Thrillisle — Violet Jessop, Miss Unsinkable

#britannic #rmsolympic #rmsbritannic #violetjessop #violet_jessop #olympicsinking #rmstitanic #titanic #titanicsinking
Published: 2023-04-23 02:03:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 2591; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description Violet Jessop was a survivor of not one, not two, but three maritime disasters! All on the sister ships of Titanic, Britannic, and the Olympic. The first was the collision of the Olympic and the HMS Hawke, a British warship in 1911. The second was the infamous Titanic disaster in 1912, which killed over 1500 people. The third and final one was the HMHS Britannic in 1916. We must commend her, not just for her bravery, but for helping others during the Titanic and Britannic sinkings.
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