Kitten's FINAL FORM for Divinites !!
I'm almost sad this one is done! It was a good learning experience, to gauge what I was getting into with customs. Kitten was a wonderful concept from inception, I was given some good ideas to work with and I hope that Div continues to be in love with this one. SO MUCH PINK. Next comes the portrait painting, which I am looking forward too. I used to be pretty okay at painting.
I fixed the smoke again because I was still not happy with how it looked. I also toned back the length of the whiskers because it was looking a little cluttered, as well as darkened the cheek ring markings because I really wanted those to pop more. I've concluded that I'll be drawing these refs without individual head shots from now on because that cuts out at least 3 hours on-and-off work. Mouths can be interpreted any way the owner likes, if it's not already displayed in the art.
- body type: serpentine
- bald hair type
- tail mouth type A
- metallic trinkets
- transparent teeth
- floating body parts
- nebula smoke
- the orbs held in their front hands can expand or contract, from pea-sized to planet-sized.
- Their head hologram can be turned off but when activated is constantly crackling with energy.
- As if it wasn't already obvious: their mouth is massive and filled with transparent, floating teeth.
- All of their glowing parts leave behind a faint luminescent dust on any surface it touches. The dust will dissolve in 24 hrs.
Also, just to be clear, in case I was not: changes to the design are very much allowed, so long as they still follow the species guidelines. The species in general is very lax, and they are shape-shifters by nature so almost anything goes, haha!
Previous forms: Hatchling | Nymph | Juvenile | Adult
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