Character artwork for GigaMaidens, a fighting game about giant women.
Naoko is the brute force of the Adore Stone Maidens, a magical girl team consisting of herself, Sachi and three others.
Kindly referred to as a "eurasian mutt" by Sachi, Naoko grew up in the untamed, otter-infested jungles of Mississippi, where she learned how to ride a motorbike, what human flesh tastes like in a hamburger, and how a single family member's death could cause your family to lose all its cohesion. With such an eventful past, it should come as no surprise that Naoko's mental health is what it is - she is unpredictable, vulgar, and at times a borderline sociopath, taking no heed to the decorum of morality or laws, seeking people to fight with during her drunken benders and not caring about the injuries she bestows on both herself and those who are forced to be part of her life. Somehow, she was given the job of being a magical superheroine with Sachi, a job that she doesn't seem to take seriously - she often uses it as an excuse to commit violence with impunity. One can only imagine how such a barbaric woman got the task of defending the world from the forces of the supernatural, who even themselves find such a maniac too difficult to contend against. Perhaps this was the plan all along?
One day finding herself in a grim situation with Sachi, both of them lost in a dreamlike world where they are both giants, Naoko finds herself in a unique situation where she may decide once and for all whether she aligns with good or evil for the rest of her life - will she continue being on the side of good in a way that is all but a charade? Or will she choose a new life for herself and leave all that behind?
Lines by me
Colors/shading by Yilx