The trickiest part of Laura was finding a face that was more in line with the artwork I was using, specifically art from Marvel vs Capcom, gotta figure that is as close to cannon as you can hope for, rather than basing her off of the young Dafne Keene who played the character in Logan. Her cartoon appearances have been a bit inconsistent, and artists will vary the look based on a number of factors.
The skin is from Fan Ling HD by Mousso.
The shape is Daphne (Unintended, but fun) for Olympia 8 by DemonicaEvillus and Jessaii.
The Hair is Elsinore Hair by EmmaAndJordi
The shirt, pants, and gloves are from Slinky Suit 2 by Smay.
The boots are from Lethal Rogue Outfit by Demian and Yura.
The upper arm bands are from X-Fashion Satyr outfit by xtart-3d.
The belt is from Glam Rocker Outfit by 4blueeyes.
The necklace is from dforce Camo Chic Outfit by Nikisatez.
The claws are from PW Claws I think by PW Productions, but the item seems to be no longer available on the Daz3d site, might have been a little too on the nose, I noticed a few things have quietly vanished of a similar potential issue.