The First Story of the Neo Generation: This story takes place in a world called “Elventura” World filled with creatures called Elves Who will the power known as ”Nature”. But like most dimensions this world is under threat of an evil organization known as “Skullker” Who seek to further there empire across dimensions and their latest target is “Earth”. One day Skullker abducted a young human boy and attempted to transform him into One of their monsters, but he escaped before the that can happen. Now he battles Skullker’s minions as one of fifteen Elf Ultra Monsters known as Elven Riders and with the help of his new friends he will fight to save Earth, Elventura and avenge his Idol.
Honor Note: This series is fully inspired and a little bit of a homage to the Kamen Rider Showa Era. As a fan of Kamen Rider Hi fully dedicate this Ultra Series to the very First. New Year, New Adventures, New Powers of Ultra.