Comments: 56
thomastapir In reply to ??? [2013-03-26 00:03:50 +0000 UTC]
Go for it, I'd love to see what you come up with!
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ethan-k793 In reply to ??? [2013-03-25 22:51:07 +0000 UTC]
that face whent horibly wrong at the end. here ill fix it.
)=] <--- turn your head untill the arrow points up.
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jcotetroupe [2011-04-17 15:59:44 +0000 UTC]
Man, I don't need to know anything about the physiology of this creation to know that I like it. As with most of your drawings, it's sometimes impossible to believe they don't exist. Maybe you're tapping in to an M-theory world somehow. But however you do it, it's extraordinary. And whether or not you'd agree, I think it's some of your best pencil work. Hey, hope your trip was/is a good one, man.
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DSil [2011-04-02 19:02:10 +0000 UTC]
Too insect-like? I definitely see a flower when I look at him. Of course, there are insects that look almost exactly like flowers, so you can't really blame yourself for the overlap.
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thomastapir In reply to M0AI [2010-11-17 06:22:00 +0000 UTC]
Ooo, tropical fish, good call! Man, that hadn't even occured to me. And I'm glad it reads as predominantly plant-like to you! Hey, weren't we talking about Tony DiTerlizzi a while back...? Total coincidence, I was looking at his little Spiderwick "Field Guide to Sprites" at the library today and was astonished to note the stylistic similarities between this guy and his various species of "orchid sprite." I did read that book a couple of years ago...I guess it had a bigger impact on me than I'd thought!
Thanks, Cory!
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Rodlox [2010-10-23 02:40:57 +0000 UTC]
very very cool, this is.
(not sure what a Muir organism is)
all I can think is "it's looking at me!"
(not only does it have three sets of eyes on the left, it also has one on the (appendage? abdomen?) above them)
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thomastapir In reply to Rodlox [2010-10-23 05:52:30 +0000 UTC]
Let's see, there should be two eyes, one above the other, at middle left. The top optical apparatus is actually a biological laser!
Muir is ~whale's alternate Earth, colonized by an alien domain of fractal memetic organisms:
Thank you!
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Tektalox [2010-09-29 07:29:25 +0000 UTC]
I tell you this once again: I like your plant biodroids.
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tharal2814 [2010-09-23 15:10:29 +0000 UTC]
I am not sure what I am looking at, but I am sure I wouldn't want near me.
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tharal2814 In reply to tharal2814 [2010-09-23 15:11:10 +0000 UTC]
forgot to add the fear emotion-face-thing
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flaketom [2010-09-22 07:17:42 +0000 UTC]
I really like it. It's insect like, but first thing I saw was the orchid! Hmmm, maybe I'd add the antheres, dunno. Would look great if you'd color it.
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thomastapir In reply to flaketom [2010-09-22 21:49:29 +0000 UTC]
Ooo, antheres! Good call! I definitely need to do a color version one of these days, too.
Thanks, Tom!
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thomastapir In reply to turbofanatic [2010-09-24 03:49:46 +0000 UTC]
DeviantART is deviously deficient when it comes to Last Starfighter emoticons, especially given the awesomeness of a comment like "DEATH FLOWERS"! Oh man, that sent me off in all kinds of directions...Now I have to work in some parallel to the Aztec's "Flowery Wars"! Anyway, I'm so glad these read as plant-like to you, and I'm really pumped that you like them...I'm always elated when somebody as talented as yourself gets a charge out of one of my ideas or images!
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thomastapir In reply to turbofanatic [2010-09-28 01:49:08 +0000 UTC]
The Cat From Outer Space--the ORIGINAL lolcat!
Thanks, I've got a few ideas percolating...Now I just need time to work on them!
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SpazzReflex [2010-09-21 21:35:14 +0000 UTC]
It does look quite insectlike, but it looks good. I'd know some kids who would definately customize their Orchidrone
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labgnome [2010-09-21 16:42:15 +0000 UTC]
Awwww! It's good, I like it allot, and the idea behind it. It isn't extremely "insect-like" and dose fit well with the others.
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newtman001 [2010-09-21 16:32:05 +0000 UTC]
Nope - NOT obvious parallels with Marduk spacecraft. The Marduk battlepods looked much less complete. Actually, most of them looked like there was a second chunk missing.
Orchids rule as a basis for mecha/creature design! This particular piece deserves to be upgraded and finished. Also, as far as looking more insectile than plantlike, remember the orchid mantis - the original "somewhere between plant and animal" animal.
You're onto something here. Press on!
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thomastapir In reply to newtman001 [2010-09-22 01:29:12 +0000 UTC]
Ohhh, I've definitely got a "Mantis Orchid" in the works, never fear!
Thanks Newt, I'm really happy you like these, and also that you don't find them overly derivative of the Marduk mecha!
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newtman001 In reply to thomastapir [2010-09-24 20:08:52 +0000 UTC]
I look forward to seeing your Mantis Orchid designs!
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thomastapir In reply to newtman001 [2010-09-25 21:23:52 +0000 UTC]
And they most certainly look forward to seeing you.
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newtman001 In reply to thomastapir [2010-09-27 00:23:16 +0000 UTC]
Excellent! Dude - you need to check out my latest journal entry. I found a new toy YOU NEED. NAO!
I'm interested to see how you employ it in your drawing...
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thomastapir In reply to newtman001 [2010-10-03 02:43:53 +0000 UTC]
D'OH, EV-ER-Y-BOD-Y has been telling me about Sculptris! I know, I know, I need to get it...I don't know why I'm dragging my feet on it, except that as I was telling ~whale earlier, I think I'm intimidated by the learning curve on a new 3D program--even one that's supposedly super-intuitive and user-friendly. Gaaah, I've gotta bite the bullet and do it...It'll be good for me!
Blender is another one I've been hearing about, I guess I should try that too.
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newtman001 In reply to thomastapir [2010-10-03 19:15:47 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry - I feel the same way.
Blender I'm not even bothering with. Why? Because there's so much to learn it cuts into my vegetating time. Three-dimensional programs DO have a steep learning curve, and we don't have the time or energy necessary to devote to every new gewgaw that floats down the pike.
Even the work (2 whole sessions!) I've done with Sculptris has been tiring: I found I got a tension headache from spending two hours with it. I did, however, get a basic dragon head out of it (do you think I should post it?). Bottom line is this: I'm using Sculptris to model parts that are difficult for me to render correctly at an angle. I'm also learning it to nourish my 3-D jones: sometimes I get the urge to build rather than draw, and Sculptris allows me to noodle and improvise in 3-D space.
Check out Sculptris at your own pace, and make sure you have fun!
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Rob-Cavanna [2010-09-21 15:09:09 +0000 UTC]
I get what you mean that it seems more insectile than floral, But I'm not so sure that's a very bad thing. Insects and flowers are so closely linked anyway...
The addition of color may or may not help in that situation, given the often fantastical floral colors of insects.
Maybe t simply needs more form details that are unmistakably floral/plant-like. It's a damn original idea, and worth developing further.
Definitely see potential for an inter-stellar droid/mecha here.
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thomastapir In reply to Rob-Cavanna [2010-09-22 01:26:59 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, Rob! One of the possible solutions I have in mind for upping the "floral quotient" is to borrow more directly from unmistakably flower-like shapes in specific body elements like the "heads." But even then, so many insects so closely mimic plants, as you pointed out.... I'd also like to employ more of those vine-like "cables" and "hoses" I was playing with in the initial sketches--those strike me as quite vegetable-like. And of course playing also with the asymmetricality, which tends to create a disconnect from recognizable animal forms, if nothing else.
Thanks again, I'm happy you like it!
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SaucyLobster [2010-09-21 11:45:28 +0000 UTC]
As you pointed out, it looks more animal than plant which I think is mostly down to its little 'arms'. I can imagine this in colour and it would be visually very striking.
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thomastapir In reply to SaucyLobster [2010-09-22 01:22:32 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, my buddy who was here while I was working on it also commented that the "abdomen" contributes to or reinforces the "insect" vibe. But how would it fly without one??
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KichiRain [2010-09-21 06:41:17 +0000 UTC]
If it's any consolation, I could see it was a plant form the thumbnail alone ~
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thomastapir In reply to whalewithlegs [2010-09-23 01:59:12 +0000 UTC]
(see #8)
Thanks so much, man! I'm really happy it resonates for you...When I looked at it the next morning after I had some distance from it, I thought, Whoa, this could almost be a Muir organism! Because of the ostentatious patterns and flamboyant stylization, I guess.
So I have to ask, what part *does* appear to be an "ocular cluster" to you? Because it could be read a couple of different ways, and I'm anxious to see if my interpretation matches others'.
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whalewithlegs In reply to thomastapir [2010-09-23 02:25:57 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, there are 2 areas that could do it ... I was referring to the lower, core set though. While the upper one is distinct, it also has the feel of an organic cannon.
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