Trakker — 10,000 PV Hero-Cats!

Published: 2005-09-22 17:58:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 4927; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 161
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Description left - right - bottom - top : Star, Tracy, Hyper, Trakker, Nix, Vei, Cosmic and Yeomi


First off this is the first and biggest herocatty picture I have done, and it took me a great while to complete,
and the other two point I wanna get across are, YAY 10,000 PAGEVIEWS and bloody hell yeah! Hero cats hit 13 years, adventure began sometime in august in 1992 wow isn’t that a huge while ago, also I guess I better give credit to my good pal unfortunately I didn’t invent Trakker, Nix (Ningor under tom rule) and Cosmic, the rest are all mine. Shocking I know, Trakker’s my adopted creation for about oooh 7 or 8 years now so I have owned him longer XD yay.

Anyhow down to infoness

Trakker Wolfgaine:
Trakker is just about 18 years old, and is the leader of the Hero-cats; Trakker is an excellent pilot and a reasonable mechanic, until he found himself on the alternate Felinius he competed in and Felinius Antigrav racing or the FAR for 3 years and has been champion once as well. But now he leads the Hero-cats, he took over the role after his counterpart from the new dimension got killed and his essence fused with him. And after that he gained all his strength and reflexes, and just assumed the role as leader, due to his greater stamina and power he can harness the power of the Crystals of Chronos, 4 special crystals that have the power of an ancient warrior of time which he can merge with the become the super power Darck warrior of time.

Hyper Klanaxe:
Hyper is the brain of the team, he also comes from a mega rich family, those two factors always mix well, but all that money dose him no use in the new dimension where he has none XD Hyper builds most of the super kick ass stuff that the hero-Cats use. Things like Slipstream there faster than light ship, Sabertooth the goliath of the sky, and Triton their land based kick as armoured transport. Hyper dose not posses a right arm he was born without one, which is linked to how he met Trakker, in school bullies stole his artificial mechanical arm, doing the usual ‘keep away’ routine, until Trakker saw and came to the defence of the new kid and they were friends ever since.

Tracy Sphinx:
Tracy is relatively normal Feliniun gal she is an alright pilot and used to be a bit of a cheerleader at school, good with the baton, which translated well to using her fighting staff when she made the jump to the new dimension, she has a ever faithful pet call ed ‘Wiggs’ who is a sort of tiny green electric rat, she hangs out a lot with Trakker cause she loves him, buts just a bit to shy to speak up about it. She had felt this way since she fell into a icy pond in wintertime and got stuck under the ice, and Trakker was the one to leap in and pull her out (aint he the nicest) she has good skill flying and sometimes can even out perform Trakker racing.

Nix White:
Brown/Light Brown
Nix is a Ninja assassin that used to be employed by Cybercat, he comes from the alternate Dimension and used to kill many a cat until he met the other Trakker, who persuaded him to take the side of good, Nix later had no choice but to take a stand agenised Cybercat after he killed Nix’s family. Nix is a quite cocky cat and is always making passes at Tracy and then gets a slap for his trouble and the odd short joke cause he is a bit stubby. He doesn’t take an immediate like to the new Trakker, but accepts him after a while as he proved not that different to the old model XD it should be noted that nix is an expert sword cat, but cant handle a gun to save his life.

Cosmic Raize:
Cosmic’s origin is unknown, he posses power that is unlike anyone previously on Felinius, it is thought that he is from yet another dimension and fell into this one when he was a baby. He has the ability to fly, but only carry himself and absorb ions from the air and throw balls of electricity. Cosmic is Nix’s adopted brother, Nix’s family took him in when they found him and he joined the resistance agenised Cybercat before Nix, which is probably why he wasn’t around to be killed, Cosmic is a bit of a goofball and a funny guy, and a bit lazy to boot, one of his greatest ambitions is to be a chef, maybe subconsciously trying to find the taste of his true home.

Yeomi Wolfgaine:
Yeomi is between 10 and 11 years of age, she’s usually happy and cheerful and always the most idealistic and optimistic, she has a pet robot owl called flute that Hyper built for her but she also takes care of Tracy’s pet Wiggs the green static rat
in the early time Yeomi, due to her age is left behind a lot, mainly because of inexperience and Trakker not wanting her to get killed cause she’s his sister and the only family he has left, she became a more active part of the team when she got in an accident where the energy of and ancient and destructive entity know as Kareth was locked inside her instead of being banished into nothingness. After that Yeomi trained by East learn to harness her new psychic and kinetic powers and after proving that she was maybe one of the strongest hero cats, Trakker submitted and recognised that she would be an important asset to defeating the evil Cybercat.

Star Vermont:
Star is actually an ancient cat that was plucked out of her time 337 years ago on the cat calendar, (which as far as development goes they were about equal with us now) the reason for this was when she met Hyper and Trakker when they got accidentally zapped back in time in Slipstream when the has a Chronos Crystal onboard. Hyper saved her from a Car crash and she was a smitten kitten in his arms… well arm XD Hyper had to save her life again because according to the calendar nuclear winter was bearing down and they had to get out of there before they got fried then frozen. star is a laid back cat and likes hanging off Hyper, but Hyper don’t mind she has a very logical mind at times which Hyper finds enchanting her weapon of choice is her Tesla electro blades, which are hard to describe cause they don’t really look like anything ^_^;;; but there on another picture

Vei. Vexrakon. Electrical. Intelligence:
Grey/White, Green and black
Vei is a very old computer program created by a team of long forgotten scientists, what is known about her was discovered when Hyper did various tests and research what he dose know that back in the past when she was created, the military stole and copied her to run there computers, but its military Vei pulled a terminator on them and launched all the nuclear missiles around the world and killed all but a couple of million who managed to evacuate to Kasio, Felinius orbiting planet with a stable atmosphere but mostly desert. Vei started out as just a computer with a small speaker, but as she grew hyper built her more memory until she was a super computer who runs operations on the Hero-cats base, after a while she wanted to be more cat, and secretly built herself a body, which gave Hyper a shock especially since she was so pleased when she had Finished she rushed to show Hyper without even thinking ‘clothes’. Sometimes she gets jealous of Star because has something that she could never have, to be really real. But then again Star gets jealous of Vei whenever Hyper has to fix her (nakedness again XD)
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Comments: 23

Sonicboss1 [2013-11-30 01:48:42 +0000 UTC]

this is an awesome pic and i am hoping this will become a series you will make and over all it is just an epic pic but

i am pointing this out because i think it is a little disturbing but

it seems like you are saying that vei built her self a body with some unnecessary parts (involving nakedness)

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BunnyGal2 [2010-10-15 21:33:17 +0000 UTC]

nice I love the very top one shes just amazing.

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Rouge11356 [2009-03-16 18:35:03 +0000 UTC]

this is amazing! ++++to faves!

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kitkat506 [2007-07-19 00:05:47 +0000 UTC]

really kool picture! i'm a HUGE cat luver and this caught me eye X3

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silverbolt2012 [2005-09-27 14:30:17 +0000 UTC]

This has got ot one day become a real anime or cartoon! You got hte plots of each person fleshed out brilliantlly (Though I notice Cosmics origins have changed a little from what I thought him up to be ie janitor from another dimension who somehow developed super powers in trakkers )

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Trakker In reply to silverbolt2012 [2005-09-27 17:41:13 +0000 UTC]

mysteriouly abandoned sounds better than janitor disguising his identity XD

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walking-dice [2005-09-23 08:17:36 +0000 UTC]

very sonic-esque. Trakker looks quite peeved at something

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Trakker In reply to walking-dice [2005-09-24 06:37:39 +0000 UTC]

O_< never mention the hedgehog XD

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aha-mccoy [2005-09-23 06:04:14 +0000 UTC]

yeah congratulationd Trakker! rawr!!
hehe and u really did a very imprssive job! they are wonderful characters! yeah! ah just luv so mch their poeses and expressions! and u did an amazing coloring job! ah luv it! wonderful pic and congratulations again!!! ^w^

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Trakker In reply to aha-mccoy [2005-09-24 06:36:19 +0000 UTC]

wooo, thanks XD

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aha-mccoy In reply to Trakker [2005-09-24 20:07:06 +0000 UTC]

hehe welcome buddy! ^^

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CykoVision [2005-09-22 19:15:19 +0000 UTC]

hah, i read the title and the first thing i thought of was "thundercats"

awesome pic, though

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Trakker In reply to CykoVision [2005-09-22 19:28:42 +0000 UTC]

thundercats, thundercats! THUNDERCATS! HOOOOOOOO XD

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sapphire3690 [2005-09-22 18:21:24 +0000 UTC]


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Trakker In reply to sapphire3690 [2005-09-22 18:22:28 +0000 UTC]

thanks XD

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sapphire3690 In reply to Trakker [2005-09-22 18:24:51 +0000 UTC]

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davybackfight [2005-09-22 18:10:43 +0000 UTC]

THIS IS AWESOME! Im gonna fave this quickly faves it ill never get first comment T_T

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kazy86 [2005-09-22 18:04:32 +0000 UTC]


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Trakker In reply to kazy86 [2005-09-22 18:05:24 +0000 UTC]

thanks, and for the fav

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kazy86 In reply to Trakker [2005-09-22 18:06:16 +0000 UTC]


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grey-cain [2005-09-22 17:59:57 +0000 UTC]

That's really awesome. Very dynamic and individualized posing, as well uber cool coloring. Great job.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Trakker In reply to grey-cain [2005-09-22 18:01:02 +0000 UTC]


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grey-cain In reply to Trakker [2005-09-22 18:03:17 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome. And I hope you don't mind, but I added you to my deviantwatch list.

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