Fixed flaws in description and added more detailed information
Basic Information:
N a m e: Ekho S. Flinn
A g e: Eighteen years old(18)
N a t i o n a l i t y: Native American/ French/ German
S p e c i e s: Fennec Fox Tailed Human
O c c u p a t i on: ---- lives off her father ----
H o m e T o w n: Reenaguard City
C u r r e n t R e s i d e n c e: A Shared home with her father.
T a l e n t / S k i l l s: Ekho is capable of singing(although it’s very soft and she can’t reach octaves that are similar to a soprano), she holds a great ability to adapt to new situations in a calm manner unless it’s an extreme negative change; she may break down or hide from the situation. Able to speak in French and also a small amount of German; adding to her learning skills are very heightened. Has novices culinary skills, and drawing skills.
B i r t h d a y: July 4th || This birthday was given to her by her caretaker. ||
R e l a t i o n S h i p S k i l l s:
Ekho is capable of making relationships with other people very easily. She’s a trusting person and tries to find the good in all people but, if she feels there is ill intent at any time she may become defensive and or withdrawn from said person. Although certain things may set her off to make her fearful of someone.
For example: Most doctors slightly cause an uneasiness in her and she may seem more timid than normal. How ever if they appear kind and proceed to hold a much more kind composure, than she will become relaxed and much more capable of following instruction. Though if the individual is much more aggressive and or seems some what as one would say 'creepy' than, Ekho will only become difficult to handle and may even attempt to avoid them.
Physical Characteristics:
H e i g h t: 4’10 - 147.32cms
W e i g h t: 95 lbs - 43 kgs
R a c e: Appears more Native American.
E y e C o l or: Electric to sky blue.
H a i r C o l o r: White with hot pink shades on bangs and tips.
Natural hair color: Auburn hair with dark brown tips. Minor Blond patches
D i s t i n g u i s h i n g F e a t u r e s:
With the heavy clothing Ekho, appears untouched from a distance but with closer examinations people may find many flaws on her body physically. Her right hand bares a old burn that was serious enough to leave behind traces of it; it mostly shows the more scaring along her thumb and down to the wrist. Other burns can be found on her shoulders where much smaller burns were made, possibly from cigars, and or slight fire play along her arms and back. A larger burn that is mostly covered under a sock and or shoes is her left foot. The ligament has been horribly damaged and still has a lot of scaring from the event and some damaged areas on the foot where the treatment to make her skin survive the burns were not successful. On her tail bone and hip there are deeper scars that may suggest more surgical procedures were taken on her(like a drill or some kind) and other other small incisions that also suggested she had surgeries else where. Minot scars on her shoulders and one on the right hand corner of her jaw line.
F a s h i o n:
-Casual: *points at app*
-Work: Doesn't work
- Formal: Normally short dresses with a cute aspect to them such as small patterns and or ribbons and or a dress shirt with a skirt.
- Sleep: Night gowns with ruffles and or her caretakers shirts.
M a n n e r i s m:
Ekho is a shy individual but, also carries a side of her that is very trusting and somewhat hyperactive. She can be very smart when she so feels like it but, for the most part she is school smart, she doesn’t carry knowledge of street living. Thus leads her to be only moderately intelligent. The girl is creative and an escape artist. When in complicated situations that may mean she is trapped she is quick to be able to find an exit. Very Soft spoken and also affectionate in her own way. She will hug on those she trust and cuddle up to them, this is where her small clingy trait kicks in. Although it’s only very visible with her caretaker. Honesty is her moral, she believes in being honest with all the people she knows except when they have bad intentions of she made a promise to never tell someone's secret. While she’s rather smart she tends to space out sometimes and begins to act absent minded in some moments of her day. Ekho can sometimes act brave too but this normally comes when she loses her temper.
:: L i s t O f M a n n e r i s m s ::
Trusting | Smart | Creative | Bookworm | Escape Artist | Shy | Soft Spoken | Clingy | Affectionate | Brave | Honest | Needy | Semi hot tempered
H a b i t s:
:: Negative Habits::
Mumbles to herself when stressed
Chews on her lower lip
Small temper tantrums when she can’t do something(mostly gekkering like a fox)
Forgetting to wash dishes
Wondering off
rebellious when scared
push over
:: Positive Habits::
Turns off lights behind her
Keeping promises
Being aware of herself
Hygiene Upkeep
Gives people the benefit of the doubt
Good listener with task given to her.
H e a l t h:
Born healthy, she did not have a decline in her health till the age of five due to human tampering of her body.
(Health List)
Aplastic anemia - Fatigue, frequent infections, rapid heart rate, and bleeding may occur.
Paroxysmal nocturnal - attacks of severe shortness of breath and coughing that generally occur at night. It usually awakens the person from sleep.
Arrhythmia - Improper beating of the heart, whether irregular, too fast, or too slow.
Mild Asthma - Episodes of wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath that occur more than twice a week but less than once a day.
- Other health issues she carries are not significant enough to list out fully and or occurs due to her more serious and known health problems, such as fainting, and while rare some slight memory loss which only really happens when under extreme stress. Sensitive stomach to many foods though she may take a risk for a delicious snack and land herself feeling ill due to it.
H o b b i e s:
F a v o r i t e S a y i n g s:
“Can you show me a picture of what it looks like?” (Normally asked when it’s something to bright such as the sun rise)
“Would you like a cookie?”
“Owie owie, i got a owie help.” *holds up injured body part to nearest person*
“Wouldn’t it be easier to just ask for help?”
“It’s too bright outside.. Where is my scarf? “
S p e e c h p a t t e r n s:
Ekho carries a slow pattern of speaking while also having a hesitant touch to it. Her Speech pattern however is very childish and may give her a less competent vocabulary carrying ‘s’ where they shouldn’t be and adding ‘y’s’ where they shouldn’t go yet she is intelligent never the less. When under stress or scared she stutters heavily and or is hard to hear as she whispers in a very low volume.
G r e a t e s t Fl a w :
She fears the dark heavily, and she can’t stand the thought of silence unless it’s time to sleep but she still tends to turn on the television or her phone’s music at times.
The girl has a innocent mind set.
B e s t Q u a l i t y:
The girl shows a lot of love and affection to those that seem to need it. She’s observant to a point and it allows her to make somewhat of a better judgment of situations.
Personality Attributes:
E d u c a t i o n a l B a c k g r o u n d:
Ekho, was not placed in any sort of school. She was placed in a more so Homeschool atmosphere for a short time however she only got so far before other things within her past caught up to her and didn’t allow her to learn. Later in her life she was place in a few schools and has a 10th to 11th grade educational background. (Fond about Nursing)
I n t e l l i g e n c e L e v el: Naturalistic
M e n t a l I l l e n e s s:
-Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
- Fatigue
- Anxiety Disorder(possibly leans more toward PTSD they have not found out entirely)
- Scotophobia
- trypanophobia
Relationships and Biography:
B i o g r a p h y:
Before Orokos City: (Semi mature)
As explained in her information above Ekho was from the city Reenaguard. She was born to a marble fox father who held a high statured in the his master's view. Talented with singing and also providing intellectual characteristics such as mathematics and equations, the man was considered somewhat of a higher arky in the slaves of their estate while her mother was slightly more different but, also carried a champion like blood line. Her mother was from another area of Reenaguard also holding a high status. The women was a prized slave being one of a decent amount of beauty and talent. She was known for being elegant with painting and playing a wide span of string instruments. However she was flawed in actually exposing her body, she was still a slave and her owners malnourished her to contain a thin exterior and struck her till the women wilted. She proceeded to suffer from this till there was an offer made to her family. To make the two prized foxes produce an offspring. In hopes of making something of unique and hopeful individuality for in the city of Reenaguard, anyone who was anyone needed to produce offsprings with their slaves at a certain time to offer to the mayor of the city in hopes of keeping the government, military, and profit to their home. Since both parties of these families were within the inner cities social parties they needed this chance. So it went on for Ekho’s mother and father to make a child and so they did. When she was born the girl show’d now real unique qualities. The fox was if not only a fennec fox. Her hair was a aburn brown with multiple colors and her eyes were a bright green color. Both parties were disappointed to find that she had no markings of the father, no tipped black ears nor any sortof white. Previous courting had made unique and special children but this baby was nothing more than a waste of money and time. However, while they waited for the child to grow. The mother’s owners still holding hope they were surprised to see they had gained something different and unique than what they had previously assumed. When she was four years of age she was slightly under some stress over watching her mother being attacked by her owners that she began to change in size and formed into feral portion of herself. This was a natural half of her, she could change into a feral tailed-human when stressed. This was considered rare and unique to gain access to meeting with the mayor in person. The girl was not only frightened of the mayor who was so eager to see her change albeit the first visit didn’t proceed well. The girl refused to change even under her stress she feared for he had told her and how he was very physical with the child. After another visit the family tried another approach, not only did they lie to the little girl saying they were going to release their mother to live happy with her in their own little home they had placed within the city. While the mom had not been informed of any sort of trickery she also felt it was true. Surely all she had done for this family had been paid off and she brought the mayor a rare sight even if her daughter hadn’t changed in front of the mayor was no one to fear or so she would think…
On the day of their freedom the daughter and mother watched as their mayor signed away the paperwork however while there was a pause in the signing Ekho could only watch as first she was given the paper to sign it which for a moment she saw there might be something good within the mayor of Reenaguard he had pet her head and spoke to her as if he’d known how to deal with a child; unlike before where he had frighten her. Although everything seemed to twist for the little girl as they go to her mother signing it the Mayor’s hand left her head and slowly sat back her mother head was rising to hand back the paperwork but everything seemed to move much slower. For the child watched as a very sharp long blade was removed from the side of the man’s chair and with the right angle the connection with her mother’s neck it sweep through and with the blade slightly giving a creaking and shaken sound when hitting the bones but it cut right through the woman's neck leaving for the last moment of horror stained on the older fennec foxes face and soon the thud of a body fall into the desk and another small few thuds beside her was made. The silence from the daughter was long lasting. However soon a more sadistic laugh was made by the mayor. Teasing out that why would he release anyone from his city let alone something he needed. With blood staining the child’s face soon she did notice her throat was hurting and her eyes were blurring. For a long while she didn’t even notice she was screaming and wailing over the death of her mother. Yet the sound soon registered to her ears that she was the one making the sounds. It was a horrible feeling for her to experience at a young age. She did change as well only to run away but her tail was stomped on when she tried to escape making the small now animal fennec fox make violent calls for help yet she stopped when her neck was grabbed and squeezed. The explanation of why she shouldn’t leave the office was made very apparent. Her owners were sent out there and soon from behind the doors was growling and soon the familiar screams. Ekho was brought with the mayor only to see what was happening outside he held the small animal out to see there was a small amount of wolves looming over what used to be bodies… she hardly tries to remember this fact of her long life in a dark room getting the bone marrow removed from her hip.
While Reenaguard was well equipped with every means of medical technology the tailed-humans rarely got medication for their pain or illnesses so as they were removing bone marrow here and therefore Ekho she was not numbed or put to sleep for the procedure. She was kept awake and suffered the pain for the next six years of her life. Placed in a pitch black room in a building she was not aware of. Till the age of ten she was kept under the building, her eyes diluted in color gaining more of a blue tone and she was sensitive to bright lights making her some what blind in a sense, which was somewhat torturing to her. She lost weight and was heavily malnourished during her time here and with damages done to not only her hip but her bone marrow she grew sick to the extent they finally placed her in the hospital. Because in the end the mayor refused to lose his possibility of a prized possession. Yet while she was in the hospital there was a man coming to collect people of his own and spotted the female sitting up on her bed with the blinds shut and her leg chained to the bedpost. The nurse within the hospital had shown her some kindness and let her have a small book and a few markers which she constantly drew small doodles.
The man seemed to have some sort of sympathy with the tailed-human kid. So when he approached her she perked her ears and stared at him. For a long time they both didn’t move but when he breathed and attempted to ask her for her name she fled. Hiding under the bed. For a long while the male tried to get her to come out while being cautious of anyone who would be on guard clearing seeing the importance of the girl considering how she was tagged on the ear. With back and forth running away from him around the bed eventually he gave up for a moment before he had pulled out a sweet and held it to her. Which Ekho did come out and take what was a cookie. Upon her nibbling on the treat Tulsh(The male who is helping her) unlocked the shackles on her legs and took the girl. He had hid her carefully out of the building and only let her free when they were within the safety of a car. Ekho never knew her father and when questioned by Tulsh of the whereabouts of her mother and father she only spoke of her mother and how she was killed and for a long while within the vehicle there was silence and so he lied. Proclaiming to be her father that that he was in search of her for many years, which considering the child was naive and had no real knowledge of who she was or even her own name(her mother was never allowed to name her and her owners only gave her the name 57 and the facility kept the number) she accepted his lie though was still shy. Tulsh questioned what they called her and gave a rather discourage expression when she responded with a number. Another few moments of silence he finally spoke a name, proclaiming her name was ‘Ekho Soleil Flinn.’ or so he explained that’s what he wanted to name her before she was taken. She was given a large lie of who he actually was and soon he removed her from Reenaguard cutting her hair removing the tag and cleaning her off and giving some medical attention to her so she didn’t seem so ill. Not only did he cut her hair but he managed to dye out the brown color and bleached it to a white tone along with her fur before sneaking her out of the city…
(Detailed died due to.. Well it’s gonna be super long so i shortened it…)
In Orokos City:
Ekho, was taken to Orokos city with Tulsh and the few people that was with him. She was given a scarf to protect her eyes during their day travel stopping in Oploria because they had business to attend to. Yet she stayed behind in the hotel, she was not well with silence so the first time left alone she was found in a corner softly hitting her head into a corner and the second time someone was left to watch her which she had a better time. Over the course of their trip from Oploria to Axt riding on a boat for the first time she bonded with Tulsh who taught her new things such as proper speech, and to not be fearful to ask for things. Though he couldn’t fix her sight, the color from her eyes was now a blue tone due to how little she was allowed into the sun or even a light. He did show her pictures of what it looked like from time to time which brought out her fascination for the sun and her interest in making small drawings of it. Once they got Axt. and than to Joided, Tulsh parted ways with the men he was gathering and decided to take Ekho by car as she was eventually getting sea sick from the boat. Allowing the fox girl to explore the city of Joided she saw what it was to be apart of festivals during the night and was given the first stuffed animal, which was a small sky blue sheet with stars stitched into it, as she was eyeing the stuffed animal while her newfound father was purchasing her some clothes that were less raggedy. The female was attached to the stuffed sheep and carried it around with her for the rest of their trip to Yedsa but they did not stop there for long considering the situation in Yedsa Tulsh explained that some places did not like predator like tailed humans and she was considered a predator in their eyes. Once they reached Tico Ekho finally brought up the question of where they were going exactly and her father had explained he was taking her somewhere safe and where he was working at. He spoke of the city being a little strict on tailed-humans but she wouldn’t be treated badly not in his care to say the least. Once reaching Orokos she was baffled to see how bright the city was how many colors twisted within the clouds and soon after passing the gate smoothly she could see the tall buildings and twisting and snaking roads. There was a variety of people like Joided. Although they didn’t stop in any of the bright lit areas instead they eventually turned into a darker area and the car dipped and she made a small discouraged whine at the darkness though her father had placed his hand on her head and hummed for her to not be afraid. Which he had done a few times and also encouraged her to hold her stuffed sheep for comfort.
The girl was soon taken to whre Tulsh worked and she had met another man who seemed to always call her a cat proclaiming he was allergic of her but didn’t speak to her so negatively either. Instead she found entertainment in the man who was called Sextus and he soon became another important figure to her or more so a close friend of hers, She did not witness the revolution of the Tailed-humans Tulsh had hidden her away underground with Sextus and only explained that she was going to be allowed to walk around on the streets later after the war died down. Her life in Orokos consisted of her learning how to function as a normal person and long visits to the hospital to get checked out and for the moments she came dreadfully ill. Not knowing her father and friend was actually apart of something more darker and secretive. She isn’t permitted to know of it as her father refused to let her know.
General Group:
Ekho is able to walk around the city a lone here and there she is a very young adult who tends to be found walking around the sidewalks near the toy store or bakeries. The girl has a father and friend she is close to and can sometimes be found with them.
R e l a t i o n s h i p s:
Sextus A. Vivavaln;
Sextus is considered her babysitter in a sense when her father is busy and he brings her to work. Often hides in his coat or tries to play with his hair when he lets her. This is where she gained her odd fascination for trains and also calls him Sexty as a nickname(no she has no regard of how this might sound like she’s calling him sexy)
Tulsh C. Flinn;
Tulsh was the man who had saved her from Reenaguard and is now her father figure; who she actually believes to be her father(even if he’s not in reality). She has a large attachment to him and tends to be seen with him when he isn’t working.
People are scared of her while Ekho only seems to see a very bossy women. They aren’t as close but she will stay wave a small hello here and there.
The toy store owner, she tends to see her a lot when she’s allowed to go buy a toy for herself or presents for others. They aren’t close but they have seen each other enough to recognize one another.