends japonais, comme toi!
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noxfoxArts In reply to spiderlady [2006-03-17 09:52:29 +0000 UTC]
ouaip... y'a encore quelques progrès à faire pour le français mais c'est déjà pas mal !^^
you'll probably do better and better with the time!^^
You've just begun Japanese, so?
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spiderlady In reply to noxfoxArts [2006-03-18 03:49:31 +0000 UTC]
Hai! Deux semestres. Je vais aller a Japon en Juin pour Japanese 201. Je ne peux pas ... typer (ah! je ne sais pas le mot) le hiragana et kanji avec mon ordinateur (is that word outdated? I heard somewhere that it was) demo romanjii o kakemas!!
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noxfoxArts In reply to spiderlady [2006-03-18 09:32:24 +0000 UTC]
ok... tu peux dire ordinateur, ou PC (Personal Computer - -°), ordi (diminutif pour ordinateur - -°).
Rââh ! You're very lucky to go to Japan, I'd like to but I can't (I'd don't have the money and I can't ask my mother to pay!).
If you have Windows XP set on your PC, it's very easy to type in Jap. You must press err... "Starting?" (the button with the windows logo) and go in the configurations thing (panneau de configuration en français). There you can see some icons. One is about languages and other things. You click on it and a window will open. You must check the box about the Asian letters and valid your choice by clicking on ok. When it's done, you just have to go in the languages... thing (it must be down your screen). It's not easy to explain this way, but I think I'll make a tutoriel with screenshots...
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romeokuro [2006-03-05 22:31:11 +0000 UTC]
DIE IS LOVE!!! I like how all of the colors are solid blocks, and there really isn't a lot of rendering. Very pretty! ^_^
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spiderlady In reply to romeokuro [2006-03-06 00:45:09 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I thought I might try something different looking. Also, the image I modeled this after was already high contrast.
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aleksdriscoll [2006-03-05 21:39:39 +0000 UTC]
Wow! o_o That's amazing! Gorgeous work! ^^
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0KiWi0 [2006-03-05 13:30:06 +0000 UTC]
yeah he is love, great piccie 👍: 0 ⏩: 0
valentinecrow [2006-03-05 12:19:44 +0000 UTC]
die is definately the love. well painted
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Kitty-Cat-Angel [2006-03-05 11:05:06 +0000 UTC]
The hair just pulled me in right away! Gorgeous!
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Velasa [2006-03-05 08:45:44 +0000 UTC]
That color's just an awesome kick in the face. So few of them and they're so punched, fantastic.
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spiderlady In reply to Velasa [2006-03-06 00:48:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! Kicks in the face are so rarely awesome.
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Nayami-chan [2006-03-05 08:41:08 +0000 UTC]
This was one of the first pictures I ever saw of Die, too~
Awesome job
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