Though many of the doctors and staff at Site 17 seemed to be nice, 191 couldn't help but feel like they only saw her as something less than human. An object. A thing to expiment and test on. She didin't mind it so much, it was better than than the tests done on her before the Foundation took her in... But Harper was different. Harper was in a similar position to 191. Locked up and tested on. But not only that, when she talked to 191, she didn't treat her like an object, or feign sympathy in order to try and make her feel better. Despite 191's appearance, Harper treated 191 like a normal person, and wanted to hang out, and chat about "normal" things. As far as 191 could remember, Harper was the first person she'd met that treated her like this. It made 191 feel nice to be treated like she was "normal", even though she didn't fully understand why. She liked when Harper visited, and found herself missing her when she left.
Based on SCP-191, by DrClef and Sylocat: