Mony or Harmony is a girl with bright green hair. She was always a cheerful girl, However, she still had a problem in her heart that made her feel very sensitive.
Her friends often forget her birthday, actually... can't be blamed them at all because her birthday is on February 29th same day with Great featival called Aradia's carnival celebrate day.
The Aradeans believed it was the day when the first great queen would return to visit the kingdom. They returned to their hometown, gather together to cast protection spells to ward off evil spirits and pray for blessings at the temple.
Just like last birthday, no friends and now brother too, he too busy this year. She complained while going to collect herbs for a ceremony, she encountered a girl who looked younger, lost in the forest, the girl's name was Ruby, pupil of Mony's brother from neighbour town, she bring Mony a gift that requested by her tutor.
Mony become friend with Ruby, she so polite and sweet, such a cute and mysterious guest that everyone forgot how strange it was, they like her. Chris (Mony's brother) arrived at midnight, Mony give him a big thank you hug for cute pastle dawn dress as gift and asks him to take pictures of her and her new friend. No one seemed to be paying attention to Chris, who was shocked and bewildered.
Ruby politely said goodbye to everyone. She whispered softly to Chris 'Thou hast lovely family, child'