Variable-Edge — Summer Spark

#2dart #capcom #fanart #screentonemanga #streetfighterv #streetfighterlaura
Published: 2017-05-15 01:27:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 1170; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 0
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Description When Laura hits the water, all the boys (and even the girls) get quite a tingle…!

To be honest, it’s been summer for the better part of the month where I live, and that’s going to be influencing my subject matter for a while, ’til the weather cools down again, and that can’t come soon enough!

For about a week, I misplaced my tablet’s pen, and so had no way of doing digital stuff for that time.  So I got to practice some more with my traditional lifework, which honestly is stronger than my digital stuff.

But I originally planned this piece out as a way of experimenting some more with my digital screentone, so THAT part of the project was delayed until I was able to finally find my pen.  It didn’t stop me from working out how I was going to lay out the screen patterns and layers in my head, and I’ll have to say, I’m happy it came out pretty much as I had imagined it!

Pencils and Inks on A4 Vellum Board
Tones and other effects on Photoshop CS5

Street Fighter © Capcom
Original Art by Jon Mallari
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Comments: 2

SubtleRoar [2017-05-15 02:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Fucking brilliant. <3

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Variable-Edge [2017-05-15 01:30:25 +0000 UTC]

There's actually a side to this pic that I saw later on that had me laughing like an idiot to myself.  I'll wait to see if anyone here notices it, but I'll probably blab about it on either Facebook or my Twitter already...

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