I like this color palette. Some things are different at how I wanted but I like how it turned out.
Price: 15€ (adopt only) / 25€ (adopt+icon) / 40€ (adopt+extra fullbody art) / 50€ (adopt+icon+extra fullbody art)
(PayPal only. It does the conversion automatically to whatever your money is)
Also, don't give me your e-mail, I don't need it, PayPal provides a simple link so you can transfer the money without the need of writing me your e-mails. You also don't need mine. The link is enough.
Owner: Tytofi
Please read the rules carefully.
♦ Contact me to buy an adopt. A comment is enough.
♦ Wait until I give you the OK to send the payment. While I'm waiting for the payment, the adopt will be on hold.
♦ I only accept what the price says.
♦ If I don't recieve the payment in a week (7 days), the adopt will be open again.
♦ A high quality/unwatermarked version of the adopt will be delivered when the payment arrives correctly.
♦ Credit me the first time you draw your adopt.
♦ You can buy the adopt for someone else.
♦ Don't resell for a higher price than you bought (unless having extra art that adds value).
♦ You can make small changes to the design as long as it doesn't affect it in a way that species, color palette, etc... is unrecognizable.
♦ You can do whatever you want in terms of lore/backstory as well as the info provided with the adopt.
♦ Prices are usually fixed, unless it is said otherwise.