Comments: 33
wikidmunky [2011-05-01 18:15:47 +0000 UTC]
very nice...will use
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beta81 [2009-05-09 02:00:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for your answers and for the good news about some coming updates.About start button,I have got usually taskbar in upper position too.What to say?I don't like the start button in any case;it's just a question of taste(I agree with you about putting taskbar down;in that case the situation is worst).Always grateful.
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beta81 [2009-05-08 16:38:39 +0000 UTC]
Really great job.Just few questions:can you manage for opposite colours start menu(mostly black colour,smaller part grey)?About red part in shell,can you provide other colours(the red you used is very good,but I think some other colours can be matching as well;shining black,other kinds of red,some kinds of green or blue,dark or light..).I tried to manage about it with some shellstyle.dll from my archives(mostly Longhorn style)but they are too high(same size of grey toolbar;it goes too big).One suggestion:you have to do absolutely something about start button;the theme is too nice for that one(it seems the logo of a mobile company)and deserves something better.Please,let me know something.Always grateful.
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vladimir0523 In reply to beta81 [2009-05-08 18:45:22 +0000 UTC]
I was made this style for 5 days, so you can consider it as quick work, and I don’t have a time at the moment to make some other, let’s say, more cosmetic corrections such as those which you were mentioned, but perhaps one day I will do that. Your suggestion for other colors in the shell was one of the things which I was planned, and since I don’t need much time for that part you can count at least on that update soon. As for the colors in the start menu I can tell you that my original idea was been bright plastic style with all bright elements (including start panel), so that’s the reason why this combinations. I believe that your suggestion about reversing colors in the start panel could be also very nice solution, but this is something what I didn’t want to make this time. The trick for the start button is in taskbar. Unfortunately, it is possible to make only one start button for all taskbar positions (up, down, left, right). If you put the taskbar up, like I do, you will have completely different picture about start button, and whole panel… Basically this means that I was using upper position of the taskbar as default, so that’s the reason why that shape and look! I know that most of the people are using windows default position for the task bar (which means down), and in that variation this combination doesn’t look perfect but I think that overall is satisfying!
At last, you’ll admit that this is not regular style just like any other! This is Futura, and as that one, it needs this kind of differences…
Take care
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dobrivoj [2009-05-02 11:10:39 +0000 UTC]
Odlicna je tema Hvala za trud
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pito0747 [2009-04-27 03:40:10 +0000 UTC]
Really nice work.
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Gringo75 [2009-04-26 15:41:36 +0000 UTC]
Very very cool! I'm using it
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gdpr-6942459 [2009-04-25 20:06:58 +0000 UTC]
In the sea of copycats, this is something that refreshes our desktops completly!
Original colours & design, something completly new on scene.... Two thumbs up!
Prijatelju, ovo je stvarno izvrsno, cista desetka! Opet, kao prijatelj, moram da ti dam neke sugestije:
Znam da je muka naci orginalni dizajn za start button, mene je bolela glava od toga... Ovaj nazalost moras menjati. Samo molim te, nemoj da "uprljas" temu sa jabukom ili zastavicom! Neka bude kao ono veliko dugme u styleru sa strelicom na gore. Igraj se malo sa crvenom bojom... min/max/close je dobar, mozes ga poboljsati sa crnom ili crvenom aurom a -+x bi trebalo malo posiveti, samo maaaalo... Da i treba te dugmice pogurati za 1mm ili 2 na gore. Crte i crtice u titlebaru moraju biti diskretnije (npr. zamagljene) ovako pomalo odvlace paznju sa slova). Shell je za primer. Moras dati podrsku i za druge fontove, ja licno volim i segoe i lucidu. U buttons smanji malo font, jer se desava da su neke reci odsecene, npr umesto next stoji nex i slicne boljke...
Ako mi jos nesto zapadne za okko, javicu ti...
Pozz & good job!
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vladimir0523 In reply to gdpr-6942459 [2009-04-25 21:48:16 +0000 UTC]
Hvala na sugestijama. Moj najveci problem je taj sto nemam ni vremena a ni zivaca vise da se bakcem sa stilovima. Ovaj sam u tehnickom pogledu samo odradio, skockao sam ga za 5 dana i to je razlog zasto neke sitinice nisu bas nojbolje ispeglane.
1. - Sto se tice start button-a, ne mogu se sloziti sa tvojim predlogom jer mi se cini da okruglo dugmence ne mozes gore namaknuti nikako a da to izgleda kako treba. Slazem se da to moze sigurno bolje da se odradi, ali za sada nemam neku valjanu ideju i dok mi se nesto ne javi to necu ni dirati.
2. - Caption buttons mogu da pomaknem taj jedan mm, to nije problem, ali nikakva aura ne dolazi u obzir jer to je upravo ono sto sam zeleo po svaku cenu da izbegnem obzirom da nema stila koji taj trik ne koristi. Moja osnovna ideja je da ovaj stil bude sto je moguce vise ostrih ivica i u povrsini mat plasticno.
3. - Crte i crtice kako ih ti zoves (a ja to vidim kao panele i poklopce) sam vec ublazio koliko je god to moguce. U beloj varijanti su gotovo ne primetni, dok u ovoj brashiranoj su morali biti nesto jaci jer se inace ne bi ni videli zbog strukture same povrshine u pozadini... Tu se zaista nema sta ni dodati vise ni oduzeti, veruj mi, jer svako pomeranje bi bilo prakticno tesko cepidlacenje bez preke potrebe.
4. - Za fontove nemam sta da dodam, ali tu nisam zeleo previse da eksperimentisem ovaj put vec sam se drzao oprobane varijante. Obzirom da je citav ovaj koncept minimalisticki u dizajnu trebali su mi naravno fontovi koje dobro poznajem i na ciji izgled mogu apsolutno da racunam!
Neke sitnice sam vec korigovao tako da sledi uskoro update, a sve tvoje sugestije cu svakako uzeti u razmatranje i videcemo vec...
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markwen [2009-04-25 07:25:24 +0000 UTC]
I also like your wallpaper. Can we share it? Thanks.
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swan3983 [2009-04-25 02:57:44 +0000 UTC]
Very nice colors, everything seems to blend together very well, not too bright, but it still really pops with all the details. Really cool visual style, I think I'll be using this one for awhile!
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immobilarity [2009-04-25 02:17:59 +0000 UTC]
That red is amazing
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teoguri [2009-04-25 01:09:01 +0000 UTC]
Good job. Especially in shell, grey and red is nice. Thanks for share.
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jeffrazak [2009-04-24 21:56:55 +0000 UTC]
What a refreshing theme and it looks great as well.
The only thing Im not too particularly keen on is the start button. Other than that it looks pretty damn good.
Great job.
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NovemberART [2009-04-24 21:30:33 +0000 UTC]
It's something else. On these days we only get to see Vista and Seven stuff. Great job, and thanks.
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Amynzo [2009-04-24 19:18:04 +0000 UTC]
really really fantastic & original ,bravo.
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MrHaoSac [2009-04-24 15:11:49 +0000 UTC]
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