Prepare for information overload. Whoops! But anyway, here's my kittycat vampire girl, she's gunna have fun in Wathais :3
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Welcome, Agent
> WDSA - Super Identification Record
> Kitty Waite
NAME: Kitty Waite
SEX: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 08/20/1989
DATE OF DEATH: 11/16/2011
HEIGHT: 5’ 4”
WEIGHT: 115lbs
EYES: Blue (Red under circumstances detailed in KNOWN DETAILS)
Documented shapeshifting abilities
Additional ears and tail
Last known residence: Cornwall, United Kingdom
Subject will here on out be referred to as Miss Waite or Kitty.
Miss Waite at first glance appears a normal, albeit very pale, human woman in their early 20s. When in public, she takes steps to hide her true appearance, likely to make the enticement of her prey (humans) easier and to prevent her true nature being uncovered - it should be noted this statement can be made due to a visual account of Kitty’s true form, wherein a female matching her description was sighted by an employee of the WDSA and a pair of animal ears and a tail were reported, whether these are permanent fixtures or not remains to be determined. In this same sighting, Kitty was seen to have glowing red eyes, rather than blue. She was then said to shapeshift into a small feline before disappearing from sight.
Following the previous sighting, it was assumed Miss Waite belonged to the shapeshifter class (see report dated 03/05/17), however further evidence, detailed below, came to light that resulted in her reclassification to vampire.
A human male, mid-30s, arrived at a medical clinic complaining of light-headedness, trembling and feeling like he could not warm up. Upon examination, the patient was found to be cool to the touch, weak, the pallor of his skin pale and was eventually revealed to be suffering anemia due to undetermined blood loss. No internal or external cause could be found, no injuries or unaccounted for scars were found upon his person. When WDSA agents became aware of the incident and interviewed the patient, he could think of nothing strange over the last few days that could have led to his condition. The only thing that had stood out to him was a night spent in the company of one ‘beautiful, pale-skinned woman with luminous eyes and hair like fire’. The details of the night in question have been left out of this report as they were deemed unnecessarily explicit, however, the key points were;
Physical description matches Miss Kitty Waite
Woman was said to have ‘very cool skin, seemed to barely need to breathe and had an exciting, wild air about her’
The patient expressed visible sorrow upon stating she had left in the middle of the night while he had slept
When pressed about any unusual features, the patient recalled she had not allowed him to touch her head and, when he thought about it, he couldn’t actually recall the exact details of what happened after she kissed his neck, though he also stated he did not find this odd at the time
Apparently the patient ‘had never experienced pleasure like that, so obviously something had happened, it probably just overwhelmed him.’ No recollections of any physical discomfort or injury were reported.
In light of the new evidence, it is highly suspected that Miss Waite fed upon the patient in question, as would be expected from a vampire, though she did not lethally drain him as previous members of this species have sometimes done. Further tests were conducted but, aside from the weakness for a day or so following his medical evaluation, the patient showed no ill effects of her feeding, nor did he show signs of becoming a vampire himself. A point of note were the victim’s talk of intense pleasure, with no pain reported at all, which would imply that Kitty’s bite has the ability to induce pleasurable feelings in the target, likely to make feeding easier and prevent attention being drawn from others.
Background checks revealed Miss Waite was pronounced dead on 16th November 2011, in Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is suspected this was the date of her ‘embrace’ and subsequent transformation into a vampiric species. It is unknown her reasons for leaving the United Kingdom or why she remains in Wathais. Evidence suggests that either Kitty believes herself far enough away from her home country not to be recognised, or else does not care enough to change or hide her appearance. At the time of writing this report, Miss Waite has not been sighted by agent personnel for 3 weeks, nor has her ‘Haven’ (the location would need to reside during sunlight hours) been discovered. It is unlikely she has left the city, as a number of similar medical incidents to KW-01 have been reported in that time. Either Kitty has decided to hide her presence more deliberately by chance, or she somehow became aware of the WDSA’s interest in her whereabouts. No definite conclusions can be drawn at this time.
So far, no deaths have been connected to this super.
The following list has been derived from eyewitness reports and other concrete evidence;
Shapeshifting (one form, Felis catus, observed thus far)
The ability to induce pleasure, rather than pain, while feeding
Night vision (eyes thought to become red when activated)
The following list has been derived from compiled data on similar vampiric supers held on record;
Enhanced strength and reflexes
Immortality/lack of aging
Resistance to physical damage, due both to toughened skin and lack of bleeding
Telepathic communication with certain animals
Can ‘ghoul’ mortals by giving them some of her blood, without first draining them (this would turn them into a vampire). Ghouled mortals are bound emotionally and physically, following orders without question, defending the vampire to the death and exhibiting symptoms similar to drug addiction if unable to access more vampire blood.
Find and register. Assess potential hazard to Wathais population, after which further orders will be given.
Note: While this is a relatively ‘fresh’ vampire and thus not as powerful as an elder, exercising caution is still advised.