Artist: KillerLillers
Bought via Patreon by Averbee
Traded to MURD3RMYST3RY via Trading Post
Description: Veneno, AKA "V" is a known trouble maker within the nook! She loves to find dead critters and place them in the beds of wynglings she despises. In fact, there have been a few times where said critters were not entirely dead! That left the nooklings scarred for a few days after their run-ins with V for sure. She USUALLY tends to target those who have good memories of their parents. Perhaps it's jealousy from the lack of love and attention she received... but she would never admit that!
Comes with the following upgrades:
[ Unusual Colors and Placements ] [ Hair Tuft ] [ Slit Pupils ] [ Puckoo Tail ] [ Pinstripe Markings ] [1 Accessory: Wyngro Skull Hair Clip ]