Comments: 17
XinShadowBringer [2015-07-13 04:07:45 +0000 UTC]
Possible Dialogue
Madara: Obito saw you as a pawn, but I see you as an equal.
Sasuke: What are you on about?
Madara: With both our visual prowess, we can take over the world!
Sasuke: I have my own ambitions fossil.
Madara: You have yet to activate the rinnegan, I can help you achieve it to help you beat the Kyuubi brat.
Sasuke: How?
Madara: Trust me and I shall teach what your previous mentors could not.
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Ax3man [2010-02-28 03:41:20 +0000 UTC]
Kyuubi is awesome!
btw my friend tohkann does naruto stuff have you seen any?
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Stephadri94 In reply to Ax3man [2010-02-28 03:50:25 +0000 UTC]
thanks!!! xD
yes!! he has an awesome gallery xD
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Ax3man In reply to Stephadri94 [2010-02-28 03:52:23 +0000 UTC]
no problem!
keep up the good work!
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Stephadri94 In reply to kisi86 [2010-02-06 01:57:54 +0000 UTC]
jaja muchas gracias!! ^^
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imran-ryo [2009-12-30 16:14:08 +0000 UTC]
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FRS-1995 [2009-12-25 15:29:47 +0000 UTC]
te quedo buena jajaj enf vs ami me hubiera dado mucha floejra hacer la apenas estoy haciendo mi primera pagina doble
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Angellic-Muffin [2009-12-24 21:03:15 +0000 UTC]
Looks good!
I love me some Sasuke<3
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