I actually started this in 2014, and only went as far as painting the den and half the soil. After going through bouts of depression, I set a goal to finish it this year. This took maybe 150 hours to complete, counting the time spent on concept art. Each time I painted an area, because the water based oil was mixed with stand oil, I had to wait a week before painting the next to dry. I couldn't risk smearing it.
The paint was mixed with stand oil, not only for its glossy effect, but to prevent me from fixing and ruining the painting after it dried and hardened. My inner critic can get carried away.
One of the downsides to this artwork is I unintentionally used two shades of gray for the shade on my characters. I was thrown off because the desert heat ruined my paints and I had to mix new ones. Wish I had used light gray lines for the rest of the rocks, and dark gray lines for the rest of the honeysuckle. Then again, variety can be a good thing. I went over the lines so the drawings could stand out, to make the painting similar to my watercolor works.
Should I do a third version of this, it will be in watercolor, and I'll use ivy again instead of honeysuckle. I'd also want Lantern to face the same direction as Imogene. Because I’ve had mishaps with water based oil since March, I should take a break from it and focus on both character designs and writing. Of all the mishaps I had, the worst was when I was holding this painting and my sweaty thumb caused bits of it to peel off. And it might've been because I used old paints.
And before that, I had a nightmare in which all the paint on my Collage peeled off, leaving only the drawings on the canvas. All that work went to waste. Then, I woke up and saw that the painting’s fine.
The Jac Series (c) J. J. Burns.