Poisoned by the snakes in the grass
Hoaxed by the rats out the maze
They should have never poked the lion as he pass
Cuz now it's two hawks in a cage
This a tale of a cautionary kind
This a story of that Icarus design
This a message from the hanged man's twine
This when mother nature rips apart the fault lines
And this the type of case that make a grown man cry
When feeble of the spine crumble underneath the grind
When blessings of the meek lead to lessons of the blind
When Heaven shows its teeth and the planets are aligned
Not gonna say much about him because of something that I might do later with him and Darkfang but he's got a redesign to be more like I imagined him
Song is Don't get in my way by Zack Hemsey and it's kind of how I imagined his voice to be