the-Loony — man exercise

Published: 2013-02-14 06:50:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 3490; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description working on that dammn male anatomy.
wha can´t they have breasts? everything´s easier to paint with breasts...

those flat chests and half muscular bellies are really hard to get right, when you´re not just copying it from a pic... *sigh*

stockpic: [link]
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Comments: 27

dangerousdryad [2013-06-19 22:52:45 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for using my stock! This is lovely!

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the-Loony In reply to dangerousdryad [2013-06-24 11:45:11 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot, it´s a fabulous pic of a nice but not overtrained person, i couldn´t resist!

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JellyRollDesigns [2013-04-18 17:05:45 +0000 UTC]

You are making me jealous with your ability to depict male! I too find it easier to draw female. A lot of time my ''hunky man" ends up looks like a "She-man".

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the-Loony In reply to JellyRollDesigns [2013-05-02 15:34:49 +0000 UTC]

ahhh, thanks! however i only came to get better by exercising, male figures are still not generally as easy for me as male ones!
so i gotta keep at it

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AnA-bby [2013-02-16 10:38:07 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad I got to see this one on closeup, LOL about the breast part XD but dont ask me o.o I avoid drawing males in anyway I can, I should take you as a role model and force myself to draw them too >.>

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the-Loony In reply to AnA-bby [2013-02-17 12:14:37 +0000 UTC]

i know exactly how you feel... *sigh*
you know, i don´t find it that terribly difficult to draw a men, where you only have to hint at all the muscles and stuff. but actually getting them SHADED makes me crazy @_@

buuut i the more i get into it (forcedly at first, through work), the more i´m eager to master them and get as comfy with male figures as i am with female ones!
so you´ll probabably see many more of those in my gallery soon....

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AnA-bby In reply to the-Loony [2013-02-20 13:21:49 +0000 UTC]

LOOOL!!, looking forward to it xD, I shall try to follow the strange path you take

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the-Loony In reply to AnA-bby [2013-02-21 11:45:45 +0000 UTC]

goood good, i´m curious to see how you´ll fare!

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AnA-bby In reply to the-Loony [2013-02-24 20:33:47 +0000 UTC]

I drew my brother playing! without a face though :3, I'm horrible, doesnt really count does it ? [link]

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the-Loony In reply to AnA-bby [2013-02-24 23:02:22 +0000 UTC]

there´s many things about it i like, tho the overall picture is somewhat a bit mushy (mostly due to the half baked background, i think. it´s a bit indecisive).

i think the fact that he doesn´t have a face isn´t very tragic, because it´s obviously a rough picture overall. you´ve hinted at his features, you could have gone just a tad further, also being a bit more decisive about where to place your strokes, but else that´s fine.
things that popped at me are his right shoulder, where his shirt with it´s ruffles looks extremely nice! or also his hand: it looks very plastic, tho a bit stiff considering he´s playing (i think you´d hardly have all the fingers aligned so neatly when playing the violin, makes it look a bit like he´s posing for you )
also his violin bow is so nicely highlighted in red and looking, as opposed to his hand, to be in motion, almost like fotographic blur.

so this is all i see in the pic, i´ve listed almost all the pro´s and con´s i could find. for a live drawing it came yout quite well, i think! and for being kept simple, it´s actually an interesting piece!

´nuff said!

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AnA-bby In reply to the-Loony [2013-03-04 23:31:00 +0000 UTC]

wow, grateful I am for you giving me such professional criticism, I will work on the cons, but I feel such guilt T_T, if I compare this, with my comments on your recent work, I should basically trash my self, not nuff said

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the-Loony In reply to AnA-bby [2013-03-08 01:05:54 +0000 UTC]

aw ana, i don´t expect anything from you xD
if i´m giving you a long and detailed comment on something, it´s simply because i feel that your pictures inspire me to do so and that you´ll probably also make something of it!

so please don´t feel obligated in any way to show special interest in my stuff or focus on seeking out every single detail, to find something positive to say

if you´re interested in my pictures, i´d love to get your feedback - criticism or appraisal. if you ever feel especially fancy, i´d be delighted, of course, if you´d share some of my art in any way, but that´s really only if you want to (and if you feel the piece deserves it!).

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AnA-bby In reply to the-Loony [2013-04-01 20:13:40 +0000 UTC]

you're right I always do make something out of it, its not an obligation really, more of a; I stalk your improvement, I appreciate your improvement, I would like my words to have the same magical effect to let you continue your improvement with sooo much love and dedication, I want to do magic

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Duckcream [2013-02-14 20:18:18 +0000 UTC]

i would make the neck a lil long to stress...i dunno what im even saying LOL
teach me ur boobie ways ♥

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the-Loony In reply to Duckcream [2013-02-17 12:18:45 +0000 UTC]

ducksl... xD

to teach you the art of masterful boobing i shall continue with my tutorial series, hopefully very soon!

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chaosqueen122 [2013-02-14 16:00:45 +0000 UTC]

you are so right everything is easier to draw with breasts.
Aww but he looks very awesome the colors and the anatomy is in my opinion perfect.

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the-Loony In reply to chaosqueen122 [2013-02-17 12:20:49 +0000 UTC]

thanks very much, my fellow austrian

i hope i will gather so much skill in painting men, that i´ll be able to conjure them right from my head onto the canvas some day

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chaosqueen122 In reply to the-Loony [2013-03-05 19:43:12 +0000 UTC]

you are very welcome.
Wow that would be amazing.

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the-Loony In reply to chaosqueen122 [2013-03-08 00:53:37 +0000 UTC]

yes... *sigh*

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chaosqueen122 In reply to the-Loony [2013-03-10 11:20:43 +0000 UTC]

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PeterSiedlArt [2013-02-14 08:28:29 +0000 UTC]

''wha can´t they have breasts? everything´s easier to paint with breasts...''

not to mention (almost^^) everything is asthetically more pleasing with breasts (also when you're drawing it)...

ansonsten hab' ich mir bei meiner letzten illu auch wieder ein wenig die zähne in sachen männlicher anatomie die zähne ausgebissen... wobei ich find's nach wie vor (u.a.) am schwersten einen unmuskulösen, weiblichen bauch plastisch hinzukriegen...

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the-Loony In reply to PeterSiedlArt [2013-02-17 12:26:44 +0000 UTC]

mmmmh well i wouldn refrain from saying that men have a special asthetic around them aswell. but of course a female body has it´s very own, internationally aknowledged spells.

hehe, so hat jeder seine .. ehh, wie nennt ma die, die dinge die einen immer wieder blut schwitzen lassen?
aber es stimmt: es is auch ein untrainierter männertorso viel schwerer, als ein muskelprotz, einfach weil man sooooo viel feinfühliger und dezenter arbeiten muss, anstatt einfach schwungvoll die auffälligen muskeln nachzuziehn... die z.t. eh so abstrakt sind, dass keiner mitbekommt, wenns ned alles ganz passt xP

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PeterSiedlArt In reply to the-Loony [2013-02-17 20:19:30 +0000 UTC]

wobei bei meiner letzten illu für die mephisto hab' ich viiiiiiel zu lange vor allem für die gesichter gebraucht...^^

da hab' ich mich durchaus das eine oder andere stundal herumgeärgert und auch nicht ganz begriffen, warum mir das gerade so schwer gefallen ist... und die gesichter der beiden figuren waren natürlich der knackpunkt bei dem teil (auch das allerste auf das der betrachter guckst, bei der komposition)... allerdings sei dazu gesagt, dass es erst so schwer wurde für mich beim dritten hauptarbeitsschritt, nämlich beim rendering (also farb/licht und schatten-verläufe/übergänge)... in vorskizze (die allerdings etwas arg grob war) und farbgrundierung ging's gewohnt flux dahin... naja... etwas aus der übung wohl auch mit chars-zeichnen...

am schönsten find' ich bei dir, ganz besonders bei den letzten sachen, die hände... die sind vielleicht nicht immer superpräzise gemalt von dir (müssen's ja auch nicht), aber die kriegst du immer sehr plastisch, feingliedrig und mit einer gewissen leichtigkeit hin... da muss ich dann auch immer aus irgendeinemg grund an deine hände denken... mal 'ne spontan-theorie von mir: je hübscher die jeweiligen künstler-hände sind, umso hübscher sind die jeweiligen gezeichneten hände...

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the-Loony In reply to PeterSiedlArt [2013-02-19 19:57:51 +0000 UTC]

hmmmja, manchmal heikts einfach. bei mir is des eh auch immer beim erstellen der feinen farbgradients des gleiche, da verhunz ich mir regelmäßig das, was etwas gröber doch soviel besser oder zumindestinteresanter ausgesehn hat.

naja. hoffentlich kommt das mit der übung dann von selbst, wie du schon sagst, übung ist wirklich wichtig.

die hände.. ja wer weiß... *gg* hab irgendwie während into the dark immer besonderes augenmerk drauf gehabt und seitdem flutschts ganz gut

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PeterSiedlArt In reply to the-Loony [2013-02-19 22:48:40 +0000 UTC]

jaja, übung, übung... und weil's grad passt...

...hab eh schon mal drauf verwiesen, aber die frau macht mich gerade beim angucksen ihrer letzten artworks ziemlich fertig:


arbeitszeit 2,5h für so ein superrealistisches portrait! allein die haare! arghhh...

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the-Loony In reply to PeterSiedlArt [2013-02-21 15:27:17 +0000 UTC]

jau, ich hab sie glaubich eh auf meiner watchlist...

tja, is halt wirklich eine portraitspezialistin, würd ich sagen...

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PeterSiedlArt In reply to PeterSiedlArt [2013-02-14 18:51:13 +0000 UTC]

one time less teeth please (was way too early in the morning when i posted it^^)...

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