That should be common knowledge, guys. Please use that thing that's 3ft above your asses.
Or do I really have to hold your hands and do all the thinking for you? Holy cheese on a cracker...
Here I go again, being a politically controversial bitch~
There are plenty of socialist countries today that seem to be doing really well. Actually, they're doing better than we are. Universal healthcare, affordable living minimum wages, poverty is way down, housing is affordable, free public education, their governments actually give a fuck about their citizens...Everyone seems to be living well in those countries. Even their economies are doing well.
Yet, whenever you suggest one of these ideas in political conversations, or even utter the word "socialism," the conservatives seem to run around like chickens with their heads cut off.
Seriously, taking a glimpse at Faux New while at the gym and seeing the headline: "Democrats' Dangerous Turn to Socialism" is enough to make me cackle. OOH, SO SCARWY~
Sure, there are some types of socialism we probably want to avoid, like Marxism-Communism and Stalinism, with what happened with the Soviet Union.
But a lot of these countries seem to be doing it the right way. Yeah, socialist policies might mean higher taxes, but if those taxes are funding public services like the universal healthcare, the free public colleges, fixing roads, etc. then I don't mind paying higher taxes.
"That's 'cause those are all smaller populated countries!"
China has a bigger population than the US...and it's a socialist country that's doing well for itself anyway. Sooo...that's kinda moot? :T
It's not a socialist country, but New Zealand has a lot of socialist policies. When I went there, their whole government and economy seemed to be doing great. It was actually really easy to apply for a work visa too! We have a family-friend down there and I asked her once about how their healthcare system worked (I luckily never needed it while I was down there, except needing to go to the drug store sometimes for over-the-counter stuff and we once had to call the paramedics over for a flatmate who got electrocuted (she was fine after a couple of hours), but I heard lots of good things about it before going) and it sounded so affordable and the prescription meds sounded cheap... It was rather easy to land a job at a grocery store there for me too. And at some hostels, they let you work for your accommodations and you got a small wage for it. (Yup, even the travelers/tourists could find work on the side down there.)
And with the way the US is right now, it makes me miss living in New Zealand.
So if all of those countries seem to be doing pretty well for themselves with some socialistic policies set up, I wouldn't mind taking a leaf out of their books and maybe trying out some more socialistic policies here in the US...And see if we fare better or worse. I think we would do better, just as long as we don't go over-the-top with it.
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