Gavin: Neh neh! You'd think they'd be allowin' me ta be brin'in' more stuff ta be helpin' yeh out! But teh ships 'er packed ta compacity! Only one crate per rider, gak! So, I could only brin' so much wit' me 'ere. An' no, I wasn' gonna even be tryin' ta fly over 'ese seas! You'd be outa yer minds if'n ya think ah two week glide's healthy fer anyone, 'specially wit' no rest 'tween wit' all 'at water!
Bah, anyway-- This seems teh best ah times ta get the products ah our tribe's own medicinalist, Ginny. Now, she's not ah native ah the Rothsteins, but she's been 'ere long 'nuff that she's family, an' more 'an that, she's ah hell'ova healer. Heck, Li's alive 'cos of 'er! She knows her plants, fer sure.
Since I dun have much wit' me it's not hard ta keep track ah everythin'! Jhe-jhe-jhee~! But, if'n ya buy ah item wit' a enchantment, yer gonna be needin' ta get it back ta teh mainland 'fore I c'n get it recharged fer ya. Makin' trips out here's rough! So yer gonna be on yer one set ah charges while yer out here, 'less I c'n get sum chargin' stones. And dun' none ah ya think 'at jus' 'cause I'm not behind ah counter that it'll be easier ta steal frum me. *He clicks his beak as his dark, beady eyes study your face.* So dun' even try it.
1) Leather Bag - While it’s treated ta resist fire, it’s also treated fer water! This belt bag c’n whether the weather, whatever teh weather an’ still not suffer the nasty damages frum bein’ waterlogged er dried out. It’s also pretty spacious, comfortably bein’ able ta hold ‘round ten pounds, though ya could push it ah bit further, but do ya really want that much about yer waist? Wit’ steel loops on either side fer latchin’ thin's onto, ya could also use em ta extend ah belt with teh bag in between, whatever yeh fancy. The latch’s ah loop that holds tightly by pullin' it around the bone rin' buttons, Miss Ima ties those knots, so I wouldn’t worry ‘bout ‘em comin’ undone. Always good ta have ah sturdy bag fer yer supplies an’ such, dun miss out! Askin’ six-hundred fer one, have five in stock.
2) Luck Charm - This 'ere's ah charm that'll be keepin' ya safe durin' all the tryin' times. It's carved outa either bone 'er horn wit' ah strong cord ta keep it 'round yer neck 'er wherever ya end up keepin' it. When ya need teh gods on yer side the most, jus' press it 'tween yer palms, er win's, er whatever an' you'll find yerself stavin' off all decisive blows comin' frum yer enemies! Ah, fer jus' ah bit ah time though. It'll disappear after jus' ah little bit. If ya look careful at it, there's ah small glow when its effect's active, so yeh c'n use 'at fer ah indication. Once ya go evokin' its power 'bout eight 'er so times yeh'll be findin' teh rune's paint pretty well worn, so it'll need ta be repainted and reinfused. Which means yer gonna be needin' ta bein' it back my way. Neh neh! Four-hundred fifty fer one, got five stocked. (Can perform the move Lucky Chant 8 times)
3) Sweet Herb Tincture - This li'l bottles'll give ya jus' the pick-me-up yer needin' in a scuffle. Ginny, havin' access ta ah garden now, c'n jus' grow lots ah teh plants she used ta need to scavenge relentlessly fer, an' teh leaves in this mixture's one ah 'em. The leaves, on their own, give ya ah very minor heal, she'd give teh leaves ah little scrape an' stick 'em ta teh kids when they get cuts er burns an' they'll heal right up! Could also jus' chew em up an' spit 'em onta ah wound, ta get sum ah yer own natural healin' goin', 'long wit' teh plant's curative sap. But! Wit' access ta ah decently abundant supply ah alcohol, she c'n mix in other ingredients, 'swell as bundle in quite ah bit more ah the leaves! So, this tincture, it's got 'nuff leaves in it ta get ya on yer feet, 'swell as some other herbs that'll dull pain ah little bit, reduce bleedin' frum open wounds, an' calm yer nerves-- though that last bit might jus' be the alcohol! Jhe-jhe-jhee~!
Relax, it's not 'nuff ta get yeh drunk, nor's it ah high proof anyway, that'd make it terrible ta use in a fight if it were! It jus' calms yer nerves, like I said. Gets ya outa a panic, if'n yeh would. Since it's got ah loop ah glass 'ere on teh neck I c'n offer ya ah li'l bit ah cord fer tyin' it on ah belt, er fer like makin' it a necklace, er sumthin'. Whatever yer choosin', if'n yer choosin'. Four hundred fer one bottle, got five stocked. (Acts as a minor heal when consumed, aprox. 1/6 max health. 1 use)
4) Black Root - Gek! This li'l thin's so bitter! The skin, teh sap, the inside, whole thin'll jus' curl yer tongue-- BUT! It's got amazin' properties 'bout it! Jus' ah bite'll get ya back up on yer feet even if yer feelin' at yer worst. It'll flood yer body wit' energy an' have ya rarin' ta get back in teh fight! Yeh c'n use it on ah downed ally an' have em back up on their feet faster 'an they c'n complain 'bout the taste! It c'n even be used in ah pinch if'n ya c'n get 'tween yer teeth er sumthin' an' bite down when ya start feelin' yerself fadin' fast. It may be small, but it sure does teh job. Ginny says they're kinda rare, so what I got 'ere might be all I get fer ah while. An' after yeh go chewin' 'em they're done, one use only, so keep that in mind! Askin' seven hundred fer one, got two stocked. (Can be used to revive an unconscious ally or be used to avoid falling unconscious yourself. 1 use)
5) Cloak - Needin’ ta hide that bright colored hide ah yers ‘er cover up yer shiny armor? This long hooded cloak’ll go ah long way fer ya. Ah great addition ta the garb ah all you stealthy ‘mon out there. Woven frum linen, these ‘er surprisin'ly cool even on hotter days. While this one I have on display’s green, I got ah few different colors available ta pick through. All ah ‘em earth tones, so browns, tans, grays, etcetera, etcetera… Stuff ta help ya blend in wit’ yer sorroundin’s. Jus’ give me ah color yer interested in an’ I’ll look through my stock. Six-hundred fer one, got five stocked.
(Note: This shop is only available to those participating in mission 10 in Sazanami.)