THEManzini — SinFull-Color forest

#flowers #forest #fox #witch #animals #colorful #river #rosesflowers
Published: 2023-06-25 10:04:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 5359; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 0
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Description “ La foresta era un luogo magico, ma la strega che vi dimorava era gelosa di questo, non voleva che nessuno, nessun essere vivente vedesse questo posto, cosi la notte dava la caccia a chi coraggiosamente si addentrava nella selva, ma qualcuno è riuscito a tornare per raccontarlo “

“ The forest was a magical place, but the witch who dwelt there was jealous of it, she did not want anyone, no living being to see this place, so the night hunted down those who bravely entered the forest, but someone managed to come back to tell it “
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