Comments: 13
IslandMirage [2013-09-30 05:55:32 +0000 UTC]
This made me laugh X3 I'm a Slytherin, myself, but I just freaking ADORE Hufflepuff!
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GlassHeart-x [2012-09-25 19:12:33 +0000 UTC]
puff pride!
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sweet-ninetails [2010-11-29 22:35:02 +0000 UTC]
Well with Salazar, Godric and Rowena as your companions, what do you expect? XD
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AlexE88 [2008-08-26 08:54:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh dear... I guess my avitar says it all now... but damn that is a funny notion... Helga Hufflepuff a piss-head... a tad shameful, yes... but it would explain a lot... great work.
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Squirrelland In reply to AlexE88 [2008-08-26 14:18:54 +0000 UTC]
I'm sure she was a cheerful happy-go-lucky drunk that most people found entertaining. Slytherin just doesn't know how to let loose.
Love the current avatar.
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lettylou [2008-08-26 05:30:36 +0000 UTC]
tee hee...I really like your rendition of Helga Hufflepuff. Mucho bueno.
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Squirrelland In reply to lettylou [2008-08-26 14:16:51 +0000 UTC]
Stacked curls and a pinned on hat make anyone look awesome. Recently bought a hat at a rummage sale and it is awesome. I'm afraid wearing it all the time is weirding out the neighbors, but luckily I don't have any friends to alienate around here.
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lettylou In reply to Squirrelland [2008-08-30 22:37:55 +0000 UTC]
hats are awesome. if you're neighbors think you're weird, it is they who are flawed : )
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RayeofSunshine [2008-08-26 02:55:07 +0000 UTC]
I had this theory about healing with water, or something. It always seems goblets and cups are providers and vessels for the most needed things.
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Squirrelland In reply to RayeofSunshine [2008-08-26 14:13:31 +0000 UTC]
They all seem rather strange except for possibly Gryfindor's sword. You have to wonder what was initially inside Slytherin's locket. Did he spend all of his time pining after some lost love or what?
But cups are cool and Helga is the coolest. At least it's something with a use rather than an old crown.
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CustomCookie In reply to Squirrelland [2011-08-07 16:38:11 +0000 UTC]
It probably played a tune (quite an accomplishment in that age, too).
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