Registered Name: Noela
ID Number: 27988
Owner: Lemonegrass
Previously: MoonyArsaraidh
Species: Tokotas
Breed: Canarctos venatori
Gender: Female
Mane Type: Normal Mane
Genotype: ee/Aa/tt/MM/CC/AA/GG/nLce
Phenotype: Marked collared greying brown with accents and lacing
Height: 178 cm
Hierarchy Status: Submissive
Rites of Fertility: Yes
Health Status: Healthy, fit active and in good shape
Physical Traits:
- Curled Tail
-Creature Whisperer
Increased chance to locate companion animals on an exploration, caving, or diving trip.
- Fisher Trait
Fish retrieved by the tokota are worth 20%+ of their usual reward when redeemed at Toko Tokens Bank.
Tokota is able to be bred 1 time over the standard monthly limit.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Hento 15452
----------------- SS: Honzo 16526
------------------------------------------ SSD: Kismet 14397
Sire: Nightcrawler 19529
------------------------------------------ SDS: Solo 11939
----------------- SD: Yuliya 17066
------------------------------------------ SDD: Yuki 12298
------------------------------------------ DSS: Atohi 13799
----------------- DS: Frodo 15817
------------------------------------------ DSD: Allykra 12184
Dam: Abendstern 21349
------------------------------------------ DDS: Jimothy WM31
----------------- DD: Lyla 14045
------------------------------------------ DDD: Rota 11731
Design (c) MoonyArsaraidh