Jelical is a Water/Electric fakémon. It doesn't evolve.
Abilities: Static / Electric Surge
Hidden Ability: RedOx Boost*
*Every turn that is an even number, Jelical will become 30% faster.
HP: 60
Atk: 90
Def: 40
Sp.Atk: 130
Sp.Def: 50
Speed: 100
Dex entries:
1. Jelical suck in water, and use electrolysis to convert it into oxigen- and hydrogenbubbles. It uses the power of the current to generate electricity for this process. Jelical use this process as a way of storing electricity.
2. Using the bubbles of oxigen and hydrogen on its body, a Jelical can convert them into water to generate electricity. It can use this to gain a speed boost or deliver a devastating shock.