xALexTRx — Adoptable/no use

#adop #adoptable #adoptablesopen #commissionsopen
Published: 2022-11-14 20:29:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 367; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description Este es mi primer adoptable en venta.
🌈 SB: $10
🌈 MI:$2
🌈AB: $30

La subasta finalizará con el mayor pujador o si alguien a realizado la autocompra de ella.

🌈Al comprarme algo, aceptas mis reglas para comisiones.
Las reservas solamente se harán por una semana.

🌈El pago debe ser enviado 24H después de ser reclamado el diseño, en caso contrario, estará en venta otra vez.

🌈Luego de la compra, el dueño:
✨Puede modificar el diseño tanto como desee.
✨Debe acreditarme la creación del personaje al menos una vez.
✨Puede regalar o intercambiar el personaje.
✨Puede revender el personaje a un precio menor al que se vendido

This is my first adoptable for sale.
🌈SB: $10
🌈 MI:$2
🌈AB: $30

The auction will be held for three days and will end with the highest bidder or if someone has self-purchased it.

🌈By buying something from me, you accept my rules for commissions.
Reservations will only be made for one week.

🌈Payment must be sent 24H after the design is claimed, otherwise it will be for sale again.

🌈After the purchase, the owner:
✨You can modify the design as much as you want.
✨You must credit me for creating the character at least once.
✨You can gift or exchange the character.
✨You can review the character at a lower price than it was sold
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