Earth and the surrounding galaxy have reached complete peace and immortality, leaving the Four Horsemen adrift out of no fault of their own. To combat this, the Horsemen have peeled back the layers of the multiverse and collected the most cunning, violent, and stab-happy beings they could find with a host of skills and unique abilities each. These "Slayers" will take part in battle, each Splatter Royal getting bloodier than the last. It doesn't matter if you're Human or Monster, of this World or Not, the Horsemen place these killers in a fractured world built from the nightmares of humanity for one goal - create enough carnage to earn the right to challenge the Horsemen themselves for your own piece of existence.
Alias: The Knick-Knabber - Wonder Taker
Real Name: Unknown
Backstory: No one knows where the Knick-Knabber came from, some say the Knick-Knabber himself has no clue. Some say a man who despised Christmas froze to death under a large tree, and from the tree grew a treant with that man's hatred of Christmas imbued. Others say it has existed for centuries, that its very wood was used to make the crucifix Jesus died on. Many even believe that Santa himself carved and brought to life the Knick-Knabber as a punisher of bad children so that he could focus all on the good ones. Regardless, the creature has persisted in the same breath as Christmas for decades now.
If you are to awaken on Christmas Day, presents gone and decorations stolen, leftovers devoured, and joy snatched; you've been visited by The Knick-Knabber. Baubles and Holly, Lights and Stockings, all go into his sack as he steals the holiday from you and your family. And Santa helps you if you catch him in the act, as many say he will take anyone and anything he spies near and under the Christmas tree. With club and sack in hand, your holiday will be gone in a snap.
Signature Weapon: Sack and Club - A wooden club, though it looks more like a stunted baseball bat, and grey sack that can hold more than you'd think. If something doesn't want to go into the sack, THAT'S when the club comes in.
Noteworthy Abilities: Able to slither in and out of houses with ease with its strangely flexible body, the Knick-Knabber is a pine tree-based creature able to strengthen or soften his pine needles and control the speed at which his limbs grow as well. Incredibly strong and large, beware fighting this creature.
Species: Treant - A Pine Tree-like lifeform, organic. Weak to Fire. Absorbs Water.
-Stats-Brutality: 140
Durability: 140
Speed: 110
Wits: 120
Willpower: 120
Luck: 100
Influence: 95
Brightness: 120
Presence: 115
Vileness: 140
-Moves- Signature: A Mean One - As long as your Vileness is above 100, life draining moves will cause 5 HP damage per hit any time you are used. For every hit you land on an opponent, their Brightness lowers by 5 SP if their Vileness is less than 110.
Grift Exchange - If Wits: >100 and Speed: >80, you can switch an opponent's item/move card with one of your own for five turns. Works one card at a time, so it's momentarily disabled for those five turns.
Roots of all Evil - If Brightness: >100, plant your roots into the ground and create a cage of branches around the opponent regardless of where they are on the map. They are now Caged but will free themselves if they use a damaging move worth 35 HP or more damage, thus breaking the cage. You cannot use this move two turns in a row.
Spree Trimmer - Fire several sharpened pine leaves towards the opponent, dealing 5 HP damage per hit. Projectile with a reach of 3 spaces.
Knabber Night - If health is below 90 and there is a minion on the playing field, you can engage that minion in a stat battle. If you win the stat battle, the minion is put into your sack and removed for the rest of the game. You gain 60 HP; this move is disabled after its first successful use.
(The Knick-Knabber, based on our favorite Christmas thief and a bit on Krampus. A reverse Santa who steals your stuff on Christmas Eve, and you if you wanted to stay up to catch Santa delivering your presents. His move set is really unique and based on being as much of an a$$hole as you can possibly can. Let me explain some things now as they've been brought up.
While weakness to some move types (water, fire, electricity, etc.) means double HP damage, "Absorbtion" means that you HEAL the same amount of HP the move would've otherwise have taken away. Being Caged is different from being bound as you can break out of the cage with a strong damaging move, and Signatures are divided into two groups: Active and Passive. Passives are active all game of course, while Active Signatures require you to use a Move turn for their effect.)
Finally, a shameless plug. Feel free to spare me a kofi if you like! Here: