Passage of the Alpha
Tokota Import: Barn Owl 57117
Prompt: 6. The spirits have recognized your Tokota's worth - unfortunately, this includes the darker spirits as well as the benevolent. Will your Tokota be tempted by the call of dark forces, or spurn them for the light?
Bonuses: +10 for bear, +10 for Sikrinerk , +10 for Serpent's Spine
Import Link: R-1044 Vespers
Rune Mark Tracker: Rune Tracker
Rune Mark points and bonuses: sociable, full body colored, full body handler, complex background, other arpg: Barn Owl 57117 , completely by owner
Quest Bonuses: Apprentice Investigator, Herd Bonus: Overcoming Obstacles: black-scrag | rukaan herd
Quest Type: Migration
Quest Prompt: Storm Warning
Activity Tracker Link: Quest Results
Bank Name: the7eventhrider
Import Link: R-0995 Chaplain
Rune Mark Tracker: Rune Tracker
Rune Mark points and bonuses: sociable, full body colored, full body handler, complex background, other arpg: Barn Owl 57117 , completely by owner
Quest Bonuses: Apprentice Investigator, Herd Bonus: Overcoming Obstacles: black-scrag | rukaan herd
Quest Type: Migration
Quest Prompt: Storm Warning
Activity Tracker Link: Quest Results
Bank Name: the7eventhrider