TheDigitalNuel β€” Cotton the MusicalMimcier (Ability for friends #2)

Published: 2023-06-18 17:30:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 1002; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Description No story for her (unless she wants to make one)

Ability1: the mystical microphone is an object that can be able to make her uses mincing
she can be able to mimic people that are weaker than her (example My turbo isnt strong enough to be compared to the mic, since thats possible the mic could be able to copy the ability and pass it on to the to cotton, making her use the turbo form until she's out of energy
her mic cant not mimic things stronger than her or it, (example, My Ultra form will be to overwhelming for the mic, making it impossible for it to be mimiced)

Ability2: Cotton is able to summon notes from portal's and use for almost anything, she mostly uses it to fly by making it as a hover board
she also has a high pitched voice that can deafen people for hours and the best way to Distract an enemy

FunFact: she can combine the two abilities, which gives her the name MusicalMimicer

this ones for art is for cottoncha0s i hope you love itπŸ’œπŸ’œ
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Comments: 1

NeoNimbus526 [2023-06-18 18:40:51 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0