Comments: 54
RedXD43 [2018-07-23 03:33:06 +0000 UTC]
Ah, Henry's come to see us!
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kosmas-j [2018-07-22 17:43:27 +0000 UTC]
What would the status of the Czech language be in this timeline
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Fjana In reply to kosmas-j [2019-04-30 15:08:48 +0000 UTC]
I guess, that not much would change. Maybe Czech areas would be larger, but deffinitely not all across Germany. As Czech, I bet that in this timeline, we would go better, but not really heaven with Germans...
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kosmas-j In reply to Fjana [2019-05-26 06:47:13 +0000 UTC]
However, one of my friends said that Czech language would have been replaced by German in a faster pace because he thinks Bohemia itself would promote German as an official language and lingual franca.
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Fjana In reply to kosmas-j [2019-05-26 18:36:51 +0000 UTC]
Bohemia did this in our timeline as well, but this didn't germanize 6 millions of Czechs. And after independence, czech population increased to 10.5 million. In this timeline, Germanization would be slower or even stop... I think, that it would not work out that badly as in our TL
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Fjana In reply to kazumikikuchi [2019-06-13 19:20:01 +0000 UTC]
Not for 100% percent. To be honest, during the Luxembourg times, most of the nobility was Czech and Sudetenland areas are only minor, most of germanization process came after the Hussite wars
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Fjana In reply to kazumikikuchi [2019-06-14 09:52:49 +0000 UTC]
At this point, Silesia was mostly German and Poles had interests in the east, unlike shaving off Silesia
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BadgingBadger [2016-12-18 21:27:25 +0000 UTC]
1. How are Italy, China, the Balkans and the muslim world doing?
2. What is the French Confederation? What's its government like?
3. Which dynasty rules England here?
4. Was there any sort of protestant reformation ITTL, with vernacular bibles and all that stuff?
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Upvoteanthology In reply to BadgingBadger [2017-02-27 03:35:00 +0000 UTC]
1. Italy's not unified as of the time of the scenario. China's doing fine, it hasn't really been impeded by any of the events but there is increased European trade, which means a bit more shakiness to the Qing Dynasty. It'll mean more success for them in the long run, though. The Muslim World is doing slightly better, but it's also not affected that much. With Bohemia being such a large power, Europe is much more subsumed within itself to actively hate on Muslims, meaning that the Ottoman Empire might have another chance to expand.
2. The French Confederation is a more enlightenment-era way of thinking about government, kind of a Locke-ian thing that believes that people are inherently good and therefore need to be able to govern themselves. It's the French Revolution if its messages were more successful and the Third Estate was able to work together just a little bit more.
3. Erhm, not sure. Possibly the Stuart branch?
4. Actually no, definitely not in the same way it happened IOTL. There was definitely some reform, but it was more accepted earlier on. Bohemia was a supporter of Jan Hus, so even though they're going to be sucking up to the Catholic Church, they definitely will be fine with "deviant" ideas about religion. I'm sure ITTL the German region is going to become a large Scientific hub, considering that there's going to be a little less crucifixion and more universities.
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EmperorPalpitoad [2016-12-11 02:22:09 +0000 UTC]
I thought bohemia was part of the HRE
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Hardwing [2016-12-06 19:49:13 +0000 UTC]
This looks really stunning!
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Sapiento [2016-12-06 18:59:07 +0000 UTC]
Fantastic map with a very unique scenario. Bravo!
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Upvoteanthology In reply to Sapiento [2017-01-29 23:28:02 +0000 UTC]
Means a lot coming from you, thanks so much!
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RafnMaps [2016-12-06 15:24:29 +0000 UTC]
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Arminius1871 [2016-12-06 09:27:46 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely beautiful, is it Austriah on purpose?
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Siveir [2016-12-06 04:33:36 +0000 UTC]
Nice, though despite being very harsh times for us in Bohemia, I would miss the Hussite wars... they are so much part of our legacy (mostly due to their propaganda use in last 200 years) that I cannot imagine Czech lands without them...
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Siveir In reply to Upvoteanthology [2016-12-06 17:12:42 +0000 UTC]
It was Wenzeslav who supported Hus, or more correctly, as I remember, his wife. Charles died too soon. And yes, some sort of reform of the Church was inevitable at the time. Hussites wars were the first attempt to do it, predating Luther and the rise of protestantism by more than a century (Hussites considered themselves catholics, by the way, and they didn't like protestants too much). I would also miss the Hussite king, Jiří z Poděbrad (George od Podebrady), the last domestic king and a man who designed UN about half a milenium too early . I even made my own Alt History using him as a founder of a second Bohemian dynasty You know, just for the fun of it
I must also wonder if that empire would survive Napoleonic wars (if they ever ocure in that timeline) or their equivalent - some revolutions would happened at that time. And if it survive that, not much chance to survive long into 20th century without some sort of drastic reform that would let to the decline of czech dominance...
Not that I don't like the idea of Bohemia ruling the Germany for several hundred years
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Upvoteanthology In reply to Siveir [2016-12-06 17:58:20 +0000 UTC]
Ooh, cool! I never knew that. My PoD was originally going to be during the Hussite Wars, but the Maiestas Carolina fit too well. In this TL, Bohemia is more liberal in their concept of religion, since Bohemian Christianity and Roman Catholicism are both accepted in the Empire. It's not hard for them, though, since "Bohemian Christianity" really isn't too different from Roman Catholicism, as it's still involved with the pope in Rome.
There wouldn't be any Napoleon, but if there somehow was, I'm sure Bohemia would better stand up to France than the HRE did in our timeline. By 1800, though, Bohemia probably wouldn't be ruling Germany anymore sadly, a loose confederation of kingdoms would probably take its place, while Bohemia would be kept on a careful leash by Austria or whatever the successor is to the HRE. D:
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19111995 In reply to Upvoteanthology [2016-12-07 13:39:22 +0000 UTC]
Oh really? Would you consider making a map for Bohemia after its decline?
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Siveir In reply to Upvoteanthology [2016-12-06 18:15:23 +0000 UTC]
Well there's a problem, what is Bohemian Christianity? Isn't it utraquism, which is another world for hussite belief?
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Siveir In reply to Upvoteanthology [2016-12-07 04:28:58 +0000 UTC]
Well for that to form, you probably need Jan Hus as a very powerfull a influential figure who stands against that-time practice in Church. Of course because by saying what he was saying, he threatens the personal benefits of the high clergy. However on the other side, if the Bohemian kings were so strong they could conquer Germany, probable outcome would be they supported Hus in his teachings and using it for their own to break up Church as a competing power structure, allowing the formation of utraquism as a form of state church, possibly seizing parts of Church property (and in process, defeating several crusades because such actions would surelly lead pope to scream bloody murder). So the hussite wars would occur, only not so much as an internal conflict in Bohemia but a way for the kings to force their new Church onto pope and company.
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Gregxter [2016-12-06 03:59:56 +0000 UTC]
Wow!, So what are the ramifications in Europe, How is France and England?, Spain and Russia? as well...
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Upvoteanthology In reply to Gregxter [2016-12-06 17:52:46 +0000 UTC]
France was involved in wars against Bohemia early on, which spread their military very thin. England, who saw the opportunity, invaded France a couple times, winning the majority of the wars and taking down the French military while they were out fighting the First Imperial Civil War. However, they're both very powerful, and gained back most of their land lost in later treaties, which allied France and England against the blobs in the rest of Europe (Bohemia, Iberia, Russia, and Poland). Russia expanded like they tend to do, but didn't invade Poland as they were royally united with Bohemia for a long period of time. Instead, they've focused more of their might into taking down the Ottomans, becoming something of a vigilante of Roman Catholicism, which means they own Crimea, Moldavia, and parts of Romania and Bulgaria. Spain is still loosely united with Portugal, and restructured their government into a more Bohemian one, meaning that "Spain" was devolved into a number of autonomous provinces. This was out of the hope that Portugal would start to identify themselves with the greater Iberian government, and instead of it just being a union of Portugal and Spain, Portugal would be one province in the greater federation. They own the entirety of South America save for the far south (which is owned by Bohemia), and they also have colonies on the east coast of North America. England owns Canada, France owns New York and parts of New England, Spain owns everything south of Virginia along with South America, and Bohemia owns Mexico, Central America, and Argentina.
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Gregxter In reply to Upvoteanthology [2016-12-06 19:57:33 +0000 UTC]
That is one heaven of a TL, Congrats!
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IEPH [2016-12-06 02:38:02 +0000 UTC]
What becomes of the Protestants in the Bohemian Empire?
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Upvoteanthology In reply to IEPH [2016-12-06 15:52:16 +0000 UTC]
Well, there wasn't much of a split in the church in this TL. However, there was reform in Bohemia ITTL, as Charles IV (or was it his son?) was a known supporter of Jan Hus, who was a radical christian in the 1400's. Bohemia is careful to stay loyal to the church while still doing their own thing, making religious expression a bit less of a crazy idea in this TL. Because of that, the differences between the practicing of Bohemian-brand Christianity and the rest of Western Europe mixed together, and because people aren't prosecuted for either they don't complain.
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Siveir In reply to IEPH [2016-12-06 04:29:53 +0000 UTC]
There may be any, in that timeline, hussite wars may never occure. Mostly, Czech become protestants to piss off Habsburbs.
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Leopold002 [2016-12-06 02:26:13 +0000 UTC]
Very interesting.
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Todyo1798 [2016-12-06 02:16:03 +0000 UTC]
Easy come, easy go.
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subspaceteatime [2016-12-06 02:14:05 +0000 UTC]
As Luke Cage would say, "Sweet Christmas."
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kyuzoaoi [2016-12-06 02:05:37 +0000 UTC]
The Czechs become the Manchus of Germany.
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Arminius1871 In reply to kyuzoaoi [2016-12-06 09:27:07 +0000 UTC]
Not really, the leaders of Bohemia were usually Germans or a germanized elite XD
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Upvoteanthology In reply to Arminius1871 [2016-12-06 17:45:58 +0000 UTC]
It's more complicated than that in the TL. The German elite mixed in the Bohemian populous, but still held themselves as the upper class. Once they took over parts of Germany, they saw themselves as part of a different cultural group, and became way more Czech. So even though the ruling class is, like, 50% ethnically German, they identify themselves with the Czech heritage, unless confronted by a German peasant. I don't appreciate you implanting your German nationalist ideas into every one of my maps, it doesn't always have to be a German-wank. XD
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Arminius1871 In reply to Upvoteanthology [2016-12-06 21:41:52 +0000 UTC]
Ok sorry I didn´t know what the Manchus did exactly, so it´s a missunderstanding.
I don´t know where you see german nationalism on "every" of your maps oO
That´s not my intention, sorry then. Did u get my note? I think we should talk.
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